ME to WE

Program Reviews

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No, I don't recommend this program

Terrible service and a terrible company

I went on trips with Me to We for 4 years, we worked with them and they had some good facilitators on their trips. Some great, some average. My problem with this company is what they did at the start of the Covid epidemic. We had a trip planned to go to Ecuador, at that time Ecuador was being hit hard with reports of dead bodies on the streets. When we said we were worried about going they took our money, gave nothing back. Not any talk of giving us a voucher to arrange for a different time. This was a trip with 30 students and 2 teachers. They took everything. This company is all about the money. I know this because I then heard that the facilitators that I had worked with in trips to Africa and India were being laid off. The people I had worked with in Canada were laid off. They fired everyone they could and just kept the money for themselves. I would never work with them again. And I would warn all others to do the same. Friends at another school worked with a different company. That company gave them a voucher and postponed the trip for another time, they kept everyone on board. All I see of ME to WE is just all about them. They have glossy websites and it looks good on the surface until you dig a little deeper and you see the dirty terrible company they are.

What would you improve about this program?
I would change companies and not use Me to We. There are better companies out there that look after you better and look after their worker better
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Yes, I recommend this program

Most powerful trip eve!

My trip to Tanzania started off with my luggage being stolen. However when I arrived in Tanzania my facilitators were more then accommodating. They found a place for me to get under garments and even lent me tshirts to wear. They knowledgable, fun and worked so well with the kids and myself. Dayvo and Shaza are such beautiful people inside and out. I cannot wait to go back for another trip. I will be requesting them. Our Maasai warrior guides were so much fun and knowledgable! I loved hearing the story of Maasai culture and spending time with them and the kids at night during our down time. The accommodations were better then I ever expected and the staff at our camp was amazing. We all look forward to going back. If it were not for the group of employees we were paired with I truly believe my experience would have been much different. Dayvo, Shaza, Langoi and Lebahati are amazing people!!

What would you improve about this program?
I would have liked to work with the children a little more.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best way to travel and make an impact

Our 17-year daughter went on the Women's Empowerment tour in July 2017 to Udaipur. She knew no one else going on the program, but had a fierce desire to go to India. It was a transformational experience for her (and she has been on other excellent group trips, including a prior experience with Me to We in the Dominican Republic). Without reservation, Me to We is the only organization we would have entrusted to take our daughter to India, as it has the highest safety standards, the best group dynamics and enriched, engaging curriculum. We have nothing but good things to say about Me to We!

What would you improve about this program?
I cannot think of one area of improvement.
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Yes, I recommend this program

2nd me to we trip

Our facilitators in Kenya were beyond remarkable and what has been done by me to we with regards to the schools and hospital are also commendable! Though I believe that me to we needs to declare that this is a social awareness program rather than volunteer.

Having volunteered with other organizations, there was little time dedicated to volunteering in both India and Kenya. I was also add that as Me to We invites adults on this trip that they integrate their skills to aid the program. Fortunately this year those of us that could work I the hospital did, a total of three days out of two weeks. In the past we have brought suitcases of supplies and braces to other volunteer projects. We were told by me to we that it was not necessary - we beg to differ, there was plenty that we could have brought that would've helped with just the basics.

Lastly the cost of camping in army tents at a tune of $3000 was incomparable to the other location with the "cottages". I would rather me to we asked less all the way around and have everybody stay in army tents with outhouses, this would be closer to the people's reality to whom you are serving.

What would you improve about this program?
Yes though with the changes stated above.
Read my full story
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing Experience!!!

could not have asked for a better experience on my ME to WE trip to Ecuador! great staff and program, met some of the kindest and coolest people ever. life changing experiences and highly recommend to everyone! the food is great, the Minga Lodge was awesome as well. the program is very well organized and everyday is packed with fun activities and memorable service work. Looking forward to more ME to WE trips in the future!

