One World Center

Program Reviews

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Better Education is the change I want to see in the world

The experience of preparing myself at One World Center to be able to volunteer in Malawi was incredible.

In Africa I worked for 6 months with preschools in a rural community and it changed my life completely. Knowing new cultures and working shoulder to shoulder with communities in favor of education changed my worldview.

Every child has the right to go to school and the OWC helps us to improve our skills to do our best volunteer work.

I had the support of my team and the organization to reach my goals and I am very happy for this trajectory that I had for 18 months.

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Be a volunteer is more than serve, is share and is love.

I went to Zambia with the willingness, attitude and desire to take advantage and learn from the Zambian culture. After going back and looking back, I realize that with this experience I have grown as a person giving value to small actions. As a volunteer I learned to be recursive and I developed an unimaginable fortress, I was forced myself (constantly) leaving my comfort zone and in the end I realized that the barriers were being placed by me.
I want you to know that this volunteering program wouldn’t have brought anything into my life if I hadn’t decided, I tried to take advantage the time by making friends and accepting that we’re all different and even though I had to leave the project in Zambia ahead of schedule for some safeness issues at the country, the organization relocated me to another country and I could complement, with another volunteering perspective, my experience.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you are thinking about doing a volunteering program, keep in mind that it will not be easy, that every day you will have new challenges and that you will constantly test your skills, but at the end of the day you will be 100% sure that it will be one of the most rewarding experiences in your live. Always sees problems as opportunities for improvement and take the challenges with good attitude and energy.
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I am Volunteer

I am a volunteer, I always believed in how interesting it would be to serve with goodwill, with my hands, my ideas, my strengths and even more with my weaknesses. It sounds weird, but to think about helping others, accompanying them, living their life experience a little, I feel that it is immersing themselves in the need of the other to collectively achieve the desired goals. I volunteer and I feel good when I feel I can be useful. My experience has been extraordinary, I don't know where to start, but I want to assure you that anyone who reads this will be restless about how it was. I wanted to volunteer and now I didn't know where to do it, that's when I met ONE WORLD CENTER, I traveled to Michigan and enrolled in their volunteer program. I didn't know anything about this organization, but once inserted into it, I loved the discipline and responsibility of a community. I felt at home, I felt like family, I never felt alone; there were friends; other volunteers from different parts of the world, all in a previous training to travel
as volunteers to other countries. My goal was to volunteer in Africa and six months later I traveled to Malawi. Now I was in Johannesburg, concerns and concerns were left behind, I was halfway to reach my goal because I was volunteering and the idea was always to go to work helping others, I arrived with materially empty hands, but with love force in my heart .
I have always thought that it is the humanitarian and solidarity feeling that should move us if we want to have a better world. In my diary I was able to write: Between thinking and writing, I don't know if time will come. Every day that passes I know more about these people. It is because here where I am, poverty is observed in many different ways and the desire of people struggling to survive is evident. I worked in Malawi and my project was with preschool children in an area of extreme poverty, in Milala and Chilangoma. In Malawi, preschool care is provided voluntarily by local residents based on teachers; so we can see housewives and parents attending to the little ones. My experience as a volunteer totally changed my life, I thought I was going to help and teach, however, I have to thank the people in Malawi who helped me
and taught me many things. They taught me that a smile and a kind word can change anyone's life. That it is not material things that give value to your life. That in terms of goals the attitude has to do. I thank ONE WORLD CENTER for the opportunity to train as a development Instructor, I lived my experience in Michigan, in an environment of safety and respect where I had my space to study, learn and share in a community environment.

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Lifetime Experiece

Back in Mexico I had I totally different point of view about life and the countries outside Mexico.
Back in 2015, I did the 18 months program in Mozambique. The project in Mozambique was TCE, a program that helps communities to overcome and defeat AIDS and Tuberculosis.

The first 6 months I spend it in Michigan, USA. I learn how to do gardening, how to cook for several people, I learn about issues of our time like poverty, climate change and development.

I went to a project in Chokwe, Mozambique. A small town that was almost 2 hours away from the nearest city. I had a lot of challenges to overcome. The first one was realizing how many problems the world has, and that me alone could not change anything but what I could do is help a big group of people to change things.

I was part of a project called TCE. The project fights against AIDS. Our way to help the project was by getting books and creating several libraries about AIDS, Tuberculosis and women empowerment.

I loved my time in the volunteer program because it totally change my mind and life. I looked back and compare the person arriving to the program and the person I am now and I can see how much the program change me for good.

