Why did you decide to study abroad with CSA in BLCU?
Keir: I decided to study at BLCU because I studied at last year at BMA (Beijing Mandarin Academy) for 3 months and just I felt I wanted to change schools to see what other styles of teaching there was as I really enjoyed BMA! Also alot of my friends I met in Beijing went to BLCU, so again wanted to go there for the social aspect as well.
I found CSA online last year and went with them from August 2011 to November and from January this year till present! I felt CSA was a great help to me adjusting to China especially when my first time was in August last year so had no clue what to expect. So they really helped me know Beijing through the students as CSA and all the trips the organised as well. They picked me up from the airport and helped me with changing and renewing my visa etc etc.
What made your study abroad experience unique and special?
Keir: I think that both my trips to China with CSA at BMA and at BLCU have been very special indeed! A lot of life skills have been learnt as well as personally knowing myself more around with other people who are from different nationalities in China. So I feel meeting a lot of people coming to China all for different reasons is awesome to know and the fact most people are here to learn Chinese so then they can work in China or South East Asia!
How has this experience impacted your future?
Keir: I am still in China now, so after I finish at BLCU I will try and find work here in China or in Hong Kong where I was born, so this experience has definitely helped me be more clear of what kind of work I want to do.