Community Development Volunteer Program in South Africa
- South Africa
- Port Elizabeth
About Program
Our community program allows volunteers to get an in depth experience of our community. Lead by our local volunteer coordinator, who also leads intensive reflection sessions with volunteers, we provide a platform for volunteers to experience our community, to make a change and to be a part of something that is greater than us all. Experience our hardships, our trials. Experience our joy, our blessings...
Volunteer activities include:
Missionvale care centre - A multi-purpose care centre in Missionvale location. Work in the nutrition unit, community clinic and even help out in the garden!
East Cape Midlands FET College - Be a part of a tutoring team at a community college. Volunteers will run a resource centre on college, assisting learners between the ages of 17 - 26 years with computer skills, assignments and school work.
House of Resurrection - An aids haven in the Northern Areas. Help raise funds, upgrade website and teach children between the ages of 3-9years.
Response from Kurios Trend Volunteer Projects
Hi Ajike!!
Thank you so much for choosing to volunteer with Kurios Trend! It was an absolute pleasure meeting and working with you! We wish you all the best and cant wait to see you back in South Africa!
All the best!