High School Abroad

10 Reasons Why You Should Study Abroad in High School

Studying abroad isn't just for college students. Here are 10 reasons why you should consider studying abroad in high school!

Studying abroad in college is a popular option for many students who want to see the world. However, you don’t have to wait until college to study abroad, as there are exciting study abroad options available to students in high school, too.

The great thing about high school abroad is that it doesn’t have to be confined to the classroom. You can take on internships, volunteering projects, or work and study immersed in the local environment. And if you want to study abroad but don’t want to miss out on academics or your school social life at home, there are plenty of opportunities for short-term travel through summer high school study abroad programs.

Whether you already love traveling or want to test the waters to see if it’s for you, here are ten reasons why you should study abroad in high school!

1. Develop a global perspective early in life

Don’t wait until you’re old to become wise. By traveling and living abroad at an early age - when your brain is still developing - you’ll cultivate plenty of valuable experiences that will help shape your values and belief system. Studying and living abroad is a form of “slow travel” which encourages a global perspective and the development of critical thinking skills early in life.

You’ll understand the challenges of living away from home - and also at home - while studying abroad. No country or culture is “right,” but each is shaped according to unique political systems, religious practices, geographical boundaries, and more. Immersing yourself in different cultures and unique experiences will make you a more interesting person who is able to connect with more diverse groups of people.

Traveling at an early age also creates more opportunities for your future self. Many people take their “gap year” or career break later in life, and discover that’s exactly what they desire. Whether you see yourself working and living abroad or in your home country, you can commit to a plan earlier in life.

Read more: A Decade Later, Study Abroad Is Still Changing My Life

2. Travel abroad with a support network

When you’re in high school, even submitting essays can be intimidating. If you’re an anxious person, the thought of traveling abroad can feel like another level of overwhelm entirely.

However, traveling on a study abroad program will provide you with a built-in support network that will help you with everything from pre-departure logistics to in-country adjustment. Your program coordinators, study advisors, alumni members, fellow students, and many more will help you along the way, and you’ll feel like you have all the support in the world.

Once you arrive, you’ll likely attend an in-country orientation. Here, you can gain insight into the cultural etiquette, the program itself, tips for homesickness, and more. Not only is this a great opportunity to get acclimated to your new home, but it’s an awesome way to meet other students. Outside of the official support network provided by your program leaders, you’ll also have an unofficial one in the form of new friends who are also studying abroad.

Read more: The Perks of Studying Abroad with a Third-Party Provider

3. Gain independence and confidence

High School Study Abroad - Photo in Japan by Lee C., Think Global School

There’s no better way to gain independence and confidence than by traveling abroad, especially without the safety net of family or close friends. Going beyond your comfort zone is potentially the greatest personal benefit of studying abroad and the international experience as a whole. Conquering that challenge will make everything else feel easy.

By the time you’re ready to go to college, you’ll be more than ready to tackle new opportunities that may have once seemed impossible.

4. Experience cultural immersion

Backpacking and hopping from one hostel to the next is a cool experience, but you won’t truly experience cultural immersion unless you live abroad. Living abroad, whether it be through studying, interning, or working, allows you to develop greater insight into a country’s practices and beliefs.

The longer you spend in a single location, the more you’ll understand not only how a culture works but also why it is that way. Exposure to other beliefs and customs inside and outside of the classroom helps you become more empathetic and open-minded, allowing you to forge meaningful relationships with people potentially very different from you.

