Au Pair China Program

Star Exchange(AuPairChinaOnline)

Why choose Star Exchange(AuPairChinaOnline)?

Star Exchange,specialize in the Au Pair China Program since 2012, prioritizing quality above all else! we have been providing high-quality exchange programs , opening doors to the world and bringing people together through shared experiences. we pride ourselves on offering a unique experience that allows participants to feel like a family member rather than just a program participant. By directly experiencing each other’s customs, languages, and values, we believe our programs promote friendship, trust, acceptance, and genuine affection.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Every aspect of my experience was made seamless and enjoyable thanks to SE's professional and dedicated team

I spent three wonderful months in Shenzhen, matched with a local family through SE. Every aspect of my experience was made seamless and enjoyable thanks to SE's professional and dedicated team.
From the beginning, I had a dedicated coordinator who managed the entire process, ensuring that everything was in place. SE staff helped me prepare necessary documents and guided me through the visa application, making it a stress-free experience.
Upon arriving in China, I received excellent training ,covering cultural differences and practical things, like using public transportation, which helped me settle in quickly.
My host family was amazing. With the agency’s support and guidance, we formed a strong bond and learned a lot from each other. This enriching cultural exchange made my time in Shenzhen truly memorable.
Thank you!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Their level of transparency instilled a sense of security and greatly facilitated my adaptation process

I had the privilege of spending 6 extraordinary months with a remarkable Chinese family in Beijing from the end of 2023. all made possible through Star Exchange. Opting for Star Exchange was a decision rooted in their extensive European (German) history and the presence of their dedicated Chinese team, Rising Star. Every staff member exhibited exceptional politeness, prompt responsiveness, and I was assigned a personal coordinator who meticulously guided me through every step of the journey.What truly stood out was their comprehensive approach in acquainting me with the program, China, and my host family, highlighting both the pros and cons. This level of transparency instilled a sense of security and greatly facilitated my adaptation process. Additionally, I received valuable training from other specialists of the team , which proved immensely beneficial. I wholeheartedly recommend Star Exchange to anyone seeking a unique and fulfilling international experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

A Genuine and Gratifying Experience

I had the pleasure of spending two delightful months with a Shanghai family last winter, all thanks to Star Exchange. What immediately endeared me to Star Exchange, after comparing several agencies, was their authenticity. Unlike others solely focused on highlighting program perks, they provided genuine insights. For instance, they preemptively addressed potential discomforts I might encounter, such as homesickness during new year or feeling overwhelmed by the bustling nature of Chinese New Year celebrations. Their keen understanding of both Western and Chinese cultures, coupled with continuous reminders of potential discomforts, was truly commendable. It was reassuring to know that my coordinator had extensive experience living in Europe, further enhancing the support provided. Additionally, I must commend their rewarding system, which surpasses other agencies . This aspect sets them apart and adds immense value to the overall experience.

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Yes, I recommend this program

I want to share a true story that happened to me.

I want to share a true story that happened to me. I'm a German girl who went to China as an au pair through Star Exchange in 2019. I had just graduated from high school that summer and was eager to experience Asian culture, so I signed up for Star Exchange's au pair China program. I was eventually matched with a family in Beijing. They are a family I still keep in touch with to this day, and I truly consider them my family.
I want to commend Star Exchange and their Chinese team, Rising Star. In early 2020, when the COVID-19 outbreak hit China just before the Chinese New Year, the staffs kept us au pairs constantly updated with various information about the situation and were very respectful of our wishes.
Due to fears about the pandemic, some au pairs immediately requested to return to their home countries. All the staff members responded promptly, cooperated efficiently, and provided various protective products such as masks and gloves. At that time, I wasn't too worried about the virus, so I decided to leave in March 2020. International flights were already scarce, but the staff from Star Exchange and Rising Star helped me book a ticket, accompanied me to the airport with my Chinese family, and prepared masks and gloves for all of us. At that time, entering Chinese airports required presenting a travel code (in green), but the Chinese travel code system was just starting to be implemented and wasn't very complete. It didn't have a function to input passport numbers, only Chinese ID information. Therefore, the staffs of SE and RS prepared an explanation letter for me in advance, explaining why I couldn't provide a travel code, and contacted the local airport ahead of time to ensure I boarded the plane smoothly. In comparison, I have a friend who found a family in Guilin, southern China, by herself two months after I arrived in China (because she only wanted to go to Guilin, but at that time there were no host families located in Guilin among the many host families of Star Exchange). When she wanted to return to Germany during the COVID-19 outbreak, everything seemed very difficult. She had a kind Chinese host family, but they were not familiar with arranging flights quickly or coordinating with airports, and at that time, the pandemic was severe. Her host family couldn't take her to the airport because they had to take care of their children (as schools in China were closed at that time), so they could only contact a taxi. I want to say that having a responsible organization is really fortunate! They truly have your best interests at heart.

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Yes, I recommend this program

top recommendation for anyone considering an au pair experience in China.

Having spent a year as an au pair in the United States, I understand the importance of having agency support throughout the process. When I decided to pursue a similar opportunity in China, I extensively researched various agencies and ultimately chose Star Exchange . I was impressed by their professionalism and efficiency. One aspect I particularly appreciated was their rigorous screening process for host families. Unlike some agencies that might accept any family willing to pay, Star Exchange and its Chinese brand Rising Star ensures that only suitable families are selected. For instance, a neighbor who obtained their contact information through my Chinese host family was not approved after a home visit. This incident piqued my curiosity, and when I inquired about it, my host mother said she heard that the team member of my agency did the home visit and found the grandparents of that family were not fully supportive of hosting a foreign individual in their home. Recognizing the potential impact on the future relationship between the Chinese family and the au pair, SE made the decision not to proceed. This level of attention to detail and commitment to ensuring a positive experience for both au pairs and host families sets Star Exchange apart, making them my top recommendation for anyone considering an au pair experience in China.


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