CYA (College Year in Athens)

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

CYA was the time of my life!

I had a wonderful time studying abroad through CYA due to the student support services, travel experiences, cultural excursions, and internship opportunities that were provided. Having the chance to travel to both Crete and the Peloponnese region in the country of my heritage was a once in a life time opportunity, and I am so grateful that these experiences were included in the program costs, as they would have been an undertaking to plan on my own. Additionally, the provision of daily lunches during the week was greatly appreciated. While we did not have the opportunity to immerse ourselves with local Greek students, I did feel that my classes offered field trips that gave us a greater sense of the local culture - especially my Sustainable Social Housing Course with Dr. Evgenia Tousi, where we took weekly field visits to social housing neighborhoods around Athens. These field visits were both informative and eye-opening and allowed for the course to be very engaging as a study abroad student. Additionally, I was able to take part in an internship at a local environmental non-profit through CYA and feel like I have gained so much both academically and professionally throughout my experience. For a student hoping to meet more international students or fully immerse themselves in an international language and culture in an unsupported environment, this may not be the ideal program for them. I would instead recommend this program for a student that does not have much travel experience and desires more support from the program they take part in, as the caring faculty as well as the presence of American peers make the adjustment to a foreign country with an unfamiliar language much smoother. Overall, I learned a variety of skills while studying abroad, including time management, budgeting, the importance of self-care, and cultural interaction. As I had little travel experience outside of the US going into my semester abroad, I felt that this program was very worthwhile, as it provided me with the support and resources to live own my own in a foreign country, in addition to planning trips around Greece and other parts of Europe. Coming off of my semester at CYA, I felt empowered to travel on my own without fear, and I appreciate all of the knowledge I was able to gain while in a supportive and encouraging environment.

What was your funniest moment?
On the CYA provided field study to Crete in early September, we had the opportunity to go on an overnight ferry on our way to and from the island. When my friends and I boarded the ship, we had no idea what to expect. It ended up being a huge boat with a pool deck, overnight suites, and a prominent dining area. Because it was so fancy, we all kept joking that we were on the Titanic! It was truly surreal and such a fun and memorable experience, as I had never stayed overnight on a ship before and wasn't expecting it to be so luxurious. This trip proved to be a true bonding experience with the friends I stayed on the ship with and was such a funny and exciting moment of studying abroad!
  • Field study
  • Internship opportunities
  • Affordable food
  • Challenging local language
  • Athens is not as walkable of a city
Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Mia, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA! We are so happy to hear you were able to see so much of Greece and Europe through classes, extra curriculars, and independent travel. We hope you can visit us again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing faculty

All of the professors and the rest of the staff did an amazing job of making sure that all the students were happy, safe, and learning. The professors were very approachable both in and out of class and did their best to make the material engaging whether it be through assigning project or group discussions or by hosting the class outside or doing a field trip to an archaeological site. Nikki did a great job of organizing social activities in the evenings, many of which included going out into another neighborhood in Athens to get more acquainted with elements of Greek culture.

Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Katie, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA! We are so happy to hear you enjoyed your time in Greece and had the chance explore Athens on your own and with Niki. We hope you can visit again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Athens is magical!

Truly a transformative few months. Athens is such a magical city. History is everywhere. The nature is divine. The sea is accessible. Lively political scene, solidarity groups and collectives are prolific. The city is diverse with plenty of cool people, it's always alive and theres always something to do in Athens. The food is delicious and not too expensive, I mean having haloumi gyros for breakfast, lunch, and dinner! Doesn't get better than that! I truly recommend this experience to anyone looking to experience life to its fullest potential.

What was your funniest moment?
Swimming in the Mediterranean sea at 4 am with some homies.
  • the food is so yummy
  • Exarcheia is such a cool neighborhood
  • Greek islands
Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Ahmed, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA! we are so happy to hear you found Athens to be so magical and had a chance to immerse yourself in the culture and community. Hopefully you can visit us again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

College Year in Athens: The Best Month of My Life!

During my time abroad, I was able to branch out and step out of my comfort zone by meeting many people I had not known prior to my experience abroad! Having to live on my own away from my family helped me to become more independent and broaden my understanding of different cultures around the world. Being able to fully adapt to the new location I was living in was such a great experience. I am so grateful that I was able to try new foods, see many famous historical sites, and take a course that would not have been offered at my home university!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
One thing I would change was the mindset I had coming into the program. I did not have any prior abroad experience, so I really did not know what to expect at all. Although not knowing what to expect was good in the sense that I had an open mind, I wish I had been able to get myself more excited at the start because I believe this would have helped me to step out of my comfort zone quicker.
  • Engaging professors
  • Welcoming community
  • Safe area
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Yes, I recommend this program

CYA is a wonderful program!

