Why choose SEE TEFL?

SEE TEFL is one of the most most established and respected TEFL training courses in Asia. They offer the standard 120-hour onsite 4-week program with 6 1-hour observed teaching practices in local schools allowing their graduates to teach anywhere across the world, plus they offer a 4-5 month teaching Internship which provides an opportunity for participants to live as English teachers in Thai schools in rural areas of the country; participants fully immerse themselves in Thai culture and live as a respected 'ajarn' in their new community.

SEE's training program is accredited by the Thai Ministry of Education and its management system is ISO 9001 compliant. It's also a TQUK approved training center. Courses are usually oversubscribed so it's recommended to book early in order to guarantee a place on your preferred training date.

In addition, SEE TEFL assists in opening a Thai bank account and purchasing a Thai SIM card with a data package. They also provide a free airport collection.


Diversity & Inclusion

SEE TEFL is committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all individuals, including those who identify as LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and other diverse identities). We believe in promoting diversity, acceptance, and respect for everyone in our TEFL community.


At SEE TEFL, we recognize the critical importance of sustainability and are committed to incorporating sustainable practices into all aspects of our operations. Our goal is to foster environmental, social, and economic sustainability to create a positive impact on the communities we serve and the world at large.
At SEE TEFL, we recognize the ethical impact of our actions and strive to uphold the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our operations. Our commitment to ethical practices extends to our interactions with trainees, partner schools, local communities, and the broader educational landscape. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the cornerstone of building trust, fostering positive relationships, and creating a sustainable and impactful educational experience.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome TEFL School

I originally scheduled my TEFL course through ITA (International TEFL Academy) and I was surprised when I learned I was being sent to another school called "SEE TEFL", since I figured I'd take a course at an ITA school, and not a partner one.

Regardless, my experience at SEE TEFL was awesome. Teaching English can be quite daunting, but they make it the easiest thing in the world. The classes are full of great info that slowly build your confidence in your abilities, and then they give you a very easy to follow teaching methodology that allows you to add your own nuances in. All of the professors/graders were great, and really helped you once you began teaching in Week 3 and 4. There were opportunities for additional work that gave you a higher certification, and overall I felt as if they really did care about us as new teachers. The staff was very helpful, and I even got a job offer upon graduation at the exact grade-level I was open about wanting to teach.

Chiang Mai, Thailand is one of my new favorite cities to explore. The old-town area is a great slowed-down city that would probably take years to truly know, and as a photographer every alleyway provides some new unique beauty to capture.

This review probably sounds too good to be true, but honestly if you just have an open mind and realize you are, in fact, the foreigner who is presenting this alien language to a classroom of 30+ screaming six year-olds who won't stop staring at your beard, then you'll enjoy as much as I did.

Looking forward to moving back to Chiang Mai and staying in contact with SEE TEFL. Overall, wonderful course and I'd highly recommend!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Scorpion at one of the night markets
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best TEFL course ever!!!

I decided to enroll in this TEFL course after recommendation from a friend and I am SO glad I did! I’ve done an online TEFL course before, but this experience facilitated by SEE TEFL set the bar so high when it comes to TEFL training and support. Our instructors were intelligent and patient while giving us the skills we needed to make a positive impact in the classroom. The second half of the course consisted of in person teaching observations in actual Thai schools, not only getting experience of what the classroom environment is like, but also immediate feedback from our instructors on how to keep improving. The entire course I felt so supported and inspired to keep doing my all to be the best teacher I could be. Now almost a year later after finishing my course, I still keep in contact with SEE TEFL and they are still connecting me with new jobs and other opportunities!!! I’ve recommended this course already to all my friends who have even the slightest interest in teaching and I suggest to everyone to just take the leap!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Give this program your all! What you put into this program is what you get out of it.
  • Support from instructors
  • Job connections after course is finished
  • Newly found confidence in the classroom
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best course ever.

The course is amazing. Great staff great facilities and overall great program. I’ve learned so much in 4 weeks. I’m confident in my teaching abilities thanks to the foundation that SEETEFL has taught me. The program itself is well balanced. As you progress your skill set begins to take shape and next thing you know you have completed the program and looking for work. SEETEFL also offers support after graduation you are never alone. The overall quality and effectiveness of the program speaks for itself. Thank you SEETEFL.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
As you begin teaching in real classes it can be nerve racking but the skills that I was taught showed me to overcome my fears and rely on my training.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Well worth the time and money

I did my SEE TEFL 4-week course a few months ago. I checked reviews, read blogs and forums, and compared them to other similar programs before enrolling. There wasn't really anything I found in my research to keep them off the top of my short list.

