All Hands and Hearts

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

When I discovered myself

This program helped me to discover myself. I’m not gonna lie, work is hard. But all together, we are doing such great things. The feeling of being part of a team helping others is the best feeling I ever had to feel. I met amazing humans, from all over the world, but here for the same reason.
I learned how to make concrete, I taught English in a school from the city we were in, helped for a cooking class to the population… this program is very complete and you will go back home being a new human who will wait to join the next program.
Thank you All hands and Hearts, and see you very soon.

What was your funniest moment?
During one of our Sunday off, a small team decided to go to Tlatchichuca market. Once there, we could eat good things, I discovered Horchata that is now one of my favorite drinks. After few hours we decided to go back to base. We took the bus, but after 30 minutes riding we realized it was the wrong one. It was raining dogs and cats, and we had to go back to the market to take another bus to go back to base. It took us 3 hours instead of 30 minutes. But I’ll never forget how happy we were all together singing songs and escaping the rain. Love you girls XX
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Yes, I recommend this program

Darren Chapman

I'm sharing this to inspire other to do the same volunteering with All hands and hearts
Has been one of the most rewarding experience of my life. It has given me the opportunity to make a positive impact in the lives off others and has made me a more empathetic and compassionate person.
It was a absolute honour to volunteer with other volunteers and the local community seeing everyone on the project giving it there all working with such passion and creativity hit me right in the heart. On top off that volunteering has given me the opportunity to meet the most amazing people from all over the world I feal inspired and overwhelmed with emotions right now and once again to everyone I wish you all the best with you futures stay safe and lots off love Dazza 😁😁✌️✌️❤️❤️❤️

What was your funniest moment?
Dacing on the program with the local community
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Yes, I recommend this program

Loved the experience!

This is a special experience.
Difficult physical work, led by kind & helpful team leaders/ site supervisors who are always willing and wanting to teach you a new skill.
Followed with sharing a spectacularly cooked meal alongside volunteers and staff!

(Sleeping arrangements are very accommodating and comfortable. Shower trailers are surprisingly spacious and accommodating. They have little bikes you can borrow, for adventures or getting around.

Florida Sunset 10/10
Overall experience 15/10

  • Different work is always available for the volunteers physical capabilities
  • The connections you can make, are life long and beautiful.
  • Directly see, & feel the impact of each work day.
  • The heat and humidity can be very difficult
  • You will have to go back to normal life :/
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Yes, I recommend this program


I volunteered with All Hands And Hearts in Poland to help displaced Families from Ukraine. We constructed a living space in the unused attic o a school near the Ukraine border. This work involved waterproofing, installing steel studs, installing fireproof sheetrock painting, and installing flooring. This work was completed by our volunteers, some of whom needed to be trained to complete the individual task. Working together to achieve this goal makes one's heart sing. Meeting, living with, and working with volunteers from all parts of the globe gives you an understanding of who you are and what's important in your life. There is no greater feeling than when you can help someone in need.

  • Good Purpose
  • Great food
  • Great people
  • Covid
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great Experience

As an architect, it is great to work with those they need our help. If you have never volunteered, you should try it , but bring your energy ( you will need it by day 2 ) , your spirit, and your assets. Communal living at night and early morning , mean being polite and respective of everyone's needs not just yours, and our group was very thoughtful and cognizant of everyone's needs from showers to who could help others, even back at base. Someone asked, if you felt better after what you did, and I always reply, I felt like I could not do enough. You go to bed a good tired, you get up early ( but I do anyway ) and get rolling .
The safety on site is very good, and we had a great team leader, Tony. Please bring your organizational skills to keep tools in place and cleaned up for everyone as well as yourself. Tools are expensive everywhere, but more difficult to obtain in certain parts of the world
The team could rotate thru different areas and objectives, for building, you learn how to do things better as a person and as a group.
I would go again and again, the people we are trying to help , actually teach you as well, we are so privileged in our countries , where we do not have bombs dropping on our heads, or where we can obtain food anywhere and everywhere. The people you meet will teach you the grace and dignity of survival, we are performing just a small task in the chain of their events and life. No matter where you go , the experience you come back with will stay with your forever in your mind and soul.

  • Working as a Team, with people from all over the world
  • Serving Others
  • Meeting the People we serve/assist
  • Wish I personally had more time for the program
  • Trips to these places, generally take 24-30 hours to get to ( but worth it)
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Yes, I recommend this program


I have been to the Ft Myers program two different times for two weeks each. It was an amazing experience and I plan on joining All Hands for more programs as I'm able to. I am blown away by the work that the program and all the volunteers that I have met. I have met some amazing people who really care about other people and it's great to work as a team. This is more fulfilling than anything else that I have done in my life. The staff that I had the pleasure to meet really go above and beyond in everything I have seen them do.