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Rediscovering my country

I participated in the program because I wanted to work with challenging activities that improve people's lives, put myself outside my comfort zone and with the possibility of meeting people who have a common interest. I had as a project for my life to work on some projects in which I could combine my knowledge and skills acquired in this program, together with my desire to contribute to something that will make a positive difference in the lives of many people.
During the 9-month volunteer period, in the first period of 3 months I received training at One World Center (OWC) related to Brazil's social problems, political context, cultural roots that shaped the country's backbone. I am Brazilian and, studying more about my country helped to clarify some information that went unnoticed by my eyes in my daily routines. We also learned how to develop activities related to the projects that are being carried out in the countries to which we travel, so that we can contribute effectively to improving the lives of the beneficiaries.
In the second period, I was able to go with my team to Brazil, in the rural area of the city of Cachoeira, in Bahia state, working with a community of descendants of slaves where we develop agricultural activities with the women there to fight shoulder to shoulder against the effects of malnutrition and, in addition, increase family income. We identified other activities that could be developed and, in partnership with the local community and teachers, we did a literacy project for adults. We were there for the period of 4 months.
After the Brazil volunteer period, in the final period of the volunteer program (2 months), we made some trips around the United States to share the experiences lived in Brazil with this community.
It was an incredible experience to meet so many people in Brazil and at the OWC with diverse cultures and thoughts working collectively to improve the lives of many people around the world.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
When joining a voluntary program, we are convinced that we will help people in need, which, in fact, happens. However, at the end of all these periods, it is evident that we are much more apprentices than teachers. We learn how many people, with so little, are happy and we realize that there is no greater wealth than the satisfaction of making people's lives better.
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One World Center’ Experience

The first 6 months from this experience have gone traveling, between discussions about important themes about worldwide, learning about building, preparing ourselves for the projects we envisioning in Africa, learning how to cook and other daily practices. Close to our date of departure to Malawi, we start to mostly focus on what we will be working within our service period and to get knowledge about the projects in which volunteers have been done and to plan for which is coming.
To land in Malawi was to struggle with new transformations because everything was completely new and different, to feel the needs to be part of the social process makes me stay motived to wants to do the tasks every moment better; every moment make me feel so proud of me to see how the projects we’re working and running and get the community involved.
Little by little, the projects proposed and accepted by the communities began to take shape over time, which led us not only to see how the results were obtained but also how the communities were transforming their environment at the same time. Additionally, we had the opportunity to meet volunteers from other countries.
The six months in Malawi not only constituted the best experience of my life for everything done personally and professionally, but it was also an experience that took my mentality beyond logic to come up with solutions that with the passage of time, the acquisition of knowledge and constant interaction with people, were meeting increasingly better expectations. Having the chance to live and coexist in these spaces led me to understand a little better the great world we occupy and how we can be so equal and different at the same time as a human being that lives on the planet, so urgent of those who appreciate helping the other.
We were eager to tell the world what we did in Africa, thus we organized another trip with the aim of promoting more actions and inspiring society, we also participated in the march for climate change in New York City, a call made by Greta Thunberg. As personal strategies, make a photographic exhibition in the town's library “African faces and Smiles” and carry out talks and promotional meetings about my experience, the program, and the school in Barrancabermeja, Colombia.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
"Everyone lives the experience in different ways" At the beginning of this adventure, infinite feelings and reasons mix that lead you to wonder about the world and Life. For now, I will say that it has been the greatest wealth in my life. Day by day you fall in love with what surrounds you, with those around you, we learn to adapt to space, to the presence of strangers; but we are all there with similar goals!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best experience ever 🌏🌿

It was an incredible experience that helped me grow and learn the most important things in life. I was on the Michigan campus and then in Mozambique, Africa developed.
I developed like 10 different projects, so it's very possible. Everything I did had the support of the school and my leading project in Mozambique.
I was in a school to training teachers and a primary school but also they are located in a community so is perfecto to feel and learn about the culture.
And you really going to surprise yourself about how strong are you! When I started that program I just speaker Spanish and now I also speak English and Portuguese!

What was your funniest moment?
when I was in a community and we went with some children to the lake and they all ran to swim, but no, because I didn't know how to swim, so they took some banana trees that they found on the way and gave me to enter the water and float, to then they taught me they swim
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Yes, I recommend this program

