Vantage TEFL Certification

Vantage Siam (Vantage TEFL Certification)

Why choose Vantage Siam (Vantage TEFL Certification)?

American Accreditation | Internationally Recognized | Validated by Lamar University (Texas, USA)

Established in 2007, and Thailand’s highest-rated TEFL program, Bangkok-based Vantage TEFL offers three separate TEFL certification programs.

The newest program is Virtual Vantage. You do the coursebook online then teach your observed teaching practices (OTPs) online in a streamed class.

The second program is a 120-hour In-Class Course that’s given over four weeks. This includes six hours of OTP.

The third option is our Combined Hybrid Course where you study teaching methodologies online first and then complete your OTPs in a real school.
All Vantage courses include a full practicum of six observed teaching practices with non-English speaking students in a real classroom.

Vantage provides lifetime job support. They’ll craft your own Power Resume, formulate a personal job search strategy, and coach you on interviewing techniques.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Both Right and Wrong

I had an inauspicious start. I was not sure teaching anyone was my ticket—particularly to children of any stripe.

At first, I was wrong. My first class was not a good experience as this large class was a noisy, difficult, and unpleasant experience. The 10-12 year old kids were all over the place. I felt woefully unprepared to teach children.

I said to myself that I’m out of here. Teaching was not for me.

But Vantage’s lead trainer Chris recommended I stick around. He explained that most first-teaching class experiences are stressful and difficult; it´s normal. Teaching success isn’t instantaneous.

My second teaching practice was much better, with a more receptive and respectful class. This was much more rewarding. Though I didn’t realize it at the time, it was me who was doing most of the changing—not the kids. So my initial ‘wrong’ was becoming a ‘right.’

Subsequent observed teaching practices were even more successful in situations where most of the class couldn’t speak or understand much English. Nonetheless, they were a pleasure to teach.

This also highlighted how much my class preparation—my confidence and my delivery—had improved throughout the course, due to the training and experience I´d received at Vantage. I learned how to engage students at the beginning of a class. This set the tone for the rest of the hour.

I learned so much about what is required to become a good teacher. And I learned a lot about myself and my capabilities when I stick things out.

Vantage also covered job services. Their Power Resume class was a revelation and is so useful in preparing job applications.

And there is one more thing I got right. I chose Vantage!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Extremely Helpful and Worthwhile, Highly Recommended

I would like to thank all the teachers from Vantage TEFL for their valuable training and unwavering support for my new career.
I have been have guided every step of the way on the path to be great teachers. I’m forever grateful for the knowledge, skills, and confidence Vantage has instilled in us. This course built a strong foundation for my future.
For me personally, the observed teaching practices were the highlight of the course. I was very nervous during my first couple of classes, but as my lesson planning skills improved, so did my performance in the classroom. The feedback I got after each class was truly valuable for me to be a highly qualified teacher.
Last but not least, I want to thank Vantage for their professional job assistance. The resume creation and interview coaching I received was the most essential thing I implemented in the ESL job market.
If you’re willing to pursue a teaching career, the team at Vantage are ready for you.

From Home Schooling to a Thai Classroom
I would like to thank Vantage TEFL for their unwavering support for my new career.
I wouldn’t have said this a few months ago. As I grew up homeschooled as a kid, so I didn’t even have much experience as a traditional student who at least had years of experience watching teachers in classroooms.
So I think I was a bit more nervous than your average TEFL trainee.
In the end, it didn’t seem to matter. I was guided every step of the way on becoming an effective teacher.
I was shown how communicative teaching works. I learn how to forumulate efficient lesson plans. And then I taught them to six different classus under Vantage’s obsrvation and feedback.
I’m forever grateful for the knowledge, skills, and confidence Vantage has instilled in me. This course has built a strong foundation for my future. I’m ready to teach in any classroom, anywhere.

For me personally, the observed teaching practices were the highlight of the course. I was very nervous during my first couple of classes, but as my lesson planning skills improved, so did my performance in the classroom. The feedback I got after each class was truly valuable for me to be a highly qualified teacher.
Last but not least, I want to thank Vantage for their professional job assistance. The resume creation and interview coaching I received was the most essential thing I implemented in the ESL job market.
If you’re willing to pursue a teaching career, the team at Vantage are ready for you.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Don't hesitate, just go for it! You'll be happy you did!
  • Insightful
  • Honest
  • Small class sizes, personal experience
  • I don't have anything negative to say.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Don’t Think Twice, It’s Alright

During my ‘research visit’ to Vantage, the Course Director jokingly remarked that they would have our souls on lease for a month. The intensity of the course was no joke, but within the daily grind of mastering a new craft, there were also moments of sheer wonder.

