- Italy
- Rome
- Florence
- France
- Paris
- Spain
- Seville
- Greece
- Athens
- Morocco
- Meknes
About Program
An opportunity to see the world while redefining yours is what the WorldStrides Gap Year is all about. Choose adventure while traveling through five countries to explore a series of experiences, classes, workshops, community engagement projects and tours. Your thirteen week adventure begins in Athens for orientation where you will meet like-minded adventurers from across the US before embarking on your journey across Europe.
From riding camels in the deserts of Morocco to exploring the ancient ruins of Athens, you won’t only see cities, you will become part of them. And you'll be supported every step of the way by our wonderful staff and our host families. Whether taking a class for college credit in Florence or volunteering in the urban gardens of Seville, this program is packed with options to tailor your experience and prepare you for success in college or your chosen career.
Video and Photos
Program Highlights
- A Gap Year for the ultimate European Explorer
- Earn transferable US College Credit
- Community Engagement Projects to Make a Difference
- Workshops and Seminars to build skills for college or your career
- Included sightseeing and cultural immersion activities in every city