Trinity College Dublin

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

MSc Digital Marketing Strategy

This is probably the best Master's course for Digital Marketing Strategy in the world and I'll tell you why.

In the business world, companies don't really care about your degree. They care about your work experience, and this course gives you the experience you need to get a job. You will do real client work with real client money, and you'll be driving real-world results. So when you go to apply for a job, you can say you already have experience. That is much better than reading textbooks and taking exams!

Also, digital marketing is constantly evolving, so you need to learn from people who are working in the field right now. All of TCD's professors are active in the field, and the guest lecturers will come from industry leaders like Hubspot, Google, LinkedIn etc.

If you want to work in tech, Dublin is probably the biggest tech scene in Europe right now. Many colleagues went to work at the big tech companies like Salesforce, Oracle, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google. Many others went to work in digital agencies around the world.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
You get out what you put into the course. If you sit back and do the bare minimum, you probably won't learn that much. But if you do extra studying on your free time, do good work for your clients, and use TCD's network to your advantage, you will get a ton from this course. I wouldn't be where I am without my experience at TCD. If I had to choose again, I'd still choose this course over an old-fashioned MS in Marketing. In my opinion, real-world experience is always better than reading textbooks and taking exams.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Business School

Trinity College Dublin is located right in the heart of a vibrant European capital city. Even better, the Business School is housed in a new, zero-carbon building on the centuries-old campus (TCD was founded in 1592!)
All of this is within 10 minutes walk of what’s become known as Dublin’s “Silicon Docks”, the European headquarters for Google, Facebook, LinkedIn and a whole host of other tech giants.
Really, this unique, very-old-meets-very-new combination makes TCD a fantastic place to study for a postgraduate business degree.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A great place to do a PhD

A rich academic environment in the nicest country. I got to work with world-leading researchers on exciting questions. Like any PhD, it was a lot of hard work and required a 4 year time commitment. Irish PhD programs don't have as many requirements for coursework as their American counterparts, which can be really nice. Most science PhDs are expected to either secure their own funding though grants or to self-fund their work. TCD provides a great jumping point to other European institutions and to UK institutions as well.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Masters in Marketing from Trinity College Dublin

My year studying at Trinity College Dublin in the MSc for Marketing was the best decision I could have made in my learning career! I was taught by world class professionals, made friends for life and have brought experiences from the classroom into the real world where I am employed (less than 3 months after graduation) in a Digital Marketing role. I really found that the program was a positive addition to my resume as well as my academic career. I would recommend this program to anyone with a zest for adventure who is looking to improve themselves!

What was your funniest moment?
I really enjoyed getting to know the other students through the social events which our class officers coordinated. It was great to make international friends!
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best time of my life and (occasionally the most stressful)

Attending Trinity College was the highest privilege of my lifetime. I am proud every day that I went here. I was used to American college where everything stuck to schedules and never changed, plus you always knew when tests were. This is not the case here. But if you are adaptable, the staff is always willing to help you out. The disorganization was hard to get used to, but I still recommend going here regardless for the academics and prestige. If you are a hard worker and can self organize, then this is definitely the place for you. Going here and doing the digital marketing masters has opened up a lot of doors for me.

What would you improve about this program?
Try to make a schedule before the year and stick to it
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Yes, I recommend this program

Semester Abroad at Trinity College Dublin

I would highly recommend Trinity College Dublin as a place to study abroad. I enjoyed my time there incredibly so and even considered extending the time I planned study there. The campus is gorgeous. The academics were challenging and engaging. Students were very friendly. And Dublin is an incredible city to live and study in!
Future participants should know that logistics such as course selection and credit transfer is quite tedious and completed very slowly at Trinity, but is worth that hassle.
Post- study abroad in Dublin, I had a more significant culture shock trying to adjust back to my regular life at school in California because I continuously compare it to my life in Dublin which seemed exponentially more intellectually and socially stimulating. My favorite memory is intensely writing final papers for hours in the Trinity library and then taking a break to grab a pint casually with friends at the pub across the street or at the Pav and then going back to the library to continue writing.

