  • Ecuador
1 - 4 weeks

Program Details

Hotel Lodge


Price Details
Every student who attends a Global Glimpse partner school is eligible for a need-based scholarship. Since 2007, Global Glimpse has provided over $13 million dollars in scholarships to make our program accessible to students from all backgrounds.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airfare Meals Transportation
What's Included (Extra)

Global Glimpse partners with Away Travel to provide a scholarship to cover the cost of passports for accepted students who will be getting their first passport in order to participate in the Global Glimpse program.

What's Not Included
Jul 26, 2023
Aug 17, 2023
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About Program

What makes Ecuador unique is the interaction of 4 main regions: the coastal beach life with Afro-Ecuadorians and mestizos (Spanish-indigenous), the Andes – South America’s version of the Swiss Alps – with stunning peaks reaching as high as 20,564 feet, the dynamic volcanic islands of the Galapagos brimming with untouched wildlife, and the Amazon rainforest – the thickest most conserved jungle in the world; home to over 10 ancestral Indigenous nations!

Students will explore the dynamic interplay between environmental preservation in the context of large economic investments, Indigenous efforts to preserve their ancestral knowledge and traditions, and new spaces of social and cooperative entrepreneurship. Ecuador is a true microcosm of South America and a thought-provoking and inspiring real-world classroom for our students.

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Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
based on 18 reviews
  • 5 rating 94.44%
  • 4 rating 5.56%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 5
  • Housing 4.55
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 1 - 8 of 18 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

A One Time Opportunity!

Global Glimpse program gave me the opportunity to travel to a country to learn, and explore a lifestyle that we are not used to. Global Glimpse taught me how to be independent and how to be an adult for 2 weeks. I learned how to schedule and organize my time accordingly. Global Glimpse not only has helped me to step out of my comfort zone but also being comfortable with the uncomfortable. It was really astonishing to see another type of lifestyle that we don’t get to see on a daily basis. Global Glimpse did a great job preparing me for my trip as well as what to expect. Global Glimpse is a program that helped me add another value to my hobby, which is surrounding myself with nature.

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Yes, I recommend this program

One in a lifetime opportunity

Global Glimpse was a life changing experience ! I earned a scholarship funded by Global Glimpse who paid for my plane ticket room and board and food. Traveling to the other side of the world made me nervous,but once I got to Ecuador the staff was so helpful and welcoming. I met new people and learned about the Ecuadorian culture this trip was educational and pushed me out of my comfort zone I was selective to be a leader for a day learning leadership skills assisted me in building the confidence in myself .Thank you,Global Glimpse for the knowledge,and unforgettable memories. If you want to be pushed out of your comfort zone and have an educational adventure then Global Glimpse will provide that and so much more ❤️

  • Educational
  • Adventurous
  • Fun
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Yes, I recommend this program

Don’t Miss Out!!!!

Global Glimpse does a great job of giving high schoolers the opportunity to experience another country, especially to those who cannot necessarily especially afford it. There are definitely some unique experiences that I would have never done without global glimpse, like being at an altitude higher than Mount Everest, seeing the beautiful waterfall of El Diablo, or just the different scenery of nature that I was surrounded by and above that I found a strong sense of community and very welcomed. There is a lot of support throughout the trip throughout the staff takes your safety very seriously but that doesn’t change the fact that there is risk, and you’re put in uncomfortable situations that will help you grow as a person. At the same time there is a lot of learning about issues in Ecuador through talking to indigenous people and small business owners. This helped me become more aware of global issues and my place in my community. Few of the biggest takeaways I got from the trip was to just be connected to nature and be grateful for the education that I have.For the record there is staff in Ecuador that translate, so not knowing Spanish is totally OK.

  • Strong Connection and Community
  • Very Fun
  • Cultural Exposure
  • Days are a bit long
  • Only for a few weeks so have to be careful of what you eat and getting sick overall
43 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

How two weeks can change a life

Global perspective can only be achieved through experience of the world and the culture of different people. During the trip the lives of us students were greatly impacted while making an impact on the lives of others. In just two short weeks so much growth can be accomplished. The families of German Abdo helped us all realize what is valuable in life and that connecting with others is one of the most valuable traits in a person. It is important to take the time to realize how much good is in the world waiting to be discovered. In Cacha everyone experienced a different culture and was exposed to a different way of doing things. That proved there is much more to living than what one might know or think and it is important to have an open mind. This trip to Ecuador was able to open the minds, the eyes, and the hearts of twenty one previously unknowing students. My wish is that many more will have an opportunity to experience a trip as good as this one in the future.