CYA was a great program! They offered lots of classes relevant to my interests as a studio art / anthropology double major and the field studies that are part of the program are built-in travel that allowed me to explore all of Greece, not just Athens. The apartment provided by the program was nice and close to the CYA's building. Athens was walkable and it was awesome to have so many classes meet at sites and museums rather than just sitting in a classroom all the time. There are also breaks and no classes on Fridays which made it easy to do independent travel such as take a ferry to an island. CYA also arranged lots of activities for students with the goal of immersing us in Greek culture. These were affordable and made me feel like I belonged in Athens. I had a wonderful experience that I walked away from having learned a lot about Greece and myself. I am more independent than I was, more experienced as a traveler, and I have discovered new interests that I plan to pursue now that I am back in the U.S.. Because of CYA I fell in love with Greece and plan to return in the future whether it is for my career or simply to visit.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Be confident and open to new things! CYA provides so many opportunities to get involved in Greek culture and it is relatively cheap and easy to do solo travel on the weekends around Greece such as to the islands. You might still be a student, but try to engage in as many of these opportunities as possible because these are what will make the program an enriching and unique experience for you!
  • Built-in travel
  • Immersive
  • Amazing classes
  • School provided lunch options limited for those with dietary restrictions
  • Counselor has limited availability
Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Evie, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA and some amazing photos! We are happy to hear you found the program to be engaging and had the chance to explore so much. Hopefully you can visit us again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Some of the best 4 months of my life!!

The 4 months I spent in Athens were some of the best 4 months of my life! It is a time that I will forever cherish. It brought me so many amazing new friends, memories and experiences that have changed my life. I am a more confident and independent individual, and I gained an even deeper love for traveling. CYA did an amazing job and providing us with opportunities to immerse ourselves in Greek culture and I personally loved the field studies they took us on because they allowed me to see parts of Greece I never thought I would. I was truly terrified to leave my family for 4 months to live in another country. BUT I am so so glad that I did. It truly allowed me to grow so much as a person and provided me with so many amazing memories and happiness!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take advantage of every opportunity offered! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I think it is so important to be open to learning new things and really immerse yourself in the culture! Enjoy every moment and always go to the farmers market!!
  • Travel Opportunities
  • People, Places, Experiences
Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Nicole, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA! We are so glad you grew so much through the program and had chance to explore Greece. We hope you can visit us again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Immersing myself in the Greek Culture

Studying abroad in Greece was a transformative and uniquely enriching experience for me as a Black woman. My semester was a tapestry of exploring ancient ruins, savoring delicious Greek cuisines, participating in Greek holidays and immersing myself in the local way of life.

One of the highlights was visiting Thessaloniki, where the mix of Byzantine, Roman, and Ottoman influences created a city rich with history and character. Walking along the waterfront and exploring the bustling markets, I felt the vibrant, welcoming spirit.

Being a Black woman in Greece presented unique challenges and opportunities. I recall the curious glances from locals, but also the moments of profound connection and mutual respect. One memorable experience was finding a local salon that could braid my hair. The stylist and I bonded over our shared love of intricate designs, and I left not just with beautiful braids, but with a new friend.

I found a supportive community among other international students, and together we navigated cultural differences and celebrated our diverse backgrounds. The experience broadened my perspective and deepened my understanding of the world. It taught me the beauty of stepping outside of my comfort zone. My semester in Greece was an enriching experience that everyone should partake in.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I ate a cake made completely out of oranges/clementines and it was amazing!
  • Inexpensive Food and Stay
  • Great Nightlife
  • Great History
  • Expensive to travel to places outside of Greece
  • Takes an hour to heat bathing water
Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Bernadine, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA! We are so happy to hear that you were able to truly immerse yourself in the culture and make Athens your home while building a community with locals and other students. Hopefully you can visit again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Ideal abroad experience!