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Yes, I recommend this program


I have never had a better experience in my life. My Kenya trip was eye-opening as it showed me a reality much different than mine, but also provided me with the opportunity to help better this lifestyle for the people I met there. I made both a Kenyan family and a Canadian family (people who went on the trip with me) and I can truly say I will never forget them. Me to We is incredible as it provided so many chances to get a feel for how the Massai people live and gave me the opportunity to get to know some extremely empowering people in process! My facilitators and Warriors were supportive, knowledgeable and so much fun, and I felt the trip ran so smoothly. Thank you Me to We for giving me the trip of a lifetime! 11/10 would recommend!!

What would you improve about this program?
It was incredible start to finish. Absolutely no complaints.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Beyond Life-Changing

In July 2015, I was fortunate to travel on an Alumni Me to We Trip to the Mewar region of Rajasthan, India with 22 incredible world-changers. I had traveled to Kenya with Me to We the previous summer, and I was eager to further my impact overseas ever since I returned from the beautiful Masai Mara.

India holds a special place in my heart. It is the place of origin of my ancestors, and a large part of my culture today revolves around Indian customs and practices. I had always wanted to travel to India to "return back to my roots". The Alumni Trip was definitely the perfect opportunity to experience the best of both worlds, as one might say, as there was a great balance between cultural immersion and volunteer work.

To say that my trip to India changed my life would be an understatement. All of my expectations were surpassed throughout the trip, from the sight-seeing, to the food, to the group activities, the overall experience was more fulfilling than I could have ever imagined.

One of the highlights of my trip was interacting with the children in the community we were working in. They were all so sweet and welcoming. They were excited to be in school, and they cherished every moment because many of them would have been unable to receive an adequate education without Free The Children's help. The smiles on their faces were very motivating and encouraged everyone in my group to give 110% of effort every time we were at the buildsite.

There were a few stumbles in the road due to the weather, given that it was monsoon season; however, the trip facilitators were always prepared with a Plan B to ensure that we would not be missing out on any major activities listed in the Trip Itinerary. The facilitators also helped our group to become a family in such a short amount of time, which is often difficult to achieve in other types of group settings.

Overall, I would recommend traveling with Me to We to India if you are interested in having the full "Indian Experience", while also making a lasting difference in a developing community. I can guarantee that the memories you will make while in India will be priceless! :)

What would you improve about this program?
One improvement would be to allot a longer amount of time to purchase souvenirs in the Udaipur market at the beginning of the trip, rather than on the day of departure as it can be difficult to pack mementos into a hiking backpack minutes before heading to the airport!
Response from ME to WE

Dear Karina,

Thank you for taking the time to write your review, we truly appreciate and value your comments. We are so happy to hear that you had an amazing experience with us in India and appreciate your suggestion in regards to having more time in the Udaipur market. We have shared this information with the relevant teams and your feedback will allow us to continue to create life changing experiences for youth in the future.

Thank you again for joining us to help make a sustainable difference in the communities we work with in India. If you have any more suggestions or thoughts, please contact us at

Me to We Trips

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Yes, I recommend this program

Change the World - Change Your World

I had the incredible opportunity to travel to India on a Me to We Trip in July 2015. It was an experience that truly has changed my life, all while helping to change the lives of the people of Rural India.

Everything about the trip is incredibly well-organized, and we were always in the good care of our incredible facilitators. They were extremely approachable, and helped to build an incredible community within the group. Twenty-four individuals came together to become an unbreakable family over the course of the trip.

However, my family now also extends to all of the incredible community members we interacted with while working in the communities. We had the privledge of volunteering at the primary school in Kalthana, India, where we worked to construct a vegetable garden on the hillside to provide the students with access to fresh veegtables. The students' smiles shone so bright, and the memories never fail to brighten my days.

Our impacts also included planting tree seedlings at a local forestry reserve, and learning about the local agriculture issues, and how Free the Children is working to resolve them.

