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World TESOL Academy

Why choose World TESOL Academy?

To effectively teach the English language, you’ll need to have a strong understanding of various language concepts and a set of skills to help you teach these concepts to your students.

With our 120-hour TESOL/TEFL course you'll learn the necessary skills to teach English as an overseas teacher or an online tutor.

Here's what you'll learn about:

Module 1. Introduction
An introduction to the world of TEFL and the possibilities ahead.

Module 2. English words and punctuation
Essential understanding of the English language.

Module 3. Sentences and Tenses
How these words are formed into various sentence structures.

Module 4. Language skills
Techniques to build the various language skills of your students.

Module 5. Preparing for lessons
How to form fun and effective 60-minute lessons.

Module 6. Managing your class
How to keep your students on-track and deal with difficulties.

Module 7. Teaching English online
Specific skills and preparations for teaching English online.


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Yes, I recommend this program


I completed this course in 2024 and it exceeded my expectations! The curriculum was well-structured, blending grammar, vocabulary, and speaking skills seamlessly. The demonstrative videos were not only knowledgeable but also incredibly supportive, making the learning environment enjoyable and engaging. I appreciated the interactive activities and real-world applications that enhanced my confidence in using English. Earning my certificate was a proud moment, showcasing my dedication and growth. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to travel overseas and review their English skills in a positive and motivating manner.

What would you improve about this program?
I would like to suggest more fun ways to help learners learn the English language.
  • Good for travelers who can speak English.
  • Serves as an accreditation to be offered a job.
  • A great way to review your English structure or skill.
  • Grammatical error in some quiz sections
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Yes, I recommend this program

PERFECT!!! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Overall, this was an incredible learning experience. The way you explain complex topics is clear, concise, and engaging. It really helped me understand the material. I easily finished the course as it was very engaging and the online platform was easy to navigate for me. I couldn't be happier with the experience. The course was well-structured, comprehensive, and tailored to individual needs. I feel much more confident in my English language skills after completing this course, and I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their English proficiency.

What would you improve about this program?
I don't think that there is anything to improve in this program. I think it is perfect!
  • Can be done anytime
  • Can be done anywhere
  • Not pressuring
  • A bit expensive
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Yes, I recommend this program

Learning Out of Your Comfort Zone

It was difficult and also satisfying to learn TESOL in a whole new setting. An additional level of complexity was added when I started this adventure in a foreign nation where English was not my primary language.

At first, the language barrier was a major challenge. It was necessary to communicate fundamental ideas in the local tongue for day-to-day interactions, let alone attempt to teach in English successfully. I had to discover creative, persistent, and patient strategies to get over the language barrier. I frequently found myself using gestures, pictures, and abbreviated language to express concepts.

Cultural differences were also quite important. Teaching strategies that worked well for me back home didn't always connect with my students here. I had to modify my methodology, integrating regional traditions, principles, and passions into my teachings. This enhanced my comprehension of my students' viewpoints and experiences while also making the learning process more meaningful for them.

The chance to see the power of language personally was one of the most influential parts of learning TESOL in this setting. It was so enjoyable to watch my students become more confident in their English-speaking skills and to see their happiness when they were able to communicate in English. It highlighted how important language is as a weapon for empowerment and connection.

In addition, overcoming the difficulties of teaching in a foreign country pushed me to regularly move outside of my comfort zone. It forced me to accept inconsistencies, flexibility, and perseverance. With time, I became more sensitive to the needs of language learners and gained a deeper appreciation for different cultures.

To sum up, taking TESOL classes outside of my comfort zone changed my life and improved my teaching abilities while also extending my perspective. I gained important knowledge from it about persistence, communication, and cultural understanding. Most significantly, it strengthened my love for teaching and motivated me to keep looking for fresh approaches to have a significant influence on the field of education.

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Excellent TESOL Certification Program

The World TESOL Academy delivers an exceptional certification program. The comprehensive and well-structured course content makes complex topics easy to grasp, while the flexibility of the online format allows for convenient, self-paced learning. The instructors are incredibly supportive, providing valuable feedback and assistance throughout the course. This certification has significantly enhanced my teaching skills and opened up numerous career opportunities. I highly recommend it to anyone aspiring to excel in teaching English.

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Yes, I recommend this program

TESOL Training

I am a mom of a 10-month-old baby currently living in Asia. I am not someone who excels with online learning platforms. I am a kinesthetic learner. This always made me timid when it came to furthering any type of education. However, due to my current location online had become my only option. After searching out many different platforms I chose this one. I loved that this program was well laid out and self-paced. I could get an hour or two in during my baby's naps and easily follow along. I am grateful for this resource.

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
I've eaten many things, but bone marrow sacs filled with piping hot liquid bone marrow was quite the experience. Honestly tasted like a cartilage crispy chip bursting with movie theater butter popcorn.
  • self paced
  • linier
  • condensed content
  • make me practice it more
  • have option to join a class virtually


Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose the accredited 120-hour TESOL/TEFL program to enhance my skills in teaching English to speakers of other languages. This certification allows me to effectively communicate and teach in diverse cultural settings, enriching my volunteer work and supporting my passion for education and travel...

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

My program provider assisted me with comprehensive course materials, guidance from experienced instructors, and a structured curriculum to ensure I met the requirements for TESOL/TEFL certification. I had to organize my study schedule, complete assignments independently, and manage any additional resources needed to supplement my learning.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

One piece of advice I'd give to someone considering this program is to leverage your organizational skills. As a very organized person, I found that creating a structured study plan and setting regular goals were crucial to staying on track and maximizing the benefits of the program. This approach ensures you manage your time effectively and get the most out of the experience.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

An average day or week involves self-directed study and practical application. You would spend time exploring course materials, conducting personal research, and integrating what you’ve learned into your daily encounters. This could include reviewing theoretical concepts, developing lesson plans, and reflecting on how to apply these strategies in real-world settings. Regularly engaging with the material and experimenting with your newfound knowledge in practical situations will help reinforce your learning.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Going into my experience teaching English as a foreign language overseas, my biggest fear was not being able to effectively connect with and engage my students due to language barriers and cultural differences. I worried that my limited experience in new cultural settings might make it challenging to communicate and build rapport.

I overcame this fear by investing time in learning about the local culture and customs, actively seeking feedback from students and colleagues, and adapting my teaching methods to better suit their needs. As I gained more experience and confidence, I realized that being flexible and open to learning from my students greatly enhanced my teaching effectiveness. My views on the issue evolved as I understood that building relationships and understanding local contexts are key to successful teaching abroad.

Write and answer your own question.

Question: What is one memorable experience from teaching English abroad that you would like to share, and is there anything you would have done differently?

Answer: One memorable experience from teaching English abroad was organizing a cultural exchange event where my students and I shared stories and traditions from our respective cultures. It was heartwarming to see my students gain confidence in their English-speaking skills and equally rewarding to learn about their backgrounds.

If I could do anything differently, I would have started incorporating these cultural exchange activities earlier in my teaching. They not only made the learning environment more engaging but also helped bridge cultural gaps and fostered a deeper connection with my students. This experience highlighted the importance of integrating cultural elements into language teaching to make lessons more meaningful and interactive.