Warriors Academy Gap Year

Warriors Academy

Why choose Warriors Academy?

Warriors Academy is an internationally accredited Gap Year program that has been running in South Africa for the past 17 years.
The Warriors Gap Year program is made up of four seasonal Quests. Each Quest is structured and has unique features and activities. These are focused on equipping young adults with emotional intelligence skills, time, stress and conflict management, leadership, teamwork, problem-solving while exploring and experiencing the best that South Africa has to offer. Students are able to choose to do any of our Quests or all 4 as part of the full Gap Year experience.
Our Gap Year involves adventure activities, personal coaching and self-mastery workshops aimed at building emotional fitness and strengthening both the body and mind. Some of these activities include hiking, kloofing, water rafting, bungee jumping, scuba diving, sailing, cycle safari’s, animal encounters and so much more.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Autumn Quest 2024

The program has lots of adventure and also challenges each person individually. Self-growth is a guarantee.

What would you improve about this program?
I would not allow the same amount of swearing.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Review

I’ve had many new experiences and have made some good friends I’ve learnt how to respect myself and to respect others - coming to warriors was the best choice I’ve ever made. The staff here have really helped me out and have changed the way that I think and do things. All the activities are over the top fun and exciting, I always had something to do here at warriors - you are always active and always having to give it your all. It’s a great place and I'd recommend this to anyone that loves being in the outdoors.

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Yes, I recommend this program

warriors 10/10

Warriors Academy was absolutely incredible! I met amazing people, made lifelong friends, and did cool things like hiking, swimming, and cycling. Exploring new places and being surrounded by nature was so refreshing. The best part? The personal growth I experienced. I discovered my strength, mentally and physically. Being in a good mental space made everything even more enjoyable. It was a well-rounded experience, with adventure, personal development, and connections with like-minded individuals. I learned so much about myself and pushed my limits. If you get the chance, check it out! It's an unforgettable experience of memories, friendships, and personal growth. I'm grateful for the person it helped me become.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
stick to the rules and don’t take advantage when you’re given an opportunity
  • travelling and exploring
  • building strong friendships
  • getting to know yourself, building a relationship with yourself
  • no phones
  • exhausting and overwhelming at times
  • feeling time pressured and not enough off days
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer quest 2024!

Warriors has been an adventure of a lifetime! Being able to challenge myself in so many ways as well as traveling has made this experience so worth it. The soft skills that we learned was so beneficial towards my growth as a person and I learnt so much on these courses. Coming back for the second quest! Warriors allowed me the opportunity to meet so many new people as well as have experiences that were totally out of my comfort zone. The many characteristics and different nationalities were interesting to indulge in. The co stand physical activity also kept me in shape

What was your funniest moment?
When Cameron has diarrhea on the Wolkberg hike!
  • Travelling
  • Physical growth
  • Mental growth
  • Heat exhaustion
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Yes, I recommend this program

Warriors Summer quest

I loved my experience at warriors it really pushed me to my limits and I absolutely loved it. It was supper fun and I absolutely loved making new friends and getting to know new people and being able to make similar connections with people from different backgrounds the facilitators are absolutely amazing and very supportive definitely a opportunity of a lifetime. I loved trying the traditional food of the limpopo area it was exotic but I really enjoyed it. I would highly recommend this program for anyone.

  • The fun and commradship
  • The distance from town


Displaying 1 - 1 of 1

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

Both my older brother and cousin have done this programme prior to me. Hearing what an amazing experience this was for them and seeing the change in them, made coming to this programme a very easy choice for me to make.

I've always liked to challenge myself, but never actually got out of my comfort zone in doing so.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Because my older brother already did the programme prior to me, there were a few things he could pass on to me - which was great.

Other than that, the Warriors Academy helped me out with stuff I couldn't get/bring myself since I live overseas and it ended up being a lot easier just getting it on site. These were mainly things for outside activities, such as biking gear, hiking gear, and a tent.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Just go in and participate in every way possible. Don't think about it, be open to experience everything. There will most definitely be things you won't like, but you'll be surprised finding out there are actually quite a few things you really do like, just never had the opportunity to pursue it.

Also, as long as you put your mind to it, you're capable of doing everything and anything.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

Okay, so it's quite valuable to know that literally every single day is different, let alone the weeks.
But generally, you start your day off with some lovely morning exercise after which you return to your rooms to shower and get ready for the day. After breakfast (if you're lucky, there are oats), you go and do whatever activity is planned for that day!

Somewhere around noon, you'll have lunch and somewhere beginning of the evening, dinner. That's pretty much all I can say about an average day. Food is great there.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I don't think there was a specific fear? I was lucky enough to have met most of the people who are in the organisation of this programme prior to me actually joining it. So I guess that already made me feel a lot more comfortable going to the other side of the world by myself.

Other than that, I would recommend being open-minded and not being afraid to talk to people whenever you're struggling with something.

If you could do this trip again, what would you change?

Looking back at my experience, I wouldn't change a thing. There were a few times I was very much set on not doing something, but I'm extremely happy I did end up doing these things/trying it out.

The thing is, during this incredible programme, there are a lot of opportunities that are thrown at you and most of these you won't get a chance of experiencing ever again. You don't want to look back regretting things you didn't do.

Be grateful, cause it's a chance in a lifetime!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.


Job Title
Senior Facilitator
Tumi is every energetic passionate being! She loves to laugh and make a difference in other people’s lives!

What is your favorite travel memory?

Traveling to Mozambique on a scuba diving trip! Just exploring another part of Africa made it so special to share with our international students!

Every day presented a new opportunity where a new diving skill was taught to the students. The importance of respecting nature. This was a trip with lots of stories and memories!

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Working at Warriors has allowed me to learn to give back without expecting anything in return. It’s allowed me to see students grow into amazing young adults.

I’ve learned to do everything with passion and always give it my all. It’s been truly rewarding having to be able to work with youngsters from around the world!

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

One of the students had a really tough time in school and just not fitting in on a social level! Warriors has taught him to embrace who he is and express himself the way he chooses to.

He learned to accept himself and has picked up the courage to face people on a social level! Allowing others to appreciate his uniqueness.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

The Toltec workshop! It’s a week where our students are given the opportunity to learn about themselves emotionally and learn to accept who they are!

This is a week where we also offer an opportunity to detox and learn a little bit more about a healthy lifestyle. We teach the importance of health is wealth!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

What makes us unique is the fact that we are a melting pot of different cultures, races, and nationalities!

The best proud moment will always be at the end of a program where you see a transformation and the excitement within the students! This is the start of their journey into the big world and we’ve just equipped them with tools to take it on!

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

The biggest factor in being a successful company consists of multiple attributes.

Hard work
And most importantly, teamwork! It takes a team to put together a successful project! Yet we should all share a common vision in order for it to work!


Professional Associations

Gap Year Association Logo
Gap Year Association Logo