Alumni Spotlight: Scott O Neill

ISA Spain students

Why did you decide to study abroad with ISA in Spain?

Scott: I chose to go to Spain with ISA because all of the courses transferred and were all set up with ASU. So I knew I exactly what I was going to get credit for at my school. That was a really important consideration. The reason I chose Spain was because I went into the study abroad office and asked a very simple question. Where am I going to have the best time? I love to go out and party and it doesn't really get any better than Spain in that regard I can assure you.

What made studying in Spain a unique and special experience?

Scott: I think studying abroad anywhere offers unique experiences. I have had friends study abroad all over the world and really haven't heard anything negative about their experience. I really loved Spain. I made so many new friends from so many different backgrounds. I have new friends from all over the country and Europe that I keep in touch with today.

How did this experience impact your academic development?

Scott: Like I said I made a whole new group of great friends. I attended a great University I would have never attended otherwise. I took a Spanish course that I never would have taken otherwise and it has served fairly useful as I am a native of the southwest. As a business student I can not stress enough the benefit of having attended and studied business internationally. As I mentioned earlier I would put the nightlife up against the nightlife anywhere in the world. The bottom line is you're going to meet some great new people, you're going to have more fun than you've ever had in your life, oh and you'll get a couple of courses out of the way while your at it.