  • South Africa
    • Port Elizabeth
    • Johannesburg
    • Free State
    • Cape Town
1 to 12 weeks

Program Details

Age Min.
Year Round
Apartment Guesthouse Hostel Lodge
Small Group (1-15) Medium Group (16-30)


Starting Price
Price Details
Program fee varies according to the duration and includes:
Airport pickup, orientation, accommodation, meals (included in most programs), support from the local staff, program supervision, in-country 24/7 emergency support, administration costs, and donation to support local projects.
Registration Fee is US$ 149 and includes:
Marketing costs, pre-placement support, country information guide, volunteer training booklet, detailed information about the program, administration costs, travel to run inspection visits, communication costs, and office staff.
Extra costs are the costs to prepare for your trip and leisure activities.
Volunteers are responsible for flights, visas, insurance, and vaccinations (if necessary).
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Some Meals Wifi
What's Not Included
Airfare Domestic Airfare Some Meals SIM cards Transportation Travel Insurance Visa
Jan 16, 2020
Jan 19, 2020
27 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Enjoy the time of your life in South Africa by volunteering for a safe, satisfying and inexpensive program with Iko Poran.
Our volunteer programs include Childcare, Sports, Teaching, Marine Experience, and a variety of Animal Conservation projects.

In Cape Town, you can work in child development, learn to surf, help children on amazing beaches, develop sports or teach English. With animals, you can work with monkeys, live with lions, support endangered species, help injured and orphaned wildlife, conduct marine conservation and work with great white sharks.
You will stay in shared accommodation, such as our volunteer house, chalets or wooden cabins, with like-minded people from around the world

- Available all year round
- Start dates every Monday
- Highly affordable fees
- We are the only international volunteering organization to be based in a developing country that also runs its own projects. Most providers are profit-making companies based in First World nations.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • We believe that volunteering shouldn’t cost the earth. Registration fee is only $ 149. Program fees start at only $400/ 2 weeks
  • We focus on providing a good experience for you - welcome, orientation, accommodation, placement, and ongoing support.
  • Great value for money – probably the cheapest registration fee for a South African volunteer program
  • Combine travel with volunteering for an experience you can’t get as a tourist – stay between 1 and 12 weeks
  • We are non-profit – fees received help us to achieve our mission by contributing to local programs. Your program fee is given directly to local partners to support their projects – guaranteed

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Program Reviews

4.90 Rating
based on 10 reviews
  • 5 rating 90%
  • 4 rating 10%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Impact 4.9
  • Support 4.8
  • Fun 4.6
  • Value 4.6
  • Safety 4.8
Showing 1 - 8 of 10 reviews
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Michael Antonio
Yes, I recommend this program

Voluntariado na Africa do Sul

A frase que começo meu depoimento é: "As definições de amor foram atualizadas". Fiz uma promessa de que viria para Masiphumelele com os braços e coração abertos.
Só que um dos meus maiores medos era de como essa experiência mexeria comigo e que não voltaria o mesmo. Assim, após que o voluntariado acabou, posso garantir que uma parte do meu coração sempre vai pertence a esse lugar. Essas crianças são maravilhosas.

Obrigado Masiphumelele e obrigado Iko Poran pela oportunidade, foi uma experiência incrível.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
O Verdade significado de Ubuntu! Generosidade, solidariedade, compaixão com os necessitados e o desejo sincero de felicidade e harmonia entre os seres humanos.
118 people found this review helpful.
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Foi a experiência mais intensa que já vivi na vida. Por mais que as fotos e vídeos retratem os momentos, a verdade é que só você vivenciou tudo aquilo. Cada olhar afetuoso, cada sorriso genuíno, cada abraço sincero. A experiência te preenche e te faz perceber que se doar a quem precisa é uma das coisas mais gratificantes da vida. E acima de tudo, descobre que fazer uma criança sorrir, te faz sorrir mil vezes mais. Se você tiver a oportunidade de conhecer uma cultura completamente diferente da que você vive, não pense duas vezes... Vá!  E acredite, você vai voltar transformado. Eu espero ter feito por essas crianças pelo menos um pouco do que elas fizeram por mim. Porque honestamente, nada que eu faça ou tenha feito será suficiente pra retribuir todo o amor que eu recebi.

What was your funniest moment?
Dançar músicas locais com as crianças, elas tem uma energia e um gingado surreal. Foi muito divertido!
125 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My volunteer trip in South Africa

Having a volunteer trip in South Africa was stunning! Meeting new people and especially teaching kids has made me be a better person than I was before. Knowing a new culture and being with lovely children was really kind and special! It’s hard to explain and I guarantee it was one of the best choices and experiences of my life!
Certainly, when I decided to go to South Africa I had some expectations but they were totally exceeded, being a volunteer in other countries brings new learnings, new challenges and a lot of love! South Africa was a wonderful choice and I strongly recommend this experience! If you are open to learning a new culture, with respect, empathy and if you are able to give your best to them, you will notice a big transformation in your life and in your heart.

