- France
- Paris
- England
- London
- Spain
- Madrid
- Canada
- Ottawa
- Mexico
- Mexico City
- Brazil
- Rio de Janeiro
- São Paulo
- Australia
- Adelaide
- Melbourne
- Brisbane
- Sydney
- New Zealand
- Wellington
- Malaysia
- Kuala Lumpur
- South Korea
- Seoul
- Taiwan
- Kaohsiung
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- Shanghai
- Lebanon
- Beirut
- Philippines
- Manila
- Thailand
- Bangkok
- Turkey
- Istanbul
About Program
Classic Dishes With An Original And Contemporary Style
Your entrée into the exciting world of professional cuisine! The Le Cordon Bleu Cuisine Diploma programme is designed for you to master the technical skills and gain the confidence and knowledge to apply what you will learn to any style of cuisine.
Our Diplome de Cuisine is still considered the most rigorous and comprehensive programme in classical French culinary techniques and international cuisine available today. The programme offers complete hands on training and is comprised of three certificates at basic, intermediate and superior levels of cuisine and earn a diploma that is welcomed in the world's finest kitchens.
Use the plate as your canvas and gain the knowledge, discipline and understanding of technical skills that encourage your creativity and natural talent to blossom.
Video and Photos
Program Highlights
- 125 years of teaching excellence
- World-class chef-instructors
- Small class sizes
- International network
- Alumni services