Gap Year Solutions

Program Reviews

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Gap year solutions

Katherine was such a huge help for me during my entire gap year process. She helped me plan everything and constantly pushed me to think outside of the box, that the opportunity I was facing was important. Even after we planned everything, katherine was a mentor for me. We would call and she would just be curious about how I was doing and always let me know I could turn to her if things were not great. During the planning process, Katherine emphasized that this was my plan but we still had to make it appeal to my parents. Everything we designed together we did so in a way that was exactly what I wanted to do in a way that was safe and in a way that my parents never had to worry. Katherine will always be a friend and mentor to me and I am so grateful for her and everything she has done over the course of the past year and a half.

  • Flexible
  • Detail oriented
  • Helpful