What would you improve about this program?
Resources and help during course selection could be enhanced and timelines of transferring credits back to home universities could be improved.
Yes, I recommend this program

Go abroad, it is so much fun

I went to Trinity College Dublin in Dublin Ireland. I had a lot fun, the culture does not tend to be too different from the US so it won't make you extremely homesick. It is different though and really great. Trinity was not great for academics for me just because a lot of the work was learning on your own and I do not like doing that. I love class discussions. Learning on your own is what a lot of European programs do though. Trinity is also very old fashioned with registration. I loved the city of Dublin and would love to live their in the future. I also got to go to so many countries while abroad, my favorite was either Amsterdam or Berlin. Both are incredibly unique and diverse in how they live. The people I went with were lovely and I made some great connections. The trips provided by IFSA Butler were a lot of fun and educational. I learned a lot about the country of Ireland in my five months but also about myself and what i want and need in the future. Going abroad is an amazing experience and even if you do not study abroad I would recommend going on trips to other countries! The program I went through was phenomenal and all the people that worked there were so personable and helpful.

What would you improve about this program?
Registration is hard at Trinity but I do not know how to fix that unless the school does it. The program I went through was phenomenal and all the people that worked there were so personable and helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Trinity College Experience

It is one word to perfectly describe my studying abroad experience at Trinity College. This word is challenging. I watched countless times a YouTube video presenting Trinity campus and College students testimonials before my exchange. It made me impatient to come to Dublin and have similar experience of studying at Trinity. During the first days of my Erasmus I realised that my dream of studying abroad finally came true and a place where I would study and live for a few months meets my expectations.
I was impressed by unique and enormous campus and an extraordinary Long Room in the Old Library. Additionally, accessible libraries with wide range of books and supportive academic staff helped me to exceed my knowledge from my faculty.
Experience of studying abroad taught me that students from different part of the Europe and world have similar problems to overcome in their lives. Not only did I learn a lot from studies but also through many valuable talks with my new international friends I realised that I want to explore world and travel as often as I can.
I can strongly recommend studying abroad to everybody who wants to develop herself or himself and have unforgettable memories.

Anna Bazylska

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Yes, I recommend this program


My name is Gonzalo, I’m 23 years old and I’m a Spanish student. I´m presently completing the 4rd year of the Bachelors’ degree in Chemistry. My Erasmus experience has been AMAZING.

I arrived the 10th of January, the first days I was shaking like a leaf, I was completely lost and I felt that everybody spoke much better English than me. The day of the welcome meeting for new foreign students I didn’t know anybody and I started talking with other international students. After the welcome meeting, everybody vanished so my first impression was that it was so difficult making new friends in an Erasmus programme.

Since the day after, all my fears disappeared. I signed up a Dublin tour that Trinity College had advised me to go tanks to an email. This was the key to start knowing new friends from many different countries: Poland, Sweden, France, Italy, Belgium, Finland, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, etc. We have had the chance to share our time, to visit this wonderful country, to learn about other cultures and countries and above all, to become great friends. I’ve also made Irish friends in trampoline or in incredible societies that I joined or in the events I assisted such as quizzes and parties.

On the other hand, talking about academics, I was working on my Final Degree Project in a chemistry group. It has been difficult because of the language but very enriching at the same time. I’ve learnt many new things in terms of chemistry and I’ve been able to work in a high level laboratory different from my home university’s labs.

I would strongly recommend to everyone this experience. If you ask me, getting out of our comfort zone is one of the most important things to live in life.


Yes, I recommend this program

Pick Ireland!

I decided to go to Trinity College for three reasons: firstly it was a historic institution (founded in 1592!), secondly I'd be able to easily visit other European countries, and finally, Irish accents. Maybe these are some of the reasons you're checking out reviews of Trinity for your exchange or study abroad experience but, with the wisdom of hindsight, I'd like to offer a few more.