Pre-enrollment was made easy by the director's prompt responses to all my emails. He reassured me regarding my apprehensions and worries. Finally, I dived in and made the commitment. Around a month before training started I received a 'pre-arrival' training pack with video reviews of the teaching methodology we would be trained to use and an overview of grammar terminology. The first two weeks of onsite training focused on developing individual teaching skills and grammar awareness. There was also a little Thai - great fun - and a very useful day spent looking at Thai culture. The last two weeks were all about the observed teaching practices at local school. I can honestly say that I don't know how anyone can become an effective teacher without face to face training.

The school stayed in touch with me after training regularly asking us how we were going with our job searches and whether we needed any extra support. I didn't need help and found employment quickly but there were a couple of non-native speakers who needed extra help, but I believe they received it as I've seen photos of them teaching on Facebook.

There wasn't anything I would say that was negative. However, I think some trainees were surprised at the intensity of the last two weeks. This isn't an online class where you read about training, this course is serious about making you an effective teacher and this requires hard work.

Overall, a great experience that set me up for a fulfilling teaching experience.

What was your funniest moment?
I think the funniest moment of my experience was watching another trainee trying to clean a whiteboard after using a permanent marker. Funny because this wasn't the first time this particular trainee had done this.
  • Professional
  • Effective
  • Intense
  • Intense
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Program - Well Worth It!

I went to SEE TEFL in Chiang Mai back in 2011 with the intention of getting an English teaching certificate to be used to augment my retirement income, if needed, as I travelled around the world. As fate would have it, I returned to Thailand a year later, met a wonderful Thai woman, later we were married, and so I ended up never actually teaching English.

But having said that, the decision to take the certificate course with SEE TEFL was one of the best decisions I ever made. Director/teacher John Quinn and his lovely wife Dr. Ying, were terrific people who made the experience both educationally and personally very rewarding. The structure of their language teaching method is proven to be highly effective. The gradual daily increase in knowledge and experience is rigorous - yet a lot of fun. We also learned some basic Thai language along with a helpful bit of Thai culture.

An important and rewarding aspect of the SEE TEFL course was that many of the people I met in my class, and shared our "language boot camp" experiences with, became and remain good friends, some of whom I continue to be in close contact with all these years later.

I have many fond memories of SEE TEFL to this day. To be sure, everything starts at the top, and John Quinn and Dr. Ying are great people!

  • Their language teaching techniques are proven highly effective.
  • Classes were relaxed and fun.
  • Teaching practices are invaluable aids to becoming a better teacher.
  • It wasn't easy. (not really a Con)


Displaying 1 - 2 of 2

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Brenna Skattebo

Brenna Skattebo

Why did you choose this program?

Not only did SEE TEFL have awesome reviews, but when I emailed with questions, John, the Director, personally responded to me (sometimes within minutes). His responses eased mine and my husband's fears about going so far from home and doing something so foreign to us!

When all else seemed pretty up in the air in terms of our big move, SEE TEFL was the one thing that felt really trustworthy and secure. It made the whole process of moving easier, knowing we could ask them questions!

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

SEE TEFL is a TEFL course -- while they don't get your visa for you, etc., they are super helpful in answering any questions you might have when coming out to Thailand and they also provide various recommendations for housing, food, and so on!

I emailed John regarding immunizations, SIM cards, and the visa situation! He was so helpful. But if you're looking for a company you can pay to DO everything for you, this might not be the best option for you. I, however, didn't mind doing that extra work as we prepared for our move.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Regarding SEE TEFL, I wish I had prepared myself mentally for how challenging the course ended up being! The work is manageable; however, it's definitely time-consuming and takes a lot of energy to prepare your lesson plans and practice all of the material. With that said, it was SO valuable and I'm very thankful for all of the work we put in and the results we saw by the end of the course.

For moving to Thailand, I would just recommend that you make a good checklist of all the things there are to do before you leave. It seems intimidating to say the least, but when you break it all down, it's really just little to-dos. You'll be thankful you pushed through once you're here.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

The course really is 9:00-4:00 (sometimes starting earlier). For the first two weeks, you will be in class doing grammar and teaching inputs most of the day. You'll get a few small breaks as well as an hour for lunch.

After class those first two weeks, you'll have time to enjoy Chiang Mai!

The last two weeks are definitely more strenuous, but worth the time put in. You'll either be preparing and practicing lessons or going to schools for your teaching practices. After 4:00, you'll likely need to keep practicing and preparing!

