BaPIS Interdisciplinary Studies Semester Program at the UPF
- Spain
- Barcelona
About Program
The Barcelona Program for Interdisciplinary Studies constitutes the cornerstone of UPF’s strategy for internationalization and innovation. By convening students from different backgrounds, from UPF and other countries, the program offers a space of convergence between instructors and students to set up fruitful dialogue and communal learning. By breaking down the barriers between knowledge areas, it promotes an interdisciplinary approach and the effective cross-fertilization of ideas and initiatives.
BaPIS has evolved from a previous study abroad program, the Hispanic and European Studies Program (HESP). After two decades of success and expansion, HESP has developed into a radically different project while maintaining its goal of promoting intercultural understanding in our increasingly interconnected world. Its new direction is aimed at local and international students, offering them a range of subjects to explore fro
For more information, please visit the Barcelona SAE website.