Alumni Spotlight: Rowena Nagy

Rowena Nagy is from Tasmania, Australia and studies Journalism at the University of Tasmania. She enjoys reading, listening to music, spending time with friends and one day hopes to travel some more around the world, particularly around the UK and Europe.


Highlights: The highlight of my entire trip was the entire thing. I made heaps of new friends, saw so many beautiful sights and had the best time of my life. Being able to travel around a new country which has so much to offer with so many wonderful people is honestly one of the best ways to do it and far better experience than travelling there alone. I really enjoyed my entire time there and I really cannot wait to go back one day.

Morning: My typical morning in Costa Rica began pretty early - I would get up around 6 or 6:30am and have breakfast which was usually around 7am and with my host sister and my host mother would also be up doing something around the house. Then I would get ready to go to work, which in the morning was building an eco house for coffee farmers in the town that we stayed in.

But first my group, project leader and I would meet at the Salon (community centre) at 7:30 and then we would all go up together and then begin working on whatever we were doing that day for the eco house. Work in the morning was pretty easy because nothing was ever beyond what we could do either individually or as a group and our morning was broken up by a break around 9:45 and then by lunch we would be done with the eco house for the day.

Girl and tucan

Afternoon: My Typical afternoon would start at noon with lunch with my group, project leader and one or two members of each of our host families who would make and bring us our lunch everyday. That would be from 12 to 1pm and then from 1 to 3pm we would make eco bricks for a small bridge we made on our last official day of work for the town. Then at 3pm we would finish work for the day and have a free afternoon where we could either go home, play soccer with each other and some local kids or go to the small shop near the salon and hang out there for a few hours. Then from around 5 or 6pm we would all start going home and spend time with our host families.

Evening: Evenings were pretty relaxing because I would usually shower, have dinner and then do something with my host family (usually just watch TV or talk with my host sister). Then most nights around 8/8:30 I would go to bed. But the first Monday and Tuesday there was church event that my host family and I went to in a town close by and the second weekend that I was there San Pedro (my host town) had a town festival which ran for the entire weekend in the evenings and my group and I went to that while it was on.