While in India, we were toally immesered in the vibrant culuture, with a traditional Poja Prayer ceremony, morning yoga, authentic cuisine, and opportunities to explore the Rajasthan Fort and the City Palace in Udaipur. The sights, the sounds, and the smells still remain so vividly in my mind.

The Me to We Trip provided a unique opportunity to see how Free the Children is making a positive differences in the communities in which it works. My perspective on charity changed, because I realized that a 'hand-up' is so much more valuable than a 'hand-out'. Not only that, but I gained a new appreication for everything we so often take for granted.

Often, it takes a life-changing experience like a Me to We Trip to India to gain a new perspective on things. However, while you help change the world, you'll realize that you are changing your own world too.

What would you improve about this program?
Me to We Trips are an incredible experience - borderline perfect. My only suggestion for improvement would be to have slightly longer at the market in Udaipur to purchase mementos and gifts for your family and friends!
Response from ME to WE

Hi Jonah,

We are so glad to hear that your experience with us in India has empowered you to continue your journey as a world changer!

We would like to thank you for taking the time to write your review, your comments are very much valued. We truly appreciate your feedback in regards to having more time in the Udaipur market and have shared this information with the relevant teams. Your feedback will allow us to continue to create life changing experiences for youth in the future. If you have any more suggestions or thoughts, please contact us at

Me to We Trips

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Yes, I recommend this program

Jambo Kenyan Travellers!

If you are wanting one of the best experiences of your life, then head over to the Me to We website and sign up for one of these trips! If you need anymore convincing, feel free to watch the video I made about my trip. No, it does not contain everything that happens but it would be impossible to fit everything into one short video!!

What would you improve about this program?
One thing I would love to happen is that the company would put people from the same area, (province, state) so that you would be able to meet up with the life long friends you make on these trips!
Response from ME to WE

Dear Peyton,

We are so glad to hear that you had such an amazing experience and love the video you made! What a beautiful tribute to the difference you made in that community.

Thank you for taking the time to write your review. We value your feedback regarding the geographical location of our travelers. While it is not always possible to have members of the same province or state travel together on one trip - this depends on the destination and the dates - you can think of it as having life long global friends! We are continually finding ways to improve our trips so other youth can experience the trip of a lifetime so if you have any more suggestions or thoughts, please contact us at

Me to We Trips

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Yes, I recommend this program

A trip of a lifetime

Going to Ecuador with Me to We was an experience of a life time! I learned so much about myself and others,and helped build a kitchen and dining hall for the school in a small village called Shuid. We were given proper instructions telling us how to work with the equipment, wear protective gear, and told to take breaks whenever we were tired, and we were off! We started off with three rows of bricks, and ended up having finished with about twenty rows of bricks. We also had an opportunity to meet with the children attending the school, but unfortunately most of them were at home, as it was their summer break. After our work in Shuid, we left for the Amazon where we spent our last couple of days doing jungle walks and meeting the locals. Overall this experience expanded my world view and taught me so much about myself and what life is like in other parts of the world. I would recommend this trip for anyone who is looking to make a difference, explore different parts of the world, and make life long friends.

What would you improve about this program?
If I could change one thing, I would change the amount of time we spent on the buildsite. I know that my friends and I had wanted to spend more time building, but instead were given cooking lessons and visiting churches. While that was awesome, I know that a lot of us had wished to spend more time with the children at the school, and more time building.
Response from ME to WE

Hi Emma,

Thank you for taking the time write your review, please know that your comments are very much valued.

We are so happy that your trip to Ecuador allowed you the opportunity to have a life-changing experience!! The community of Shuid has also experienced a life-changing event when you helped to build their kitchen. You should be very proud! We truly appreciate your feedback in regards to more time on the build site and have shared this information with the relevant teams. Your feedback will allow us to continue to create life changing experiences for youth in the future.

If you have any more suggestions or thoughts, please contact us at

Me to We Trips