- India
- Delhi
- Nepal
- Kathmandu
- Thailand
- Bangkok
- Japan
- Tokyo
- England
- London
- France
- Paris
- Ireland
- Dublin
- Netherlands
- Amsterdam
- Spain
- Barcelona
- United States of America
- Chicago
- Hawaii
- Costa Rica
- San José
- Mexico
- Mexico City
- Argentina
- Buenos Aires
- Brazil
- Rio de Janeiro
- Ecuador
- Quito
- Australia
- Sydney
- Fiji
- New Zealand
- Auckland
- South Africa
- Cape Town
About Program
Get an opportunity to work on another intern program overseas at a top photography lab! The Institute for Global Studies (IGS) has a long track record of finding compelling student placements. We partner with studios that connect with the society's top names, brands, city hall, orchestras and other pillars.And we are collaborating with freelancers who are bringing our students into the field and showing them the fast-paced world of event cover.
Interning at a high-end photography studio will introduce you to some of the industry 's finest professionals. If you are good at using a camera, you may be able to support the photographer with some of the shoots. Its duties include;
* Prepare the studio
* Meet and greet
* Create portfolios
* Post on Instagram/Facebook
*Take and/or edit photos
Video and Photos
Program Highlights
- Do more than just take pictures; work in similar fields or areas like marketing.
- Intern for a freelance photographer, a perfect chance to discover your host city and surrounding areas while doing field work.
- Develop your photographic skills in difficult conditions, such as poor lighting and time pressure.
- Develop or strengthen your communication skills, public relations, and other photography related fields.
- Spend your free time enjoying the best sights, off-the-beaten paths and the local culture.