After completing the online application, what is the next step?

Posted by Wendy Nel 8 years 7 months ago

After completing the Teach Away online application, what do I do next? That is how do I get appointed to a teaching position. Do I wait for Teach Away to contact me?


I believe that a staff member from Teach Away will contact you after you have completed the online application to conduct a telephone interview. If you are successful in the telephone interview, you would be asked to attend an in-person interview with the Abu Dhabi Education Council. The process varies for different schools, but I believe this question is referring to jobs with the Abu Dhabi Public Schools.

If you do not hear from someone at Teach Away within a week or two I might contact Teach Away directly, T: +1-855-483 2242

thank you so much for responding to my question. I now know what next step is. Thank for this information.