Delving into the intricacies of teaching was absolute joy. This meant dedicating weekdays to learning teaching methodologies, brushing up on my grammar, wrestling with phonological concepts, and weekends spent crafting lesson plans.

Life doesn’t get much better than this. In the end, the great satisfaction of eager faces in the classroom absorbing it all was incredibly gratifying.

Every stride I took brought back memories of my own school days. It was a truly remarkable journey—brimming with one learning experience after another as I acquired the skills of the trade.

What made this journey exhilarating were the trainers—the dynamic trio of Chris, Kevin, and Ryan. Chris, the lead trainer, is a quintessential Englishman with a unique sense of humor that only the British can pull off along with a wealth of knowledge. His teaching style is engaging—combining learning, laughter, and insight.

Kevin, Vantage’s Job Coach, shares invaluable tips on resume building and interview techniques. His poker-faced one-liners never failed to amuse, apart from serving their main purpose of boosting our confidence.

Ryan, always calm and composed, effortlessly introduced us to Thai culture and classroom etiquette.

As Chris often emphasizes, the best way to truly learn something is to teach it. And that’s’ what we did through six observed teaching practices.

Their guidance at every step of the way has paved the way for an exciting new career in teaching. I eagerly look forward to the road ahead, knowing that with Vantage’s training, I have assimilated a solid teaching foundation as I find my own footing in the road ahead.

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Win May
Yes, I recommend this program

The Right Place...The Right Time

I graduated from the TEFL training program at Vantage in Bangkok this past March. This course has given me the right tools to be successful as an English teacher.

It covered all the stops. I learned about teaching methodologies and techniques, grammar and, how to coach pronunciation. It also had a cultural component as the course also covered the dos and don’ts in a Thai schoolroom.

The observed teaching practices were one of the most valuable parts of my TEFL. We first had to learn how to formulate an actual lesson plan. Next, we discovered how to source effective teaching materials we needed to support our class. Then we delivered our class and got valuable feedback on what went well…and also things we still needed to work on for our next teaching session.

For me, the observed practice teaching was where I learned to be successful in the classroom.

The training at Vantage exceeded my expectations. It's the right choice if you want to be a skillful English teacher. Many thanks to the team at Vantage. They guided us each step of the way.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Overall Totally Perfect

I really want to give my appreciation to Chris and Kevin. They were my mentors in my English teacher training. The course curriculum itself was first class and it covered in detail a lot of teaching techniques and tips.

My Vantage trainers guided me every step of the way—particularly when I did my practice teaching classes to real students.

For me, this was where I had the most fun. Although teaching was completely new to me—and it was challenging—it was the most worthwhile part of the program.

Overall I would rate Vantage as a TP: “totally perfect.”


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Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I decided to do my TEFL when I was stuck in a dead end job with zero ambition. I looked at various way of traveling the world while earning some money and came across TEFL, and decided that I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I love children and that is a main reason why I decided to do the TEFL.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

I sent an email asking about the course and what it would entail. The institution (Vantage TEFL) I worked with had fast responses and answers to all my questions. They made it very easy to understand the requirements with constant feedback. I never had any doubt that I could do this through the confidence they gave me. A truly professional approach and I really enjoyed the journey of doing my TEFL.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

I moved to Thailand without doing any research about my surroundings and the cultural differences were the most challenging when I moved here, but people are so polite and friendly (it is contagious) that you adapt easily. I wish I knew about this earlier, as I would have loved to do this earlier in my life. Last piece of advice is to not underestimate the course as it was intense but enjoyable, and I truly believe, after this course I can teach English as a second language to anyone willing to learn.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

My course was a 9:00 to 17:00 on weekdays for a month long. It is long days and sometimes you had to get the the facility at 07:00 to do practice teaching. On an average day, you are guided through the English language and it is not to teach you English it is to help you to teach English. You also get exposed to practice teaching, which really helps you gain confidence as an English teacher and removes all doubt you would have (I also had a lot of doubt and anxiety, but the practice teachings ensured that I gained confidence and became comfortable in teaching).

