Why did you decide to study abroad with CSA at Beijing Mandarin Academy?
Petra: The CSA website was really easy to navigate and they were one of the few courses that offered a home stay option for accommodation. From my very first contact with CSA they were helpful and organized and clearly understood the needs of a student studying abroad.
What made your study abroad experience unique and special?
Petra: Obviously I was extremely lucky to have such a great host family, and thanks to them I have gained real insight into Chinese culture and my mandarin has improved much faster than I expected. The CSA activity pack that I purchased has also shown me some aspects of the city that I wouldn't otherwise have experienced. But what had really made this experience special is the friends I have made - meeting people from all over the world had opened my eyes to so many different cultures and that is something I wouldn't have experienced anywhere else.
How has this experience impacted your future?
Petra: Being in Beijing has really convinced me I need to come back! I am hoping to continue my mandarin at university and then possibly come back to Beijing through CSA when I am finished studying. I think learning about china is of incredible importance in the modern world and living here, studying the language, is true best way I can think to do so.