
Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Intern at an NGO

I loved my internship with Directorio Legislativo, but what really made the program was being able to live in Buenos Aires. I loved using the extensive city public transport, having almost everything accessible within a 5 min. walking radius, going out at night, and Road2Argentina offers great support to your specific needs. The people who lead the program will help you with whatever you need at anytime if it’s figuring out public transport, adapting to cultural differences, or helping to plan an excursion.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
  • Greatly improved my Castellano (Argentine Spanish) speaking skills.
  • Pasta, milanesas, mate, medialunas, empanadas, asados…!
  • Got to spend time with my family who lives in Argentina.
  • Can get pretty cold during their winter season.
  • Due to cash being the easiest way of payment, it is a transition from US card/Apple Pay based economy.
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Yuliana S
Yes, I recommend this program

Road2Argentina Review

Mateo and David at Road2Argentina were wonderful and were always available to help us whenever we needed! Whether it was helping us transfer money, buying a sim card for our phones, or planning activities, they made the transition of working and living in Argentina very smooth. I was there for two months, but I wish I could've stayed longer with how much fun I was having at my internship and with the group. I also gained a lot of new friends from the other students completing the program, and still talk to them today. My experience wouldn't have been as memorable as it was without them and Road2Argentina!

  • Immersive Activities
  • Experiencing Local Culture
  • Less support related to Internship itself
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Yes, I recommend this program

Road2Argentina Experience

I had always dreamt of traveling abroad, to see new countries and learn new cultures. When I found out my school offered a program in Argentina in partnership with road2argentina, I knew it was something I wanted to do. At first, I was a little nervous because it was my first time traveling alone for a long period of time, but Mateo was always there to answer all my questions and help me with the process before leaving to Argentina. When I arrived to Argentina, I met so many amazing people that helped me navigate Buenos Aires. Mateo and David always had something planned each week, and were always available to help me with any question I had. I definitely recommend Road2Argentina, such a wonderful experience!

  • Weekly activities
  • getting to know new people
  • help always available
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Yes, I recommend this program

Road2Argentina work with Fase2

Amazing stuff- very friendly staff and overall an incredible, unforgettable experience which allowed me to develop in many ways, as well as experiencing the argentine culture through the events the company provided free of cost for us (La Bomba del Tiempo and Fuerza Bruta being the best for me) I thought both Mateo and David at Road2Argentina were incredibly inviting and made me feel comfortable at all times, allowing myself to express myself in a new cultural environment, whilst enjoying the language learning process and meeting new, amazing people with a variety of different perspectives on life as well.

  • Met amazing people from a variety of different cultures
  • Improved myself both personally and professionally by working in a camp teaching environment
  • Got the opportunity to experience the argentine culture
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer 2022 in Buenos Aires

The internship program this past summer with Road2Argentina was absolutely incredible. The support team in Argentina was super friendly and helpful, as well as fun to hang out with. Both my housing situation and my internship work could not have been more perfect as I made lifelong friends and connections during my few months there. Road2Argentina is a great program and if you're considering studying abroad and like food, fun, excitement, adventure, and or are passionate about your work, look no further.

  • Coming from US, extremely favorable exchange rate
  • Friendly people, always felt safe and welcomed
  • Natural beauty, from Iguazu to Patagonia there is no shortage of wonder in Argentina
  • Regional accent, I learned a very basic Spanish in school and the Porteño accent in BA was tough to adjust to
  • While most food was amazing, I like things spicy. Hot sauce, especially good hot sauce, is not easy to come by at all really.
  • Nothing!
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Yes, I recommend this program

The best decision I have made

I made the decision to do a 6 month internship in Sustainable Development with Road2Argentina for my placement at University. From the first day I arrived Mateo and David made me feel comfortable and safe in a city that was so far from home. Any concerns I had were answered within the first day I arrived and from that day they were available to call 24/7 no matter the problem. I chose the shared apartment option and was placed with a lovely relaxed family that lived in the heart of Palermo which made going out with friends very convenient.

If you are concerned about your Spanish level before applying, don't let this be a barrier! There are many schools around the city which you can go to and they also act as a great way to make new friends. I arrived with little to no knowledge in Spanish and left almost being able to speak it fluently.

My internship immediately exposed me to sustainability projects from all across South America and the knowledge and life skills I gained from this experience are invaluable. It has only been since returning back to London and having interviews with different companies have I realised just how valuable this experience has been and how much it makes you stand out when applying for jobs.

If you have any queries please don't hesitate to get in contact with Mateo or David and ask for my contact details and I will happily speak in more depth about what to expect in Buenos Aires and what you can gain from doing an internship here before you apply.

The thing that makes Road2Argentina so special is how personal it is. Unlike other companies that operate in this market, Road2 feels much more like a family and will cater to your every need to make this a truly amazing experience. It wont be long before I return to Argentina and in Mateo and David I have found lifelong friends.

  • 24/7 support for any query
  • Invaluable life experience
  • Great to make you stand our when applying for future jobs
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program

Internship with Road2Argentina!

I had an amazing time in Argentina with the help of Mateo and David! They were extremely kind and help me to get settled in Buenos Aires. It was a daunting experience at first, but with their help and the fun socials that they organised I was able to make the most out of my time there! They helped me with the commute from my flat to work, SIM card, transaction advice and much more. I would certainly recommend others to use Road2Argentina as their personal touch provides a far more valuable experience and they were always there for me when I needed it!

  • Language development
  • CV building
  • Personal development
  • Would have loved to stay for longer than a month!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Ane in Buenos Aires

I have met many people. Buenos Aires gives you the opportunity to get to know many places and make different plans on a daily basis. It is a very lively city with lots of things to do. The plans with Road2argentina are very cool and allow you to meet a lot of new people.
No doubt it was an amazing experience and I would repeat it again and again.
It has given me the opportunity to get to know a beautiful country, with many different landscapes. As for my daily life, I worked in the mornings but in the afternoons I took the opportunity to make different plans. One of the things I liked most was to go jogging with my friends in the beautiful gardens that Buenos Aires has.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Excellent experience!

The whole experience was amazing, the program was perfectly organized. I spent 8 weeks volunteering at a fantastic NGO in charge of finding housing solutions for families without access to decent housing. Communication was constant and fluid and I was able to learn a lot about Argentine culture. We had weekly meetings and all the time I felt very included and part of the organization. I learned a lot how to manage projects and groups of people.I definitely highly recommend the experience! I really wanted to know Argentina since David and Mateo shared a lot of information about the country: videos, podcasts, documentaries, music. I highly recommend doing programs in Argentina!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Sarah Shafik- Leren

My experience with Leren Consulting was phenomenal. As a person who is from a completely different country and culture from the company, the Leren team made me feel at home. They always made sure to involve me in conversations and ensure that I understood correctly. In addition, the work I did was not only within my studies, but it was quite fun to do and complete and they were able to give me feedback on my stuff and even post it. I wish to work with Leren again because they foster a very healthy work environment and atmosphere.

What was your funniest moment?
We were on our Daily call which is all in Spanish. Usually I do not understand everything that is said. One day we were discussing birthdays and they called my name and asked when mine is. I thought they had asked when my internship was ending and gave them a completely wrong date, then realized they said "cumpleaños." We all laughed at my mistake and I told them my actual, correct birthday.