Operation Groundswell

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Southeast Asia: Cities and Sanctuaries

Operation Groundswell was the most incredible experience! I'd travelled to quite a few countries before this trip, but they completely changed the way I view the world. I've always felt skeptical about the idea of voluntourism and how random volunteer projects abroad affect people in local contexts. OG showed me how endless the possibilities are for having positive impacts on the places you visit. This trip has helped me reframe the way I look at my personal travels. I also had the most amazing team to travel and learn with! We had a small team, everyone was coming from different locations around the US and Canada and we all were in different places in our lives and our travel experience. But everyone was so like-minded and easygoing. Our Program Leaders were hilarious and fun and loved to show us around the countries they call home. They encouraged us to learn and to see the world for all it has to offer. This program pushed me so far out of my comfort zone, and taught me to find comfort in the unknown. One of my favourite memories of the trip was at a homestay where we were all so uncomfortable with sleeping on the floor and having animals around all the time and sharing one squat toilet with over a dozen people. We started off so uncomfortable and scared, but it ended up being one of our favourite parts of the trip. We learned so much at that homestay, got to know each other really well and it felt like we had a truly positive impact on the community we were working with. Everyone who is interested in the world and how to explore it better, should definitely do a program with OG!

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Trip of a life time

Going into this trip I had no idea what to expect. I didn’t know anyone in my group and I had never been on a trip this long before. However it turned out to be the best experience I could ever ask for. The trip leaders knew exactly what they were doing and made us feel safe and welcomed the whole time. We got to experience Ghana in a way few people besides locals do and it was truly amazing. I fell in love with this country and it’s oeople and it was so hard leaving at the end. The travel group grew close and I still keep in touch with them today. I would go back in a heartbeat if I could. Operation Groundswell is well organized and will provide you with a once in a lifetime experience if you let them.

What would you improve about this program?
More predeparture meetings. It would have been a little more comforting if we got to know each other a little more before traveling across the world
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Best Food Revolutions program

This was my first time to South America and really my first time travelling and it was the best experience I have ever had. Ecuador is beautiful and every town we visited was gorgeous and absolutely so welcoming. The food was great, local, and fresh!!! I learned so much from visiting OG's partners and helping them farm and plant. It was interesting to see the different ways people live around the world and truly realize the privileges I have living in Canada. Our program leaders were the most wonderful, knowledgeable people!!! I made so many great friends on this trip I would 100% recommend OG to all my friends!

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Yes, I recommend this program

My Tanzania Social Innovation Experience

Operation Groundswell allowed me to have a unique and educational backpacking experience that differs from any volunteering overseas program I have ever heard about. The trip itself was dedicated to culture immersion while still acknowledging the privilege we have as travelers and how we impact the places we travel. I enjoyed learning from the NGOs based in Tanzania that we visited, instead of simply attempting to make a lasting impact through a one-time charitable visit. Operation Groundswell is for travelers who are contentious of their global impact and who want to make a difference in themselves instead of blindly hoping that what they do will be the difference that saves the world. It was a truly eye opening and fun experience that I think back on every day.

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OG Mind & Body:

One of the most impressionable 2 weeks of my life will be the time spent in northern India with Operation Groundswell. After traveling several times with a volunteer abroad organization over the years I was initially drawn to OG’s “traveling with a purpose” message as that is something I deeply resonate with. Then seeing that one of their programs was in India, a country I’ve dreamed about visiting since I was young, and that it incorporated the country’s rich traditional practices of yoga and meditation into the program, I knew that I was supposed to be on that trip. Over the course of those 2 weeks that feeling of synchronicity was justified time and again.

India is not a country that one can jump into lightly, I was challenged initially by the intense climate and pollution but more so by trying to understand the controversial societal norms surrounding gender and class that are deeply rooted in India’s culture.

One of the reasons that OG stands out among the many other volunteer abroad organizations is its dedication to focus on the participants growth of knowledge through experience of the country’s social, economic, political, and environmental challenges through direct involvement with NGOs they partner with. The partners we worked with and learned from gave such a personal insight into India’s challenging caste system that systematically leaves so many uneducated and in poverty. But the partners we worked with are actively striving to confront the unjust system and bring education and healthcare opportunities to those it’s been denied.

The second reason are the incredibly competent, open minded and hearted Program Leaders OG places in each program. My program had a few things go wrong that threatened the overall positive experience of the trip but what brought peace and security back to our group were our amazing PLs and their clear and focused problem solving abilities that always put the group’s safety and concerns first. The trip would surely not have been the same without our PLs and I have OG to thank for putting those truly incredible women in my life.

My favorite memory is of time I spent learning a Bollywood dance and performing it for the children at the organic farm we spent a week at near Rishikesh that gives refuge and education to children of India’s lowest caste.

