Study Abroad in Dubai, UAE

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Study Abroad Programs in Dubai

Study Abroad in Dubai, UAE


Dubai is a seamless melting pot of Western, Eastern, and Islamic culture. Located between Africa, Europe, and Asia, this exciting city combines high technological development with traditional religious ways of living. Dubai is an oasis of cultural mixtures and rapidly evolved from a trading center into an enormous metropolis. Don’t miss this incredible chance to study abroad in the land of opportunities, whether you are a student, entrepreneur, or traveler.

Photo credit: Francisco Anzola.


Most universities offer scholarships in combinations with individual programs, and students with outstanding academic performances achieve scholarships the next year. There are also alumni scholarships up to 10% of the entrance fee for those who have already graduated from a university.

Universities give considerable discounts to students who enroll early or pay their fees fully in advance. If you are creative, you can keep your living costs low and have extra funds left to explore Dubai and the UAE.

Planning Your Trip

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Dubai is very similar to living in the United States. An average meal at an inexpensive restaurant is $6.81 whereas a meal for two at a mid-range restaurant is on average $40.81. A one bedroom apartment in the city will range from $1000-1700, depending on how close to the city center you decide to live.


Full time students can be sponsored by their education institution if the institution is eligible. Student Renewed Visas are normally only valid for one year at a time, and are renewed each year during the study program. Student visas cost between $272 - $816. A medical test at an authorized UAE medical center will also normally be required. This check will check for HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Tuberculosis, Leprosy, and Syphilis.


Dubai is home to over 150 nationalities! Arabic is the national language, and English joins in as one of the main business languages. English, Urdu, Hindi, and Farsi are also spoken by most of the city.


Housing is highly dependent on which institution the student decides to study abroad with. For some universities (such as the American University in Dubai), the student is responsible for securing his or her own housing abroad. However, other universities have on-campus housing where students can live in a safe environment while being a mere walking distance from their classes. In these cases, the housing costs must be paid at least 8 weeks prior to the start of the program, so be sure to enroll early!

Types of Studying Jobs in Dubai

Because of Dubai’s economic situation, there’s a growing demand for ESL Studyers and considered very important for the next generation to be able to learn English as a way to seek better opportunities.

What to do in Dubai

There are innumerable exciting things to do and see while in Dubai! Students studying abroad can explore the shopping malls, traditional souqs, or incredulously tall skyscrapers (did you know the Burj Khalifa is 828 meters high?).

Do you like to eat? Of course you do! Dubai has an incredible spectrum of high end restaurants and cheap yet chic street shops. British chefs Gary Rhodes and Gordon Ramsay all have culinary outposts in Dubai, but students will probably prefer Al Dhiyafah Road, Dubai’s famous “cheap eats” street. Here, you can people-watch while feasting on food from Lebanon, Iran, and India!

Dubai is known for really cheap gold, and a stroll through the Gold Souk is necessary for anyone who hasn’t had the experience before. These stores offer platinum, diamonds, and silver – friendly for bartering and with a stunning atmosphere!

Academic Life

Universities in Dubai generally have very accessible websites and services for future students. Undergraduate programs are on average $10,000 per year, whereas postgraduate programs can cost from $15,000 to $20,000 a year.

The majority of private schools in Dubai are run by Western expatriates for Western expatriates. Local families also send their children to these private schools because they believe that tuition will be better. For study abroad students, this means that it’s best to enroll as early as you can!

Social Life and Student Culture

Dubai is the leading destination for study abroad students eager to explore the Middle East. Thousands of students arrive for the city’s multicultural and cosmopolitan character, and have the chance to choose between many different education systems to make them feel more at home. Study Abroad students have the chance to decide whether they want to learn at an American, British, French, or Indian international school – and that’s just naming a few! Over 50 higher education providers guarantee a vast curriculum of studies, spread over many different federal campuses, private schools, government facilities, and international institutions.

Contributed by Sunny Chen & Frederik Verbogen

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