Why did you decide to study abroad with CSA?
Kohler: The determining factor for choosing CSA for my studies abroad wasthere multiple locations and easy to talk to staff. As with most traveling to a new country I was not sure how to take care of my basic necessities such as housing and even paying my utilities. I found the company through the CSA website and saw that they had packages to handle all of my needs with many different options to choose from.
Being that I am very particular about my living arraignments I opted for the luxury apartment for one with all utilities included. This also included handling my paperwork for obtaining my Visa and my school registration. I found it very comforting that the majority of my arraignments were handled before I arrived in China and those left were handled by me, with a staff member present to help with the many unexpected questions I would have. Since my first day in China I was able to talk to the staff in a comfortable surrounding and no matter if the question was concerning a western based convenience or an eastern based dilemma they seemed to always have someone there who could handle it with the utmost professionalism.
Describe an instance when CSA went "above and beyond" the call of duty to ensure you had a pleasant experience.
Kohler: I feel that CSA went above and beyond their job with a weekly get together and the help it offered in meeting new people from around the world. Having the staff at these events added an even greater benefit because they were happy to answer questions we would realize we had through our discussions. Having this type of environment really helped in making new friendships and branching out from one's own comfort zone. Due to this I was able to make many life long friends that I still keep in touch with and visit long after I have left China. Also they are there for medical issues which is extremely important. After moving to China I had a problem that I needed to go to the hospital for and they had someone meet me at my apartment, take care of all the admittance forms, and sit with me through the whole process. When you are not completely fluent in a language something as simple as a ear infection can be very difficult to handle.
Having experienced both Shanghai and Beijing as a CSA student, which city do you recommend to prospective students?
Kohler: After living in both Shanghai and Beijing I would highly recommend starting your adventure in Beijing. The standard Mandarin language is spoken much more there and the area you live, study, and go out in is very close together. After you have been to Beijing and feel comfortable living in China then Shanghai is a wonderful area to go. I find that Beijing has much more cultural history and so much to see and do you could spend at least a year there and not have done it all. Along with CSA excursions to outer provinces you really experience all that China has to offer. I would highly recommend the Harbin Ice festival. It is truly one of the most incredible things you will ever see.
How has this experience impacted your future?
Kohler: Upon returning to the United States my experiences in China have given me the direction I needed to pursue the Chinese language and Asian studies. I treasure my experiences and am now looking for a job that will allow me to spend a few months a year if not more in China. The Chinese culture has been a huge influence at American universities and we even have a new Confucius Institute opening in Montgomery, Alabama. When the professors find out you lived in China they seem to find it wonderful and it opens up a lot of opportunities for studies and help in the future.