Brazilian Experience

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Internship review

My internship in Brazil was amazing! Living and working there taught a lot. I didn't know what to expect so everything was kind of surprise. I think that due this experience I am more ready to work for my career dreams and my other dreams as well. Working in Brazil gave me confidence to work an international and multidisciplinary environment. So I feel that it was very clever decision to do this internship. In addition I had so much fun during this experience! I enjoyed dancing and travelling there and I met so many nice people.
I strongly encourage people to use this kind of chances to go abroad, to work abroad and learn new perspectives. I am so happy that I got this chance and I would definitely do it again!

What would you improve about this program?
Maybe a bit more information in advance about processes when coming to Brazil, for example CPF and payments for federal police.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Brazilian Experience

I did an internship in Curitiba Brazil related to my field of studies. The experience was very fulfilling both professionally and in terms of life in general. It was my first longer stay abroad so I was a little nervous to go. But the support from the organization was great. I feel I was also lucky to be placed in a project that fit perfectly to my academic interests. I also had inspiring and great colleagues and a boss. By the end of the three months I had also made some very good friends and I think this won't be my last time to Brazil to say the least.

One tip I would give to anyone is to try to get some contacts from the destination beforehand. Not all of these will become your best buddies but I was lucky to have an "arranged" friend at the destination who became a very good friend.

What would you improve about this program?
There is always room for growth and improvement but it is hard to point out to any great shortcomings. A lot is also up to the participants' attitudes and effort. Personally I could have benefited from more support in letting go English :)
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Yes, I recommend this program

Brazilian Experience Review

Brazilian Experience is a great program with a well developed structure. Staff is always available for any need that may arise. My experience in Brazil was amazing. Initially, I did not want to go. It was required from my school. Going in, I imagined myself counting down the weeks until my return. I would say about 2 weeks in, at the most, I had a different perspective due to the culture. That includes the people. It is such a different lifestyle in some good and bad ways. The bad ways are not actually "bad". They make you develop new ethics that can only help you in your life. They either make you appreciate things more or allow you to become smarter in difficult situations. The best part of my Brazilian experience had to be the people that I met. They all contributed to my personal growth in individual ways. I met all different types of people. Some were family figures, friends, close friends, even adversaries. Once my stay was coming to an end, I knew that I had to go back one day and I still plan to.

What would you improve about this program?
I can't think of a way it could be improved, at the moment. Like I said, even the bad was good.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Opportunity!

Interning abroad was one of the best decisions I have made. The program partnership was great, my internship placement was tailored to my educational background which gave me a great boost to my resume. Portuguese classes were educational and fun which helped immerse you into the culture.

The opportunity to spend the summer in Brazil was an incredible and positive experience. I would strongly encourage you to apply for this program and start making your own memories in the amazing country of Brazil.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Brazilian Experience

Brazilian Experience was my first experience solo traveling, and I absolutely loved it! The staff were helpful, my host family was amazing, and my internship looks incredible on a resume and is ALWAYS brought up in interviews! Do this if you want an amazing time in an amazing country!

You'll learn Portuguese, and if you choose the home stay option (you should!), you will have a true 'Brazilian experience'! It really is such a diverse and welcoming country that you will fall in love with over and over again!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Brazilian Experience!

For many years I wanted to travel to Brazil, I wanted to experience the Brazilian culture myself and practice the language. I looked for different programs and organizations, but none of them fulfilled my expectations, until I came across Brazilian Experience. This program in Rio de Janeiro was exactly what I was looking for.
I was able to work at the Tijuca National Park, which is this amazing forest located in the heart of Rio de Janeiro. I started working on some wildlife preservation projects at first, but then I decided to help on the orientation of foreign tourists. I was asked to help on Corcovado, where Christ the Redeemer is, during the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The park received thousands of tourists each day, so it was an awesome experience.
The BE staff was always concerned about me, they wanted to know if I was doing okay or if I needed anything. Renata, the coordinator in Rio de Janeiro, was so nice to me, always looking to help and make me feel comfortable. Although I wasn't staying in her house, I could always visit her, talk to her about anything, ask for advice, etc. I really appreciated all her help.
Also, I could not have asked for a better host family. I stayed with them for the entire three months, and they always treated me as another member of their family. They were so hospitable since day one. They wanted me to feel like home, always attentive to my needs. It was such a nice experience to have spent my time with them. I learned so much from them.
I could just keep writing about how awesome this program was, but then nobody would want to read this review. So I'm just going to say, you should not miss an opportunity like this. Just pack your bags, buy the plane ticket and sign up with Brazilian Experience. You will not regret it.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Six Months in Brazil

My internship in Brazil was nothing short of spectacular. Everything was new and different, which was challenging, exciting, and frightening all at the same time. About three months into my experience, though, things changed and I suddenly went from feeling like an exchange student to feeling like a local. I truly felt that I blended into Brazilian culture and began to question whether or not I had always lived in Brazil. Brazilian Experience provided me with enough guidance to never feel alone but enough independence to create and enjoy my own experience. I'm forever grateful for BE!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience!

I've had a truly amazing time in Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba with Brazilian Experience, back in 2010. The support from Joao and Rafaela was great, and everything was well taken care off. I've been able to get the real 'local experience' by staying with host families, and I've built relationships with people I'm still in close contact with today.
My experience wouldn't have been the same if it weren't for Joao and Rafaela, and I'm very grateful for that.

Yes, I recommend this program

BEst Brazilian Experience

The person I am now wouldn't be without this experience. I still talk to my host family and coworkers from my internship. I was even the best man at my host bros wedding. Thanks BE!!! Also, the people in Brazil are so welcoming. I felt like a member of the family during my stay. Rafaela, really takes time to find the right home stay. Remeber to pick a soccer team when you arrive. This is the Brazilian ways.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A life chancing experience

My experience in Brazil hosted by BE would be summed up as life changing. BE went far and beyond to make sure I was set-up with a fantastic internship and an awesome host family. Looking back at my experience in 2013, I can see how my time in Brazil directly contributed to my growth as a person and professionally. By gaining international work experience, learning a new language, and networking, I am better prepared for this global world we live in today. But overall, I'm most thankful for the relationship with my host family!

What would you improve about this program?