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Biggest fear I had was that I never left my hometown for more than 6 weeks before. I always thought how would I adapt to a place I do not know and people that I do not understand? To answer that question, the answer lies within yourself. You need to decide that you want to do this. Once you open yourself up to the idea, it is strange how things just fall into place through meeting amazing people and experiencing unique cultures.

I have no doubt this is one of the biggest changes I made in my life and I have no regrets that I did it. Sometimes fear dictates our decision making, but just think of all the amazing experiences you will have and be able to share with your friends and family when they come visit.

What do I think prospective travelers would like to know?

My answer will be based on Thailand, as this is where I am currently.

Firstly, food is absolutely amazing. I have gained so much weight just by indulging in Thai cuisine.

Secondly, make sure that, if you want to work here, that your employer can speak English where both parties understand to avoid unnecessary confusion.

What would I change or do differently?

I have not been here to long and I would say there is currently nothing I would change, as the experience has been challenging and breathtaking at the same time.

Last thing that I would say: do not run from you fears. Embrace them and just do it; you will not regret it.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Chris Demetsopoullos

Job Title
Lead TEFL Trainer
Headshot of staff

Chris, tell us about yourself.

Originally from the UK, I started my teaching career in the early 1990s where I taught a diverse range of Thai students. I then moved up to positions of corporate English assignments, which led to work as a developer of customized curriculums -- increasingly in digital eLearning materials -- for business skills courses and workshops.

Today, I specialize in one-on-one Executive Coaching for personal development programs and Leadership Coaching for Thailand’s blue chip corporations as well as being the Lead Trainer for Vantage’s TEFL program.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I have many years of business English teaching and corporate training with previous companies, along with training materials development.

However, I’ve really honed that skill with Vantage, as we offer customized corporate training programs — business English and management and corporate skills on an exclusive basis.

We specialize in blended learning programs, so a new and important skill I’ve developed is eLearning instructional design.

I’ve also become a teacher trainer since working at Vantage Siam, for which my experience and varied roles have been invaluable. Vantage has given me the opportunity to grow and develop professionally, and I’m sure there’s more to come.

What is the best story you’ve heard from a return student?

We had a recent trainee who had had a rather troubled past. He decided to essentially “grow up” and better himself by getting himself a respectable career.

He contacted us and, after meeting with him, we were pretty sure he could become a good English teacher. However, he had very little confidence that he could make it.

We soon discovered he was very good at drawing out language from the students by use of questions, prompts and cueing during the first phase of the ESA methodology (Engage, Study, and Activate).

With subsequent training in the Study and Activate phases -- along with observed teaching practices -- he became highly effective in delivering a class to non-English speaking students in a live classroom. In short, this ‘raw recruit” became a highly skilled teacher. The surprise was that we had no idea in the beginning how good he would turn out to be.

We then helped get him a good teaching position at a prestigious school that is very appreciative of the way he motivates his students into successful English language acquisition.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

Vantage has always embraced the cutting edge in educational technology. We were among the first to offer customized courses in English for Special Purposes. We embraced eLearning and blended instruction in our classrooms in Thailand over fifteen years ago. We have been advocating computer-adaptive proficiency testing. Later this year, we will be educating the market in the first speaking and writing tests to be scored by AI technology.

And while we teach an American accredited TFFL course, we do supplement the curriculum with an introduction to both assessment methodology and emerging teaching technologies.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

I think one of the key factors in being successful is the ability to re-invent yourself -- or at least being open to change. And to change yourself effectively, you need to be able to hear what’s going on in the world around.

We like to think we’re good listeners. We listen to a couple of key voices to help point the company into head winds that we lead us to future successes.

We listen what the market is telling us in terms of what skills schools need for successful teachers.

We also hear what our TEFL candidates tell us during our time with us. We look at what skills they bring on day one --
what we do throughout the course -- and what the final product turned out to be. In other words, how well can they teach in a real classroom at the end of their training.

And finally, we follow key thought leaders in the education field. People that are talking today about what may be mainstream in learning tomorrow.