Being in India those 2 weeks with some of the most incredible people I’ve ever met allowed me to be challenged and ultimately grow in ways that will affect the way I live as a global citizen and practice as a spiritual person for the rest of my life. For that I will always be grateful and will continue to recommend OG to those who are looking to join the “backpactivist” movement.

My only regret is that I did not stay longer.

-Treva Appugliese

What would you improve about this program?
Longer trip dates for the India mind and body program!
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Crazy, Unforgettable Time in East Africa

My trip to East Africa was unforgettable to say the least. Let's start at the beginning, in Nairobi, Kenya. It was a bit of a culture shock at first, as Nairobi is a chaotic, bustling city. We stayed at the YMCA. I couldn't sleep for the first week because my body was adjusting to my malaria meds. This doesn't happen to everyone, but it's really important to keep taking them if it does. While in Nairobi, we visited a very cool art collaborative called PAWA254, walked through the slums of Kibera, and got thoroughly ripped off at the souvenir shops (at least I did - I recommend bargaining hard if you want to buy anything but be respectful of course). The slums of Kibera were truly eye-opening. Be prepared to have swarms of children run after you; they're very friendly! We visited Carolina for Kibera, an organization that does amazing work to provide healthcare and other services in the slums, and helped distribute sanitary pads to schoolgirls.

Next, we took a bus ride to Kimende. I should mention that most of the bus rides on this trip were extremely long and uncomfortable, but I kind of enjoyed the discomfort as part of the experience. Just try to stay mindful and positive. In Kimende, we stayed with local families and did a few activities like planting trees and weeding. The hospitality was incredible. We stayed here for a few days before taking off to Uganda!

In Kampala, Uganda, we worked with RWEYOWA to set up an HIV testing clinic. Our job was to walk around certain neighbourhoods and distribute flyers to promote our clinic. Again, people were very friendly. It was also very hot! The ground is covered in orange dust, so I recommend wearing shoes that you can wash or don't mind getting dirty. Kampala has a great nightlife, which some of us explored, but I loved that there was no pressure at all for those who didn't feel comfortable.

Next, we went rafting on the Nile! This was SO. MUCH. FUN! Highly recommend. Some people also went bungee jumping but I chickened out.

In Gulu, Uganda, we worked with United Youth Entertainment (UYE) to produce and screen a silent film. I found this leg of the trip to be quite long and slow. This is where you really start to experience a different pace of life but be patient and try to relax. The extra free time lets you do some exploring. Gulu's nightlife is also great.

Then, everyone had ten days off to do what they wanted. Three of us decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. I could go on about this part forever but let's just say this was one of the most challenging and rewarding weeks of my life. It's a little pricey but 100% worth it. We finished off our trip with some camping in Kenya before heading back to Nairobi. Overall, this experience is perfect if you're looking for adventure and not afraid of feeling a little tired or outside your comfort zone at times. Our program directors made all the difference; they were always there to listen and help us adjust. Thank you, Shamira and Julius!

Since returning home, I've discussed my experience with many: friends and family (of course), job interviewers, and I even wrote about it in my (successful) applications for graduate programs at the University of Oxford and the London School of Economics. If used properly, this experience can be an asset to boost your CV. However, expect that some people will be critical. Voluntourism is controversial - for good reasons, in my opinion. But I've always felt that my experience with Operation Groundswell was not a classic voluntourism trip. We didn't go in and build a school where there was no need for a school. We partnered with local organizations on projects that were already underway, for which there was real demand. It's useful to emphasize this if faced with criticism. I would also keep in mind that this program is not the most effective way to help communities in East Africa. You should be clear that you are doing this for yourself as well as to have a social impact. With that in mind, I do think we helped!

What would you improve about this program?
Perhaps there could have been more information ahead of time about our options on the 10 days off. I ended up climbing Kili with two others, but none of us had enough warm clothing. I also didn't have enough cash with me (and the ATMs weren't working for me), so I had to embarrassingly ask my parents to wire some money from my account.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Peru Mind and Body

I wasn't sure what to expect with this program, as it was my first volunteer experience abroad. The program was to be dedicated to volunteering in sustainable organic agriculture, yoga, meditation, and hiking. Of course it delivered these things, but what sets Operation Groundswell apart is its dedication to meaningful learning and integration with the local culture. To elaborate, over 2 years later, the activities and discussions in which we partook still resonate with me. The delivery, combined with 2 INCREDIBLE group leaders (Gordon and Meg, you two are the bees' knees!!!), are exceptionally important to create a profound experience that you will take with you back into your own community, and future backpacktivism.

This program is not something that will be handed to you in a nice little package, but rather an invitation to engage with a new environment, new people, a new culture. OG goes to great lengths to ensure you truly have the opportunity to integrate with local communities, with the goal of great impact on both parties.

While the physical labour we offered the farm was certainly helpful for their progress, equally important was our understanding the challenges they face, especially in engaging their own community with their goals. Be prepared to be fully unplugged and immersed during this process!