Those two weeks consisted of a lot of ordering food in and late nights of preparation (think finals week in college!).

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

My greatest fear was that I wouldn't be able to do some of the logistical items that seem important before coming. Some items, like the visa, ARE important and should be squared away. Other things -- like immunizations, shopping for "necessary" clothes and items, doctors' appointments, etc. -- I wish I had waited on. Thailand is very different from home, but they have everything you would need here, especially great and affordable medical care and a ton of shopping. You can find everything here that you would find back home, for a fraction of the price.

Is there any other advice for prospective travelers?

My advice to anyone considering this experience is: just do it.

Almost every day I pinch myself and wonder "Why doesn't everyone do this?" Several months ago, my husband and I were so nervous to quit our 9-5 jobs and move across the world, but now we're just wishing we had done it sooner! If there's any part of you that feels drawn to teaching English, traveling the world, and having new experiences, don't think twice!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

John Quinn

After graduating with a technical degree, John worked as a Scientific Officer with the UK’s Ministry of Defence. However, this didn’t satisfy his need to travel and his desire to help people. After a period of short-term jobs and budget traveling, he finally found his calling: EFL teaching. Since 1999 John has gone from teacher to examiner to manager to trainer to school owner. He now owns one of the most successful TEFL training schools in Asia. According to him, the secret of his success has been hard work, customer care and then more hard work.

What position do you hold at SEE TEFL? What has been your career path so far?

John: I am the founder, director of the managing company and the senior trainer for SEE TEFL. In addition, all email inquiries are sent to me and receive my personal response. Before I became an EFL teacher in 1999, I had always been searching for this type of career. Until that point in my life, I had mixed shoestring travel with spells of unsatisfying employment in the UK. My ‘eureka’ moment was during a bus journey in India; I met two vacationing TEFL teachers and they told me about their lives as EFL teachers in Bangkok.

I had never heard of TEFL before, and this seemed like the perfect career for me. It would allow me to continue to travel to far and exotic countries while doing something worthwhile with my life. Teaching, along with nursing, had always appealed to me as it would involve working with people and not paper or computer files.

SEE TEFL Courses in Thailand

The first step would be to take a TEFL course and I had been instructed by my new TEFL friends that the Saturday Education supplement of The Guardian newspaper would list upcoming courses. While there were only three listed, there was one was at a college just 500m from my parents’ house (where I was staying) and it was starting in 10 days. My brother-in-law, who is a builder, asked me whether I was interested in 7 days cash-in-hand work on one of his sites. I did, and I started to believe in fate from this moment.

Did YOU teach abroad?! If so, where and what inspired you to go?

John: I started my teaching career in Chiang Mai as an hourly-paid part-time teacher. After 2 years, it was time to move on and my next step was a 2-year full-time contract at the British Council. After another year of teaching the same verb tenses to mainly elementary-level students, I felt it was time for a new challenge. I grabbed the opportunity during my time at the BC to become an IELTS examiner and start leading IELTS strategy classes.

Upon completion of this contract I took 6 months off to go traveling around SE Asia. On returning to Chiang Mai, I was offered the position of Director of Studies at a branch of EF. We taught in-house, and I also managed teachers who we contracted to formal schools.

My next move was to open my own EFL language school in Chiang Mai – SEE TEFL started running courses in 2006. Since this date, we have refined the content, developed relationships with a large number of schools, achieved ISO 9001 compliance and obtained recognition from the Thai Ministry of Education for our program. We’ve also trained close to 700 TEFL teachers.

What does the future hold for SEE TEFL - any exciting new programs to share?

John: We ran our first Internship program in September 2013. This is a program that is suitable for people who are not fully committed to a career change. It offers training and a job guarantee for a 4-5 month placement in a Thai rural school. We are also looking to work with a partner and open the SEE TEFL program in Bangkok and at a beach location. We will then have courses in the Thai cultural capital of Thailand, the business centre and one next to the sea.

What about the future of the TEFL abroad industry? How do you think international education will change over the next 10 years?

John: Ten years ago many people predicted online courses were the future of TEFL. I was never convinced. Practical teaching skills can only be acquired through practical-skills training. Our focus is always on developing practical skills. I think most people thinking of TEFL recognize this as well. In addition, I predict ISO 9001 compliance will be adopted by more programs over the next 10 years. This is the only externally audited quality-management standard recognized around the world. It’s a guarantee of quality in teacher training courses.

SEE TEFL Courses in Thailand