The Small Things

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

An amazing experience that will stay with me

Working at TST was a fantastic experience, it's a charity that values its cause over volunteer novelty and that is the highest possible praise I can give any ethical volunteering experience. Spending two months there was barely enough time to scratch the surface of all that they do to help the local area. Ranging from a subsidised daycare and preschool all the way through to upskilling young adults and running micro-finance schemes for local people, the work that this relatively small team puts out is truly impactful and equally inspiring.

Whilst I was initially anxious that my role would be mostly performative, this was not the case as my work always felt meaningful and beneficial. Working alongside the extremely skilled teachers and dadas was always a pleasure and the kids of all ages were incredibly receptive to the new content and concepts I brought. Whether this involved teaching IT skills to older children or vocabulary to the pre-school students, it was a great experience to share my skills and contribute in the classroom.

Even though my role was primarily as a teaching assistant, I also valued the opportunity to help in other aspects of the charity. TST's management was incredibly flexible and accommodating when I suggested this and it was great to contribute both directly through teaching and behind the scenes where I got the chance to see the other projects they were working on. TST was incredibly transparent from the get-go and I really felt like part of the team whilst volunteering, their work culture is welcoming and I really appreciated the opportunity to sit in on their annual review meeting to get a deep understanding of how the organisation runs.

Everything about volunteering at TST has been fantastic. I came to Arusha hoping to immerse myself in Tanzanian culture, experience a new way of life, and help towards a good cause and I can confidently say all these desires have been met.

Thank you Bekka, Rehema, Mama Pendo and all the staff that makes The Small Things so great!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
TST offers the option to stay with a host family instead of the Western-style guest house. The host family is incredibly welcoming and they provide an amazing opportunity to further understand and engage with local culture and cuisine! I'd really suggest opting for this choice if you want to get the full Nkoaranga experience!
  • It is a truly ethical organisation that sincerely helps the local people
  • Fantastic staff and support from TST
  • Beautiful location, the hills of Meru are stunning
  • Without a hired car / tour guide it can often be difficult and relatively costly to find many activities to occupy your free time (bring a book)
  • The area/ nation is prone to frequent power cuts and back-up generators are rare
Yes, I recommend this program

Great time at TST

I'm so glad that I decided to work with TST for one month! The children were so greatful and loved the new songs we learned together. All of them have the trait to make one smile and they are so inquisitive! Everything new is great! They are all so happy and it was the best feeling to see, how TST gives them the opportunity to live on the best way they can do!
I had a great time and I really miss it!

Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing month of volunteering

This summer I volunteered at TST with my friend. We experienced so many aspects of the charity, and were able to spend a lot of time with the kids. The children were all delightful, and I already miss seeing them everyday. We really felt like valued members of the team, and that everything we were doing was worth while. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my university holiday.
I couldn’t recommend it more highly

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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience working at TST - would recommend to anyone wanting to make a difference!

This summer I volunteered with TST for a month with my friend. Everyone at TST is so welcoming we were put straight at ease and fully immersed into everything the charity has to offer. The Happy Children's Village is full of laughter, joy and happiness and I will never forget all the amazing kids there.

It was such an amazing experience, and one that I will never forget. If you want to go volunteering, and go somewhere where you really will make a difference - choose TST!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Glorious volunteering experience at TST Nkoaranga

Starting a day with melodious and wonderful voices of the children, smilefull faces of the mamas and all staff are the first things that pop into my mind when I remember my experience at TST. TST family is a loving, happy, caring and a great family to be a part of. It opened my eyes and my heart to reaching out and helping those in needs, showed me the importance of working as a team and the ripple effect of taking time out of our busy schedules to care for others.

What would you improve about this program?
Volunteers should get a sample itenary of different volunteering posts in a given period of time.
International Volunteers getting basic Swahili lessons no late than 3 days upon arrival at TST.
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Yes, I recommend this program

You will fall in love with these amazing kids and mamas!!

The day i arrived in Nkoaranga my grandad passed away. It was a very hard beginning for this kind of experience, that take you out of your comfort zone in every possible way, but this place it's just magic and those wordeful kids and people helped me so much to go on that i will be forever gratefull to them. The orphanage is a wordeful place to go volunteering, the kids will full your heart of pure love and joy, I promise!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Wonderful Place to Volunteer!

I absolutely loved my time volunteering for The Small Things! The children are beautiful, happy, and loving, and the staff is fantastic! The town of Nkoaranga is sweet and everyone is very friendly too. I would definitely recommend this trip. Tanzania is amazing!

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Yes, I recommend this program

My time at Nkoaranga Orphanage

I think we all have personal reasons as to why why we embark on such journeys/adventures. For me it was about taking myself out of my comfort zone. And in the process i fell in love with a bunch of kids. I wouldn't say they were any difficulties as such, things can be a little frustrating but you learn a lot about your tolerance levels. The language barrier was an obvious one, but not insurmountable. One of my best experiences to date

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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience EVER

Changed my life. Beautiful people, beautiful village, beautiful compound, beautiful staff, beautiful Childeren. Your view on your first world life will change when working here. The small things will force an amazing experience. I highly recommend this orphange to anyone.

What would you improve about this program?
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Yes, I recommend this program

An experience you will never forget!

My time in Tanzania has been the most wonderful, exciting and useful experience in my life. We (my boyfriend and I) didn't know what to expect when we went there, it was all left to our imagination. The first day we met some of the volunteers en they went with us to the orphanage for an introduction. In the beginning it was a little overwhelming. Everything was do different then I am used to in Belgium.
Nevertheless in a couple of days I fell in love with all of the children. The are just wonderful and like every other child the love to play, laugh and just be kids. Some of the days you feel exhausted because all of the work in the orphanage, the noise and the running around. But every day was so rewarding!! The kids will find a way to your heart and stay there!

I can't think of anything I would really want to see improved/changed about the program. We didn't stay at the volunteer's compound so we can not really comment about that. We did go there from time to time to hang out with the other volunteers and enjoy the wifi. The housing looked quite basic but they've got everything you need.

For people who are looking to volunteer with TST at the orphanage we have some quick tips:
- Try to take initiative when you're at the orphanage.This way the mamas (women who work there)and the children will get to know and trust you.
- Learn some basic Swahili. The basics are not that difficult and it will help you a lot in you day-to day communication.
- If you're planning on gifting some stuff (toys, clothes,..), ask in advance if they need something specific.

We really loved our stay in Nkoaranga. We met some amazing children and people in general (both locals and other volunteers)!

An experience you will never forget!
Go help the Small Things :-)

Emily & Didier