Did you get much chance to interact with the local community when you were traveling with other American students?

Posted by Lorenzo Pittman 8 years 7 months ago


Yeah we did get to interact! It is kinda based on how much each individual chooses to seek out locals! My friends and I set up a trip to a school in Ghana (not through SAS) and we had a blast with the people there. Also, just wandering around, we encountered people that would stop and talk to us and hang out. You just cannot be afraid to ask people questions! Americans have a reputation of going to foreign countries and doing nothing but partying, but I promise you, interacting with locals and immersing yourself in the culture are so much more enriching for the experience :)

Yes, there was much time to interact with local communities. As Kevyn said, it is a personal choice as to the amount of interaction you have with the locals. However, with everything you did whether it be sit down at a local restaurant or ride on the subway, you had the opportunity to reach out and communicate with the people around you. Even though many people do not speak English fluently, they are willing to try, because they want to learn about our culture and experiences as much as we want to learn about theirs.