What is your favorite travel memory?
On EF Gap Year's Voyager semester program last spring, I worked as a Student Life Coordinator. The whole trip was full of incredible memories, but the last day of the program really stands out for me. We wrapped up the 10-week tour in Osaka, Japan, and spent the whole day together as a group, recapping the semester, reflecting, and saying goodbyes. That evening, our entire group of 30 gathered in a park and took turns giving final words and praise for eachother. It really hit me how much EACH student had grown, and I could see myself standing in their shoes just 5 years back. This was the start of the rest of their life post-gap program, and I could tell they had gained so much confidence, independence, and self worth. There were many tears and heartfelt goodbye hugs, and I'll never forget it!
How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?
I started my adventure with EF around 6 years ago, and I truly think that this company has helped me grow in every aspect, not just professionally. I am constantly inspired by the way that our team truly cares for eachother, for the world, but most importantly, for our students! I have gained an understanding of how creativity, collaboration, and attention to detail can truly shape an experience, and I have seen this play out for countless gap year students.
What is the best story you've heard from a return student?
I had one student who was re-applying to colleges during her gap semester because she wasn't satisfied with her options. As a Student Life Coordinator, I was there for her through this process- talking through ideas, helping proofread essays, and encouraging her. While I was on my flight home from the program, I got a text from her that she had been accepted to her TOP school- The Fashion Institute of Technology in NYC! I was so excited for her, and I know that her gap experience (and the way that she was able to reflect on it) helped bolster her application and prepare her for college.
If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?
If I could go on another program with EF Gap Year, I would choose to do the full, 23 week Gap Year program. This program has it all. The first semester is spent traveling all around the world, hitting Europe, Australia, Thailand. DREAM itinerary. The second semester, students get to choose a more independent path, either studying language at one of EF's global language schools (I'd probably choose Barcelona) or doing an internship in Stockholm, Sweden. The Gap Year gives you the chance to build your travel skills and independence AND the chance to flex your new confidence.
What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?
My company is unique in a lot of ways, but I'd say that one thing I always find incredible is the size of our reach. EF has over 52,000 employees worldwide, so my coworkers and I have connections everywhere. There are so many opportunities for our staff to get out in the world and not only visit our student groups on the road, but to visit global EF offices as well. I am always proud of my team for being so globally connected and making an effort to understand other cultures and befriend folks from around the world.
What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?
Safety is EF's #1 priority, and this certainly shines true on our gap programs. Each program has two dedicated staff on tour with student groups-- a Tour Director and a Student Life Coordinator. These staff are available any time of day or night, and are both in tune with the local setting of each destination as well as with the needs of each individual student. I supported students through the ups and downs of being away from home, created an atmosphere of emotional safety and belonging on the road, and acted as a mentor and role model for my students. This attention to detail and attention to each individual student, is what makes EF Gap Year great.