5. Improve your college experience

A group of students on a truck in the wilderness

While you may not be thinking about your college experience while planning your high school abroad trip, it’s an important thing to consider. When it’s time to gear up for college, studying abroad in high school could help you to:

  • Stand out on college applications: International experience - particularly when related to studying - is an amazing addition to your application. Colleges want students who are proactive and inquisitive, and studying abroad in high school exemplifies this.
  • Narrow down your major: Not everyone knows what they want to study in college. While some take gap years to postpone college studies, a high school study abroad can introduce you to new ideas and opportunities. Whether you meet new people, engage in unique projects, or develop new skills, high school study abroad programs can help you clarify what you hope to gain from your education and career.
  • Ease into college life: Once you’ve lived abroad, moving into your new college dorm will be easy. Regardless of where your college is - at home, another state, or abroad, it won’t feel like a big undertaking with your previous travel experience.
  • Gain college credits: Many high school study abroad programs will allow you to gain college credits for your work. Be sure to check out the program benefits and whether the credits are transferable to your desired institution. Knocking out general education credits abroad will be way more interesting!

6. Learn another language

Studying at a language school isn’t the only way to learn a language (although it is effective!). Cultural immersion is also one of the greatest ways you can improve your language learning. Alongside formal lessons, being immersed in a culture and its language encourages you to participate in local life.

Language exposure essentially forces you to adapt. Taking small steps every day to speak the language whether by ordering a coffee or asking for directions will rapidly improve your understanding. This is because you’ll be contextualizing the language in practical and real life scenarios.

7. Make friends around the world

Studying abroad is an excellent way to make friends, not only because you’ll meet new people but because you’ll meet others who are on a similar journey as you. Many international students experience similar feelings of wonder and excitement alongside anxiety and culture shock, which are a natural part of the process.

Studying abroad through a program provider is a great way to meet new people. As a group, you’ll spend time navigating new cities, visiting landmarks, trying out new food, and enjoying everything the location has to offer through organized activities.

You’ll also find plenty of opportunities to make friends with local people. Whether you join a gym, a book club, or you strike up a conversation with someone at a cafe, you’ll have the opportunity to make friends with people from all walks of life.

8. Reevaluate your priorities

When you step outside of your small town or city, you realize the world is vast and complex. Now that you know the bigger picture includes things outside of your narrow experience, you’ll realize that things you thought were a big deal don’t actually matter so much in the grand scheme of things.

'Sonder’ describes the realization that everyone is undergoing their own unique experience, as complex or even more so than your own. When you travel abroad, you’ll experience sonder to epiphanic levels.

Whether you meet a monk who renounced materialism, a neighbor who dedicated their life to philanthropy, or the local cafe worker who lived through a period of war and sociopolitical oppression, you’ll realise that struggle and complexity is inherent to life. Things that really used to bother you like gossip, your hometown sports team losing, or Netflix cancelling your favorite show after one season, will feel minute compared to the things you’re exposed to traveling abroad.

9. Impress employers with your international experience

A group of friends sat on a wall

Employers seek workers who are self-motivated, proactive, and willing to step outside their comfort zones. As an applicant, your resume will display all of these qualities through your experience studying and living abroad at such a young age.

Instead of taking the easy and conventional route of studying in your home country, studying abroad as a high school student shows that you are adventurous and confident. To navigate visa logistics, language barriers, cultural differences, and to live by yourself in a foreign country, you need to be independent, culturally adaptable, and have critical thinking skills. These are all qualities employers want in their employees.

Read more: What Do Employers Think of International Experience?

10. Take advantage of the free time while you have it!

One of the biggest reasons you should study abroad in high school is because you can! Traveling is always an option, but it’s no surprise that it can become increasingly difficult to travel once you have a career, stable income, family, and a fluffy dog at home. While you’re young with fewer commitments than your parents and people who have established careers, it’s important to make the most of your freedom.

Even graduates feel compelled to settle into their graduate jobs and career immediately after college. You may even find your dream job upon graduation, and feel reluctant to pass it up. Because of these factors, you should feel encouraged to travel as soon as you can!

Study abroad as a high-school student!

The benefits of studying abroad in high school are not only numerous, but they’re immeasurable. It’s hard to quantify how much your confidence, independence, and prospects will grow. What you can be sure of is that traveling the world and studying abroad will benefit you academically, professionally, and most importantly - personally!

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