  • Malawi
2 to 4 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Age Max
Year Round
Small Group (1-15)
Travel Type
Budget Family Solo Women


Price Details
2 weeks: $2990Canadian
3 Weeks: $3980 Canadian
4 weeks: $4745 Canadian
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Equipment Meals SIM cards Travel Insurance Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Visa
Feb 14, 2024
1 traveler is looking at this program

About Program

Southeast Africa is known for its magnificent wildlife - you can’t think of Malawi without imagining elephants, lions, zebras, giraffes, monkeys, and other African wildlife. But the reality is that these animals are under extreme pressure from the illegal wildlife trade, bushmeat trade, deforestation, loss of habitat and other conflicts with people. Malawi is the principle transit hub for wildlife trafficking in Southern Africa, including smuggling of illegal ivory. Species that were once so plentiful in the country are now disappearing at an alarming rate. Animals caught up in the illegal pet trade that are not killed can be subjected to a lifetime in captivity. Injuries from snares, traps, spears, or bullets can lead to slow and painful deaths. Wild places that animals can call home are also in decline which has led to an increase in human-wildlife conflict.

Our partner in Malawi is working hard to stop this tragedy and you can help them!

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Program Highlights

  • Opportunities to work with biologists, vets, behavioural biologists, and volunteers from all around the world.
  • Authentic volunteering with wild animals.
  • Cafe onsite means there is WiFi and lattes whenever you feel homesick.
  • Safe accomodation that has been thoroughly checked by AEI and the onsite volunteer coordinator.
  • All meals included.

Program Impact

This amazing organization envisions a Malawi where everyone respects and protects wildlife. They have partnered with government and law enforcement officials to fight wildlife crimes and ensure charges are enforced through the justice system in Malawi. They run the country’s largest environmental education program reaching thousands of people each year - from school children to decision makers and law enforcers. Their wildlife research programs support projects that are critical to effective conservation management, and they have partnered with the Department of National Parks & Wildlife and Conservation Research Africa to build Malawi’s first Wildlife Research Institute in Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve. Volunteers spend most of their time helping care for animals at the Wildlife Center which is world-renowned for its work in wildlife welfare and has won numerous awards and accreditations. When you volunteer with this organization, you are supporting this critical work being carried out in Malawi.

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