  • Helping others
  • Make self feel better
  • New friends
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Yes, I recommend this program

Hard work, but lot's of fun!

I've been to many All Hands and Hearts program, and always walk away feeling a refreshed faith in humanity! It was lovely to meet some dedicated volunteers and staff who work hard day in day out to repair homes impacted by the devastating Hurricane Ian. There's a small team in Florida, which made it easy to get to know everyone and felt like family straight away. Not only does this team repair homes, it also builds community. I was there for one week, some were there for just a day or two, and others for months. There is such a nice mix of people from different backgrounds, but all there for the same purpose.

  • - Meet like minded people
  • - learn new skills
  • - work makes an impact
  • - I was only there for one week
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Yes, I recommend this program

Highly recommend!

AHAH is a great organization to spend time with. There are lots of repeat volunteers, and all the staff I've met started as volunteers, which says a lot. Food and accommodations are safe and comfortable, all people of all ages are welcome! You can volunteer for just a few days, a few months. People keep coming back year after year. You'll learn so much, and have a real impact in communities around the world. After serving in Puerto Rico in 2019 and Florida in 2022, I cant say enough good things about All Hands and Hearts and will definitly be back for more. Just bring a good attitude!

  • Safety is very important to the team
  • Positive community
  • You get to hear homeowners stories and connect with locals
  • You don't know what to expect in terms of work!
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No, I don't recommend this program

I don't recommend this program

I was not happy with this program despite making lots of friends who have similar goals as me. There was minimal training, mostly brief on-the-site instructions. Also, some of the PPE doesn't seem to work. For example, I kept feeling dust in my mask despite repeatedly tightening my mask [note, this issue has been brought up with the staff, who have responded to the complaint, thankfully]. Lastly, there is at least one person who made me feel uncomfortable due to his subtle sexist comments that were dropped on more than one occasion. I understand that the staff can't control everyone, but this behavior does not align with the org, which advertised itself as inclusive. Less micro-aggression within the environment would be great, thank you.

  • meeting like-minded, selfless people
  • impactful work and interaction with local people
  • friendly staff
  • Some people lack patience...which is not helpful for newcomers
  • Not as inclusive as advertised
  • Lack of consideration of volunteers' safety. No medic at the whyyyy
Response from All Hands and Hearts

Thank you for sharing this feedback. I'm pleased you had the opportunity to connect with like minded people and have a real impact during your time as a volunteer on our Hurricane Ian Relief program. We are very sorry to hear that your volunteer experience was impacted due to the issues you've raised.

The safety and wellbeing of volunteers is our top priority. Volunteers should receive a thorough explanation around how to complete tasks and have supervision from experienced Site Supervisors and Team Leaders throughout their time in the field. We will review the safety training schedule on this program to determine whether this was an isolated incident to ensure our high standards continue to be met.

If you have any additional feedback around where you think more training and guidance is needed or where improvements can be made, we welcome you to reach out to Rich Evans, our Director of Health, Safety & Security at

As you've noted, we pride ourselves on creating a safe and inclusive environment on all of our disaster relief programs. Under no circumstance should any volunteer, staff or community member experience harassment or discrimination of any kind. If you are comfortable and would like to discuss these incidents further and in confidence, we encourage you to contact our Director of People and Development, Claudia Thomas at

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No, I don't recommend this program

the bigger picture

My overall experience with the all hands and hearts hurricane laura relief program in Louisiana was pretty interesting i must say i had a couple of problems with two of the team leaders. When i left the program the best part of the program was the volunteering, this program taught me that its not about the people your staying with but its about the people you are helping and thats the big picture i will be volunteering with all hands again but unfortunately not this program.

What was your funniest moment?
When i was walking to the van and my shoe strings locked together and i tripped.
Response from All Hands and Hearts

Hi Dionte,

Thank you for sharing this feedback. I'm sorry to learn you did not have an entirely positive experience on this program. We aim to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all of our volunteers, and I'm disappointed to learn this is how you felt about our Hurricane Laura Program. If you would like to discuss this issue more please reach out to and a member of our team will be in touch to listen to your concerns.

Despite there being challenges, I'm pleased to learn that you found the fieldwork positive and impactful. I hope that any negative interactions do not prevent you from rejoining one of our programs in the future.