One World Center’s Experience

The first 6 months from this experience have gone traveling, between discussions about important themes about worldwide, learning about building, preparing ourselves for the projects we envisioning in Africa, learning how to cook and other daily practices. Close to our date of departure to Malawi, we start to mostly focus on what we will be working within our service period and to get knowledge about the projects in which volunteers have been done and to plan for which is coming.
To land in Malawi was to struggle with new transformations because everything was completely new and different, to feel the needs to be part of the social process makes me stay motived to wants to do the tasks every moment better; every moment make me feel so proud of me to see how the projects we’re working and running and get the community involved.
Little by little, the projects proposed and accepted by the communities began to take shape over time, which led us not only to see how the results were obtained but also how the communities were transforming their environment at the same time. Additionally, we had the opportunity to meet volunteers from other countries.
The six months in Malawi not only constituted the best experience of my life for everything done personally and professionally, but it was also an experience that took my mentality beyond logic to come up with solutions that with the passage of time, the acquisition of knowledge and constant interaction with people, were meeting increasingly better expectations. Having the chance to live and coexist in these spaces led me to understand a little better the great world we occupy and how we can be so equal and different at the same time as a human being that lives on the planet, so urgent of those who appreciate helping the other.
We were eager to tell the world what we did in Africa, thus we organized another trip with the aim of promoting more actions and inspiring society, we also participated in the march for climate change in New York City, a call made by Greta Thunberg. As personal strategies, make a photographic exhibition in the town's library “African faces and Smiles” and carry out talks and promotional meetings about my experience, the program, and the school in Barrancabermeja, Colombia.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
"Everyone lives the experience in different ways" At the beginning of this adventure, infinite feelings and reasons mix that lead you to wonder about the world and Life. For now, I will say that it has been the greatest wealth in my life. Day by day you fall in love with what surrounds you, with those around you, we learn to adapt to space, to the presence of strangers; but we are all there with similar goals!
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Journey Full Of Experiences

This experience will definitely be a journey full of experiences to enriched your life and to help make the world a better place at the same time. I was part of the 18 month program at One World Center. My team started the beginning of November 2018. I wanted to help improve global poverty and do humanitarian work with various topics; sustainability, environmental issues, human rights, climate change issues, renewable energy sources, and more. The program is split into 3 periods; the preparatory period, service period, and journal/sharing about the service experiences period. During my service period I went to Southern Mozambique and was a Core Group Teacher at One World University. While I was there I taught English Classes at the school and in the local town community. I also was involved with various projects like; Gardening/Agricultural Classes and Projects, Dance Clubs, Futboll Tournaments, Portuguese Classes, Health & Wellness Activities and Actions, Music Culture Activities & Actions, Art Classes & Activities, Theater Presentations, Environmental Activities & Actions, and Community Events & Activities, and more. I had many memorable experiences both at the University and in the local nearby community. I taught, learned, inspired, shared, educated, mobilized, motivated, helped, enjoyed, discussed, empowered, improved, laughed, and took in a lot of what the experience offered. Now I'm sharing about my experiences and journey during it as a new teacher at One World Center. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to do humanitarian work around the world, looking to fight poverty shoulder to shoulder with the poor, and to tackle other global issues with others in a collective community that share the same goal of improving human rights and humanity globally.

What would you improve about this program?
Spreading the word out in the communities of the United States to get more people involved in helping making the world a better place.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I want to see the world with other eyes

Someday I wanted to be out of my bubble, out of my comfort zone and I found One World Center (I did the 18 months program and I went to Mozambique for 6 months to work as a volunteer in “Food For Knowledge” project) that period changed my mind. I’m going to open my heart and tell you how much this experience change my life and let me be on a beautiful journey, which I won’t forget never.

Do you want to see the world with other eyes? I had been traveling in some countries as a tourist but I never imagined myself traveling and working as a volunteer in Africa, I never really see myself playing in the ground with kids who barely speak Português and they just talked in their native language (Xichangana) which I wasn’t able to understand; at that time I was getting into the community and thinking about How different is to share my time with them, as a modest people living in difficult circumstances because of the poverty and using all the resources they have to learn how to write the vowels. I was there learning from their culture, their customs, their happiness especially, their humble, their experiences which were teaching How beautiful is the life if you looking at from another angle. From the solidarity and humanitarian angle. I’ve learned this solidarity when I trained myself in the first period of the program in Michigan where the campus is, and where you are going to share many learnings that you maybe thought you will never need. That was an excellent cultural immersion and an experience that became more important for me to give than receive.

This program is about to grow up as a person, to get into humble personality comprehending another necessities, to be tolerant and open mind to learn from another culture and people who can teach you many things you don’t know even if you are older, to get into yourself and identify your strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to help others and contribute making a difference in the world, to learn another languages, to share your life with others which have the same desires as you do, to be passion and do things from heart.

In this months I learned How to build playgrounds and I did it in poor schools where the kids never could imagine to have one; how to teach maths, Português, English in schools where the kids have barely their desks or in some cases just a board under the trees; where the teachers doesn’t have methods and equipments to educate with a good quality; where the population struggle with many diseases and lack of access to clean and potable water… There are many opportunities for you to be more productive, helping others may just be the secret to living a life that is not only happier but also healthier, wealthier and meaningful. I had the most wonderful time in Mozambique I can invite you to do it as well.

Actually, I didn’t tell you How beautiful are the Mozambican beaches, but this is something you have to see with your own eyes! Because always there is time to have fun in a country with the kind people that you are going to met there.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My better advice for the new who wants to be a volunteer is to be open mind in the communities, take all they want to offer you, enjoy their culture as they do, dance with them, talk with them... Be with them every second in your journey will let you to learn from this rich experience.