In addition to volunteering, you will be signing up for some great adventuring - we climbed many a'mountain, with some yoga and meditation along the way! Overall, I must say the personal growth opportunity is exceptional in this program, and I am confident that OG has done an outstanding job structuring their trips to benefit everyone involved.

If you are considering becoming a backpacktivist, rest assured that OG is the right organization to take you on that journey!

Yes, I recommend this program

Environmental and Human Justice in Bolivia

Working and traveling with OG was genuinely the most incredible experience of my life; so far. I experienced cultures beyond Bolivian city-life, stretching from rural communities that spoke Quechua in Bolivian communities to meals in the backyards of Peruvian mothers in Colca Canyon. Along the way, I was taught how to be respectful and analyze what I was learning with a group of passionate adventurers. Each organization worked with had a unique mission but a similar goal, to improve life for someone. This journey encompassed service and the mountains-climbed and salt flats-licked in between were the cherries on top. I would advise anyone to take a leap of faith and travel with Operation Groundswell time after time.
From working in schools, gardens, and communities to playing fútbol with local kiddos, climbing an 18,000 ft mountain, and taking in Southern Hemisphere stars while in a natural hot spring, the potential for growth is endless. Group time prepares you for the encounters along the way and ensures confidence in your independent travel time. Lesson learned, book bus tickets at the station, not online. However, four taxi rides to fix the problem was a fun way to improve my Spanish. Returning home after this trip is when the culture-shock hit me in the best and hardest of ways. I am now conscious of any waste I produce, yearn to work with my hands and have cut down on all of my possessions. This trip put into perspective how little you need to truly be happy. In my 40 South American-days, I learned more than could fit in my joyfully full 65L backpack.

What would you improve about this program?
More of the cost of the trip could be allocated to the NPOs worked with and less to organizational fees at headquarters.
woman in nature
Yes, I recommend this program

Don't think twice, jump right in!

Most people would review trips with Operation Groundswell (or other volunteer abroad organizations) with phrases like "this changed my life!" or "unbelievably amazing, I had so much fun!" or "Wow, I learned so much! The food, the sights, the culture and the people were great, this was so all around awesome!", but truthfully, none of those standards would come close to expressing how phenomenal this trip was.

Operation Groundswell goes above and beyond to truly immerse participants, to teach us about cultural context for the nations we visit. They help us understand why people act and interact the way they do, teach us how to engage with relevant cultural issues in a sensitive and proactive way and ensure that the work we get to do is supporting locals rather than saving them. We got to meet real Guatemalan people and learn directly from them, while we contributed to their projects. They laughed at us while picking coffee beans because 'the gringos were so slow', they shared their homes with us and their kids helped us with our Spanish, they gave us a whole room in their tiny house in the mountains when we were behind schedule hiking and needed somewhere to stay. Guatemala is stunning, colourful and vibrant - as are its people. Their humour and strength in the face of many challenges is inspiring.

The OG Hub in Guatemala is a beautiful property and the program structure allowed us to spend time there to reflect at the end of our travels in a guided and mindful way, which differed from most other volunteer trips that are whirlwinds and send you home without making sure the message sinks in. I will never forget the compassion, dedication, patience and humility that I Iearned from this amazing program and I will incorporate the values of ethical travel from now on, anywhere I have the privilege to go. If you are considering this program, don't think twice. It may sounds cheesy, but it really is the experience of a lifetime.

A bit of advice, leave half of what you think you need at home: clothes, language, worries, and assumptions. But plan for twice the money (in quetzales!) and twice the friendship from not only the Guatemalans but your fellow travellers as well. OG crews will quickly feel like family and the country will quickly feel like home.

What would you improve about this program?
A few things I would have liked to know beforehand:
- Bring a sleeping mat if you can fit it.
- Don't underestimate how important good hiking shoes are.
- Bring some casual, non-hiking or working-in-the-field clothes too.
- It's going to be dirty, there will be bugs, the toilets are going to smell, you may not even have access to a toilet for days. Don't expect the same standard of living as your home and don't act like you're better than the people and places you're travelling through. They may not like their smelly compost toilets any more than you do, but that doesn't give you the right to insult them. Embrace the experience and realize that these people have had to learn to live like this because of factors that are out of their control.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Adventure Time

I chose operational groundswell for it's safety and community impact. Traveling without purpose or learning about people whose country you are a foreigner in seems wrong to me. The organization was very supportive and took us through the steps from preparing to leave, safe in country travels, and what to do when you got back. I would totally travel with them again. Our program leaders were top notch as well as all the support staff. My favourite memories include connecting with people in our homestays and volunteer placements. I went looking to become more comfortable with travel and I succeeded in that with this other.

What would you improve about this program?
I think it'll improve organically. The experience I had was awesome though.