Even before I landed at Dublin Airport, I received so much help and support from the college staff. I took part in the Semester Start-Up program, which is optional but which I HIGHLY recommend, so I had a full three week course packed full with helpful information about Trinity (and Irish art, history and culture) to set me up before the other thousands of Irish students arrived. Even if you don't choose to take part in that program though- I had to pay extra for mine- you will still have plenty of information and support before and after your arrival. Something that I really loved was the Trinity Greet Program, a free service where a Trinity student comes to pick you up at the airport and make sure you make it to your accommodation. My greeter was Cyndi and she gave me the loveliest welcome to Ireland, patiently waiting while I tried to track my lost luggage, and ensuring I got into a cab with a driver she trusted. That sort of concern and kindness was more or less characteristic of my Irish/Trinity experience. During the college semester, you can always go to what's called the Global Room, a space dedicated to international students, for guidance or just a place to study and meet other students in the same boat as you. As an exchange student I found that there are always plenty of people able and willing to help you at Trinity, but especially if you don't take part in the Semester Start Up Program, you have to be prepared to ask.

Another reason that I thanked my lucky stars I'd spontaneously chosen Trinity as my exchange destination is how darn nice almost everybody is. That goes for both Ireland generally and Trinity in particular. I don't mean to get your hopes up and say that literally everyone you meet will be a kindly leprechaun ready to make all your wishes come true: there were less than savoury characters, like everywhere in the world, and some snobby people, like every university in the world. But it does make a huge difference to an exchange student lost in a brand new country if you can be pretty sure that most people around you would be willing to help, and probably happy to chat as well. A MAJOR tip I have for a Trinity exchange, which you'll hear from everyone but should definitely take on board is to join a society or three. It's easy to end up only hanging out with other exchange students while on exchange, but the best way to burst out of that international student bubble and make friends with real Irish people with real Irish accents is to join the Phil (oldest debating society in the world just quietly), or the hiking club, or a Gaelic football team, or the chapel choir any of the other clubs, teams and societies. Auditioning for a play at Trinity was a big step for me, partly because I didn't know if I wasn't to commit to so much rehearsal time while I was supposed to be living it up on university exchange, but it would have to have been one of the best decisions I made while in Ireland. So go join a society and make lovely Irish friends!

One more reason to go to Trinity to study, before I sign of, is its great location right smack bang in the middle of a really cool city in a really beautiful country just hours away from a really interesting continent. On an hour-long break between two classes you could pop over for a visit to any of the National Gallery, the National Museum, Temple Bar, the Oscar Wilde House, the National Library, Grafton Street, the historic General Post Office or a great falafel place called Umi, and still make it back with time to spare. What's more it's so easy to take day or weekend trip to all sorts of lovely parts of Ireland: I recommend Howth and Galway and wish I could have gone to Killarney. I love Dublin for its great pubs and historic buildings but the Irish countryside is so beautiful it makes me want to either sing or cry. What's even MORE, if you have some savings to spare you can take an hour or two hour flight to one of the amazing nearby countries- Scotland and Hungary were my favourites. I know that I'm probably straying away from reviewing Trinity itself here but I really do think its location is a big plus.

Just a couple of other tips/ warnings:
- In the lead-up to exchange Trinity wasn't very clear about accommodation arrangements and I thought that I had to organise a place for me to live myself. Turns out they organise it for you- you just fill out a form once it's sent to you.
- Go to a pub called Flannery's if you want a fun night with friendly, rowdy people but no cover charge.
- Don't be dumb: I know I said Irish people are nice but that doesn't mean you don't need to be careful at night.
- The Trinity system of class registration is way old-fashioned, so just try to accept that's it's going to be a long and sometimes frustrating process of going to and fro between unknown professors' offices to get signatures. It'll be worth it!
- For European plane trips go for Ryanair for the cheapest flights, although you should check first how far away the destination airport is from the city you're aiming to get to. For flights to Paris for instance, it's worth paying the extra to go AirFrance and land right in Charles de Gaulle airport.

Hopefully I've been helpful, let me know any questions :)

What would you improve about this program?
- Make the class registration system easier, or at least explain it more clearly to international students before the process begins.