CYA provided me with the best abroad experience I could have asked for. Throughout this program, I felt supported academically, emotionally, and culturally every step of the way. Any question I had about life in Greece, whether it be where to find the best souvlaki or what I should do if I need to see a doctor, were answered. As someone who had never lived in a city before, let alone one where I don't know the language or even the alphabet, I was very nervous about spending my time abroad in Athens. However, once I became familiar with College Year in Athens, I immediately felt more at ease. I'll never forget our first orientation meeting when the president of the program told us that if we need any help, they have it covered, and if we need someone to argue for us in Greek, they have that covered too. The respect that this program has for their students is unbeatable. The lengths that the administration goes to in order to assure that you have a safe, comfortable, educational, and fun time abroad is demonstrated every day. By studying through a smaller program made for American students, I was able to meet people my age going through a similar once in a lifetime opportunity, while also taking classes in English. CYA fosters a close-knit community that cultivates connections that will last far beyond the months you'll spend in Athens.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice to future travelers on this program is to utilize every opportunity College Year in Athens offers. Though I don't have a background in classics, one of my favorite parts of CYA was our field study trips. Through these trips we were able to not only travel all across Greece, but see, first-hand, its ancient past and history. These trips also provide students with the opportunity to connect with one another and get to know each other outside the classroom. Alongside these trips, CYA offers many student affairs activities, which I was incredibly grateful for during my time there. Through activities like craft nights, Wednesday yoga, and tours of the best thrift shops in Athens, I was able to see more of the city and my classmates in a fun, relaxed, environment.
  • School provided trips
  • Acommodations close to school
  • Classes taught in English
Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Lilly, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA! We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed your time in Greece and felt supported throughout the whole program. We hope you can come back and visit us soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Country, Amazing Program

I had such a blast and met the greatest people thanks to this program. We were heavily supported by the program' administrators and thoroughly fell in love in Greece. The classes were interesting and very relevant to the atmosphere and history of Greece and Athens but weren't overwhelming. The program trips also made the information we were learning that more approachable. Athens itself is one of the most amazing cities I've ever been to. It was lively and fun, even in the winter because the weather was so warm. Highly highly recommend

Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Anna, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA! It is so great to hear you fell in love with Greece and built great relationships with other students. We hope you can visit again soon!

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Yes, I recommend this program

CYA: The Program that Truly Cares!

I truly cannot put into words how amazing my experience abroad was with College Year in Athens. First off, the city of Athens and the country of Greece are truly so welcoming and home to the most beautiful culture. I came to Athens for the weather and history, which are truly as amazing as anticipated, but what surprised me even more was the kindness of the Greek people. Greece is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, both people and landscape wise, and I already miss it so dearly. I promise if you study abroad here you will fall in love with the city and country!

Athens has everything a study abroad student could ask for! The city has such an abundant history, populated by countless amazing museums and so many ruins you will lose count! The food is so delicious and extremely affordable. The nightlife is amazing and the Greeks certainly know how to have a good time! The city is so walkable, has amazing green spaces, and feels extremely safe. I went on runs alone during the evening occasionally and never felt unsafe because even on weekdays, people will be out well into the night at a taverna with their loved ones.

However, what made CYA stand out to me from other study abroad programs is the level of care that CYA staff have for the students in their program. Most US students who study abroad are students at a local university, which has its pros, but CYA being a program made FOR study abroad students provided a level of assistance and support that made this experience as amazing as possible. Moving across the world, especially as someone who hasn't traveled much outside the US, was extremely scary. CYA's staff made me feel safe and cared for right away, providing assistance at all times, even when I was sick during my spring break trip. Through mandatory field study trips across Greece and weekly optional activities hosted to expose students to Greek and Athenian culture, CYA makes clear its passion for making students as immersed in Greek culture as possible. These field study trips and activities were some of my best experiences from abroad and I truly cannot imagine being in any other study abroad program.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
Making more of a personal effort to meet locals in the city and practice my Greek more!
  • The people! I met some of my favorite people in this program. Greek people are also so kind!
  • Athens. It is such a beautiful city and it instantly made me feel welcomed.
  • Affordability. As a student on a budget, it was great to live in such an affordable city!!
  • Since it is a program for only US students, you don't have as many opportunities to meet locals as students studying at local universities do. However, if you want to meet Greek people they are always out in the city and so easy to talk to!
Response from CYA (College Year in Athens)

Hi Camryn, thanks for sharing your experience with CYA! We are so happy to hear that our program gave you a new perspective and that you felt supported by staff. Keeping working on your Greek language skills so you can put them to use when you visit us again!