Will and a bunch of huskies

William Davies

Travel Writer
United Kingdom

Dream Programme on GO: India & Nepal Semester: Spirituality & Climate Change

Having grown up in a small town in North Wales, Will decided that he needed to expand his comfort zone and sought the opportunity by teaching English in Vietnam, Romania, and Thailand. Not only did this expose him to new cultures and improve his cultural adaptability, it oppened a whole new avenue for professional development. Now, Will is using his history of experiential travel to facilitate the same opportunity for others by travel writing and programme coordinating.


My Articles

My Reviews

Will and a bunch of huskies
Yes, I recommend this program

The Fewer Things - TEFL in Thailand

I first heard about The Fewer Things in 2020 when it won the best TEFL provider of the year, ironically a year where teaching abroad was anything but easy.

However, the process of getting into Thailand was refreshingly easy thanks to its founder Jaemi who offered constant support throughout the process.

This made everything much easier, and the personable aspect of the company made it feel as if you were actually being heard and that your interests were prioritised.

The support wasn't limited to the pre-departure process, but once we reached Thailand we were pleased that Jaemi has still been incredibly active in his support.

Since, we have embraced a unique lifestyle with a great work/life balance while thoroughly exploring the Land of Smiles.

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Attempting to speak Thai in an assembly full of Thai teachers! Embrace the novelty of the situation!
Will and a bunch of huskies
Yes, I recommend this program

Premier TEFL - Vietnam Internship Review

After university I found myself in a monotonous routine, I wanted to do something adventurous and that's when I stumbled upon Premier TEFL's Vietnam internship. Looking back, the internship was the greatest and most authentic experience I have ever had.

While 4.5 months sounded perfect, it exceeded my expectations, and I found myself returning to Vietnam the following year (and again in 2021).

Weekends away to the coast or stunning landscapes, evenings free, and delicious coffee, teaching English in Vietnam is a lifestyle that is unparalleled. Whether you're a city or a nature lover, a beachgoer or a mountain hiker, a beer or a coffee fiend, Vietnam appeals to everyone.

The program helps you to transition into your TEFL and traveling journey seamlessly, and you meet plenty of new personalities along the way. With accommodation, work placement, and training, you're always supported. Our internship had over 100 like-minded teachers, many of who are my closest friends today.

If you're stuck in a rut or are naturally adventurous, the Vietnam Internship is the perfect opportunity for an authentic experience without committing to something too long.

What was your funniest moment?
On my birthday, I went to a local bar (or bia hoi) with my teacher and many of the older locals took part to celebrate my birthday. Despite the fact that none of I and my friends spoke Vietnamese, and they didn't speak English, we drank together for a long time. They drowned us in so much of their rice wine, and we were communicating through jokes via Google Translate (and the limited phrases we already knew).
Read my full story

My Interviews

William Davies

5 Month Paid TEFL Semester in Vietnam & Online TEFL Course

My Wishlist