What was your funniest moment?
When I got the daycare children, all of them gave me a hug!
122 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Experience!

Following the dream I had one night and after having some conversation with Felipe from Iko Poran, I got convinced to go and I could finally decide to take this project in action. Be in South Africa was amazing, be with the kids in Masi was unforgettable! You think you will only give something to them, but you receive so much more that cannot be measured or priced. I have no words to describe my love, my happiness after doing this social project!
Just plan and go! The kids will love you and thank you for your presence and attention when you are there with them. Just save your energy to play games a lot, sing with them and teach new good lessons. Masiphumelele is a township that will impact you strongly when you get there, but people are friendly and will treat you very well.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice is do not be afraid. This is a unique experience in life. Be part of someone’s life or a group of people in need is priceless. You think you will give them all your attention and love, but you are so much more rewarded on it than you think or imagine. Just go!
117 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

The most amazing experience

Fui voluntária em uma creche com crianças de 0 a 6 anos em Masiphumelele, um subúrbio em Fish Hoek - Cape Town. A maior parte do tempo trabalhei com as crianças de 5 a 6 anos, as quais em casa foram alfabetizadas no idioma Khosa, e na escola aprendem inglês. Então, nós voluntários ensinamos elas as formas, as cores, os números, e entre outras coisas básicas em inglês. Além da alfabetização brincamos muitos, damos abraços, colo, carinho, dançamos e cantamos. É muito divertido e gratificante, uma experiência única e difícil de explicar apenas com palavras. Meu coração se multiplicou!
Morei em uma casa com mais vários voluntários do mundo todo, conheci e fiz muitos amigos. Além disso, a região é lindíssima e possui muitos lugares para visitar, aventuras e comidas para experimentar.
I volunteered in a creche with children of 0 to 6 years old in Masiphumelele, a Township in Fish Hoek - Cape Town. Most of the time I worked with children from 5 to 6 years old, who at home would speak a language called Khosa, and at school they learn English. So, the volunteers teach them the shapes, colors, numbers, and among other basic things in English. In addition to literacy we play a lot, give hugs, lap, care, dance and sing. It is very fun and rewarding, a unique experience and difficult to explain with just words. My heart has multiplied!
I lived in a house with more volunteers from all over the world, I met and made many friends. Moreover, the region is beautiful and has many places to visit, adventures and food to try.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
My advice is to volunteer de maximum of time you can. Just 1 or 2 weeks is not enough! All the volunteers I met that only went for a short time were sad they didn't stayed for longer. So what recommend that is the perfect amount of time is staying for 1 month. The time will pass so fast that you will not even notice. I know it's hard because you think you will miss your family and friends a lot, but you will make so many new friends in your new home, will go to so many adventures that the time will fly!
122 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Merveilleux projet

J'ai participé à un projet en Afrique du Sud, d'une durée de 3 mois. Ce sont les 3 mois les plus merveilleux que j'ai pu passer de toute ma vie. L'endroit était magique, des animaux de toute sortes et une ambiance d'équipe extraordinaire.. J'ai rencontré des volontaire du monde entier, vraiment cette expérience m'a beaucoup appris sur le plan personnel ! Je recommande fortement

132 people found this review helpful.
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A dream come true

My trip to South Africa was an old dream that was everything I expected and more, this beautiful country had my heart since day 1 and my memories with the kids in Masi make me miss them everyday,just to be there helping and bringing love to them was enough to make my whole day happy, they gave me so much more that I could ever give them and thanks Iko Poran for the support, the amazing volunteer's house and the incredible friends I was so lucky to meet, thanks for showing me that life is better when you are helping others :)

What would you improve about this program?
more working hours
128 people found this review helpful.
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The best experiences of my life

On November of 2017 I had one of the best experiences of my life doing volunteer work with children in Masiphumelele Township, South Africa. The purpose was to help, but it was much beyond that. I had a life lesson, a very great personal growth. Everyday in the morning, when we arrived at crèche (me and the other volunteers), the children were waiting for us with a smile on their faces. Receiving those smiles, hugs, and kisses every morning was the best way to start the day. Playing, teaching a few words in English, helping in the distribution of snacks, it was a better way to brighten their lives because they need more love, affection and care. They need us!
I am very thankful to Iko Poran for the whole experience. They were always there from airport pick-up to accommodation, showing me the way and placing me at the project. It was unique experience without a doubt! My thanks to everybody who is part of this organization that has been helping all who need it.

114 people found this review helpful.

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