
InnoEnergy Master's School

Why choose InnoEnergy Master's School?

InnoEnergy Master’s School is a go-to-destination for tomorrow’s sustainable energy professionals as we are continuously pioneering change within the industry.

With 14 top universities, three business schools and over 200 business partners across Europe, we have positioned ourselves at the heart of the energy transition movement.

So, why should you study with us?

Europe is a hub for innovation and sustainability and the place to be for energy professionals and entrepreneurs, like you.

Each of our seven cutting-edge Master’s programs in energy engineering has an interdisciplinary approach, so you’ll understand key theories of business and innovation while kick-starting your career in sustainable energy.


Yes, I recommend this program

Master in Renewable Energy

If you are a game changer interested in sustainable development and you want to contribute to the energy transition in the upcoming years, this is the best program all over the world! Not only you get the proper education and preparation for overcoming any challenge related to the sustainable energy in two different schools and locations, but also, you get business and management skills during the entrepreneur and business school, developing real projects solving real problems from industries and companies.

The opportunities given by the program are huge! For instance, you get to meet people from all over the world, who share the same passion and energy as you. Also, you get the opportunity to travel to different locations to meet people from the industries, to work on on-site projects, to study in different institutions doing research, business, etc...

Definitely a great investment for life!

What would you improve about this program?
Probably to have a follow-up to the students during the whole master, as we only have a director in each school who takes care in the first year, but no one gives us a continuity when we change locations, so the information is hard to get.
Fernanda Werner
Yes, I recommend this program

MSc EMINE - A full international experience

The three key experiences within MSc EMINE are international, practical and entrepreneurship. Studying and living abroad in two main European universities and cities was, indeed, one of the most relevant reason why I, personally, applied for the programme. Current in my 2nd year, I can reaffirm that my goal was reached and I am everyday in contact with different cultures and like-minded people from distinct backgrounds - and the values and skills developed out of this experience cannot be teach in any classroom.

Concerning the education itself, it is extremely interesting for us, young students, to learn, understand and provide possible solutions to address modern energy challenges in real world-approach projects. Truly, my 1st year in Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, UPC, was mainly lead by assignments rather than exams which reflects a positive interested of the programme to graduate students that can actually deal with the requirements of the market. In addition, the constant presence of industry stakeholders in the classroom and the several events we participated outside the university were a plus on consolidating our knowledge towards nuclear energy.

Before InnoEnergy I was quite skeptical about the opportunities of innovation within the nuclear industry. However, although still limited when compared to the renewables generation energies, the actual nuclear industry does have engaging projects aiming to diversify the dominant Light Water Reactors (LWRs) market. And here, it is emphasized the commitment of MSc EMINE on providing an entrepreneurial training for its students. For this, the Grenoble Summer School suits perfectly by addressing energy challenges through managerial and innovation skills.

Overall, being part of the InnoEnergy community is a boost to your personal and professional life. Not only the programme itself but all the events promoted by Innoenergy and its partners must be wisely exploited as tools for the student’s formation. Thus, it is also the student responsibility to take advantage of all the opportunities offered by this involving experience.

What would you improve about this program?
As the programme has its students splitted in 2 different locations, it would be enriching to promote a meeting for them to interact right in the beginning of the 1st academic year. Indeed, it is something experienced by other InnoEnergy Master’s programmes and deeply powerful as reviewed by the students. At the end, the whole idea of establishing and promoting a community is not well developed for the MSc EMINE as the students only meet after 1st year for the Summer School. By that time it is perhaps a bit too late for the students who were the whole year apart to connect and merge naturally and thus, possibly compromising their performance when working in teams and providing interesting outputs from the proposed activities.
Abdul Salam
Yes, I recommend this program

Abdul Salam

This dual-degree program is designed to enlighten you with the latest trends in the fossil fuels energy market, the aftermath of relying on such fuels, as well as an extensive knowledge of renewable sources that can help to mitigate the negative impacts of fossil fuels. My first year was based in Krakow, Poland which is known to be one of the liveliest European cities while the second year was in Lisbon which is the top student destination with its scenic beauty. The whole program provided with a diverse choice of multiple subjects, several mentoring programs, personality development activities, career counselling program, international tours, as well as the close collaboration of universities with the industries, can be considered to be the finest Masters program in Europe.

What would you improve about this program?
If the collaboration with the industries is further improved and students have more chances of working on projects that are actually impactful for the industry as well as the society, then it will be a great value addition in this wonderful program.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Master in Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems

My personal experience with this Master program has been very insightful. I have leaned about Renewable energies and sustainability not only in the class room but also from being around the industry since we get the opportunity to work with real life projects, attend seminars and events about the topic. Apart from this, the program is also focused on developing entrepreneurial and project management skills. We take business courses at some of the best business universities of Europe such as ESADE and Católica Business School.
What I have enjoyed the most is the international experience. We travel to different countries in Europe for the business courses and even outside Europe for our yearly projects. Apart from this, I have learned a lot and opened my mind thanks to all the people I have meet from all around the world.
Another plus are the close opportunities you get to find internships and jobs within the industry.

What would you improve about this program?
The first year of SELECT (Master in Environomical Pathways for Sustainable Energy Systems) is done in collaboration of KTH in Stockholm and UPC in Barcelona, were the KTH clases are followed by Skype in Barcelona and the UPC clases are followed by Skype in Stockholm. Personally I am not a fan of the virtual interaction with the professor. I prefer personal clases.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing experience

It was an incredible opportunity to be able to take part from this programm. I think it is different from many others as it not only provides technical formation but it also gives insight in business development, which was the perfect complement for my background in engineering. This alone would be good enough but the way the programm is structured, giving us as students the chance to go to two different universities in different countries, meeting people from all over the world, with additional trainings throughout the year, makes it unique.


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