Thank you Ecuador, BIG LOVE

  • All of the staff and leaders were exceptional
  • The community we formed was made the trip worth every second.
  • The food and experiences we had were outstanding.
46 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A new perspective

My nerves were through the roof going into this trip. I didn't know any Spanish, was pretty shy, and overthought just about everything possible. However, that slowly started to change as we landed in Quito. Everyone in my group was warm and welcoming in every interaction, even after a long day of flying. With time, I realized I didn't have to always have my guard up and loosened up. They created a great safe space where I was able to be myself again and I was cracking jokes left and right, always making the people around me laugh. I picked up bits of Spanish here and there but mostly had the program coordinators or one of my peers translating for me. I've learned so much during this trip, especially from the local high schoolers and indigenous communities we visited. I didn't know what I was expecting to see and hear but it has certainly changed how I think about the U.S., cultures, and my own future. The leader of the day system has taught me a lot about planning, looking after one another, and confidence. I was never a morning person. Back home, I always liked to sleep in whenever I could. But it wasn't a problem on this trip. I was up bright and early because I was really looking forward to our activities and spending time with everyone. I think one of the biggest factors in the success of this trip was the no phones policy. It really forced us to talk to each other and connect on a deeper level. From bonding while talking on the roof at night, little shenanigans in the hotel courtyard, and braiding our program coordinator's hair while he worked, there are so many little moments that I will remember and treasure for a long time because we were there, immersed in the moment. Although I did miss my phone from time to time because I wanted to listen to music, not having it for 2 weeks wasn't as big of a deal as some people made it out to be. You don't really think that much about it when your day is packed with fun activities and you have great funny people around you.

  • Strong close knit community
  • Very organized and well planned so you don't need to worry about anything
  • Air quality
  • Cost (if you don't get a scholarship or financial aid)
  • Can't enjoy local food because you don't know if its safe
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Yes, I recommend this program

Experience of a Life Time

This trip was really amazing! I’ve learnt so many new things as we lived with the locals and even explored new heights. Truely I think that this is a experience that I will never experience again and I really hope that everyone has the opportunity to experience what I had experienced. Also this experience really did open my eyes on the real world cause it had shown me my first steps to being a responsible adult in the future and it had shown me how big the world really is and the many hidden secrets that are yet to be discovered.

  • Learned to be more of a leader
  • Traveled to a new country
  • Helped tons of people through our cap project
  • Super cloudy at Chimborazo
  • Trip was too short wished I stayed longer
  • Long plane ride
46 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Global Glimpse RB1A

This summer, I had the opportunity to participate in Global Glimpse (GG), a travel abroad program that allows students to grow their leadership skills and help out a community. The most powerful moment of my GG experience was planning and executing the Community Action Project (CAP) . The project required our group to use our leadership skills such as organization, time management, and teamwork. In addition to the leadership opportunities, this trip was not only my first time traveling to a different country without my family but also with a group of students my age. Traveling to a country in South America was a great chance to practice my Spanish! Since we didn't have access to our phones the entire trip, we found ways to bond during non-electronic activities, such as playing soccer, card games, and even in our daily meetings or on bus rides. I believe living with the other Glimpsers was also a good learning experience since it gave me a sense of what living in college dorms might be like. The hotel we stayed at was very clean and attentive. Global Glimpse was on top of the Glimpsers' safety, making sure no one got lost by implementing a headcount and buddy system. Overall, GG was a once in a lifetime experience that I would highly recommend to any student given the opportunity to participate in the program.

  • Meeting new people
  • Leadership experience and chance to improve speaking Spanish
  • Exploring a new country and its culture
  • The altitude
  • Recommend advance notice of bringing money to fund our community action project
  • The two weeks went by faster than I thought it would
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you for this opportunity!!!

If you come across the Global Glimpse page or heard about it, don’t think twice about signing up! Global Glimpse is an amazing program that gave me the opportunity to travel to a whole different country. I was able to learn about a new culture and meet new people who’ve I bonded with. Every day, we explored a new location within the town that we reside in! In my case, I was selected to go to Riobamba, Ecuador! We explored places like “Plaza Roja”(Market place), “Kurikinti” (Villiage), & “Chimborazo”, a famous mountain! I met amazing people who truly left an impact on me, showing me their traditions/stories and their love for Ecuador! With that being said, if you have the opportunity to sign up, please do! I loved it, and it gave me an unforgettable experience!!!

  • Amazing opportunity to learn about worldview perspectives of others
  • It gives you a chance to meet new people!
  • Global Glimpse gave me a chance to travel to a new country!
  • Housing rooms were not super spacious
  • The journals were a bit tiring 😅
45 people found this review helpful.

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