

Why choose www.teachenglishinkorea.org?

Ex-pats created www.TeachEnglishinKorea.org [T.E.I.K.] to help college graduates find excellent teaching positions in S. Korea. We help place high-quality teachers in Korean private English schools with a track record of honoring their contracts and treating their teachers well. We at T.E.I.K. strongly believe that happy teachers in Korea make happy Korean students, parents, and schools, so we take a hands-on approach in helping to connect well-qualified English teachers with well-run schools in Korea. We are a husband and wife team who lives by the motto, "No B.S. and No drama." If you want to work with a company that understands you and who only wants to create win-win situations between teachers and schools, then work with us.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you!

Hi Dr. B!

This APT and school are the BEST INSTITUTION IN KOREA! Many thanks to you, I appreciate it, it was worth the wait! Good coworkers, and my APT is like a castle as I saw last year. Still waiting for my TV and phone which are in the shipping process, but since I’ve just had my physical, I think I have almost finished everything. I have my computer and internet so it is all sorted. I have a couple of favorite Korean restaurants already, and I learned that I’m a fan of hot cuisine! Chimek, chicken, and beer, I can’t get enough of it and already the nice place in front of my APT is my local place every week. Indeed, I cannot thank you and Yumi enough for helping me out with such a good situation. It’s a little difficult trying to keep up with the curriculum for all the classes and the number of classes, but I believe my AC, and VD are helping me a lot so I will be fine once I gain more experience

Max Liu

  • Accurate information
  • No BS and No Drama
  • Helped me bring my dog
  • none
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Yes, I recommend this program

Grateful Reflections: From Job Placement to TV Stardom

Hey Brad,

I don’t know if you remember me, but I am one of the people whom you managed to help to secure a job at Osan. 😊 Things are wonderful here, and it’s really amazing!!! Thank you very much for everything and thank you once again for such ease on the part of visa processing and for placing me in such an excellent school.

Tyson Condict, Osan, S. Korea

  • Accurate VisaInfo
  • Helped me get a job!!
  • Kindness
  • None
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Yes, I recommend this program

My adventure has been a blast!

The first thing that crossed my mind while writing this review was Oh, I just do it for the peace of mind. Because I had professionals who, step-by-step guided me through pre-arrival procedures, was a tremendous advantage. Doing it without any guidance or only assistance from one or two people, seems unbearable to me.

This was the case because TEIK and their staff helped to make all the processes much more manageable than they would have been otherwise. I mean just looking for foreign vacancies and then searching for and sending all the necessary documents for the job is hard. But with their assistance and very informative manuals, I found it to be a task I can handle without difficulty.

However, it did not stop when I reached Korea. The in country networing dinner/orientation turned out to be invaluable for countess reasons. The networking dinner was a nice way to begin the stay in this country as it relieved many of my fears and self consciousness associated with relocating to a different country and meeting other new teachers. Not only this, but the dinner also provided me opportunities of discussing lesson planning as well as teaching with other new teachers. The greatest thing however, were other people and activities which I had after meeting them at the networking dinner hosted by TEIK. It felt great to be around such a large group of people with similar interests and to learn about them. I even now stay in contact with the majority of them and make a point to visit them when possible.

Finally, I loved that I could keep in contact with Brad and get invited to a 2nd networing dinner in the Spring of next year. It made me feel safe having a number of professional contacts that I could independently contact in case the need arose. The program from TEIK is like you get placed with someone who will be your contact whenever you need and the great news is, they have to reply and they always do.

If you are targeting any teaching abroad program, this program is definitely worth the expense, and will put you at ease regarding any concerns you have about your prospective new place and any challenges you might have.

Mary Heart

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Yes, I recommend this program

A wicked tie teaching in Korea

Hello Brad,

As for me, look my situation is just great. I am only a ten minute walk from my place of work to the city center. School is fun for me and everyone in the world should be told that my Director has been so nice to me. The coworkers are nice especially the Korean co-teachers as they totally help out the new teacher a lot and they are indeed helpful when I have to approach them for lessons, curriculums and other things. There’s one Korean workmate who has been really accommodating, taking me around, showing me the sights, introducing me to wonderful Korean food and taking me for hikes during some weekends. I’m happy that I have decided to come to Korea and having this experience which is far from home in the States. Don’t worry these things will make me a better teacher and I am looking forward to travel around the SE Asia region after the end of my contract. I think I would love to come back after a year and thus definitely will book you again. You were fantastic in case of the visa documents processing, getting them apostille notarized, job searching and afterwards keeping contact with me after I became acclimatized in Korea.

I will definitely refer your agency to other expatriates in search of a nice school.

Scott H.

What was your funniest moment?
Learning about drinking culture and using two hands!
  • Fast replies
  • Friendly and great communication
  • Very transparent
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Honest Account of Teaching in Korea and working with Bradley at TEIK

Hello guys, just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that all is well here. That first day was a whirlwind, but I would say that the week after has been quite good as I know what to do and what to expect now. Kids are terrific. In general! Sure, the bigger kids in upper classes as well as the bigger classes can be quite challenging when it comes to holding their focus and attention but still, I couldn't have imagined myself having opposite feelings. This week they have been preparing my apartment room and I will move tomorrow from the hotel to my apartment center, which I personally cannot wait for. This was a wonderful end of the week, also, because all the kids brought in stamps for excellent work and other school related activities for school “money” which bought things like pencils, pens, erasers, play mats and so forth. I am not sure if they were more thrilled about free stuff or this replaced their classes...! The other teachers here too are a delight, both in terms of Korean and English speaking.

I have a great friend from the states who is equally a joker and another lady who is from New Zealand and is as kind as one can get. Korean teachers are just fabulous too! Well, I don't mean to keep blabbering and sorry for repeating myself but am just very excited to be present in this room. Thanks once again for making it all possible.

Shane S.

  • Accurate & quick
  • My cat is happy!
  • Very direct and honest
  • None


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