6 Month Community Volunteer program in the United States
- United States of America
About Program
This is a volunteer program which focus on the grassroots community work needed in the USA to build sustainable communities for future generations. You will learn about the conditions of those living below the poverty line within the United States in both rural and urban areas.
During the first two months, you will study and receive training. You will learn about the various forms of poverty, why it exists, and how it impacts people differently around the world. You will gain both theoretical knowledge and a toolkit of practical skills to help create positive change in communities.
For the next three months, you and your team will volunteer with our local non-profit partner organisations on community based projects to assist in food production, after school programs and other activities they are involved in.
In the final one month period, your team will travel in the USA and share your message to the public. You will raise awareness about the reality of poverty.
Video and Photos
Program Highlights
- Earn two certifications for your resume
- Gain experience working with multiple non-profit organizations
- Practice and develop leadership skills
- Realize your power and become the driving forces in your life
- Come together with like-minded people and build your team work capacities