  • Peru
2 - 12 weeks
Need-based funding, General grants/scholarships, 529 Plan eligibility, BIPOC funding
Health & Safety

Program Details

Program Type
Host Family Lodge Tent
Age Min.
Age Max


Starting Price
Price Details
The land cost for Peru: Sacred Mountains is $7,950 for 4 weeks and $8,950 for 6 weeks. Need-based scholarships are available.
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Meals Transportation
What's Not Included
Airfare Travel Insurance Visa
Sep 27, 2023
Dec 20, 2023
7 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Peru, ancient seat of the Inca, once the greatest civilization in South America, is a land of towering peaks and steamy jungles, of modern urban centers and hidden villages. The radical juxtapositions in landscape and culture of this majestic country are reflected in the striking socio-economic disparities that pervade society. Dragons Peru summer abroad program offers students the opportunity to dig into critical development issues by living with families in remote indigenous communities and exploring seldom-visited regions of the sacred Andes Mountains and lush Amazonian forests.

This course is rugged and challenging. It is ideal for students who want to develop wilderness and leadership skills while engaging in hands-on service and an inspection of the critical development issues facing Latin America. Expect to discover profound new relationships with yourself and the and the world around you.

4- and 6-week options available.

Scholarships and college credit available.

Video and Photos

Diversity & Inclusion

BIPOC Support

Unfortunately, discrimination based on race, ethnicity, national origin, and skin tone exists in different forms all over the world. In some destinations, especially rural or ethnically homogenous areas, people may not have had much exposure to racial diversity. As such, people with certain physical characteristics may experience unwanted attention. Most commonly, this might include staring, insensitive comments, people taking your photo (with or without asking), or attempts to touch your skin or hair. Black students traveling in parts of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and North Africa have often reported higher levels of unwanted attention than their peers. White students traveling in parts of Asia and Africa have also reported receiving unwanted attention. Students are encouraged to communicate with staff if they feel their personal boundaries are being violated or if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable in any situation. We encourage you to believe your peers if/when they share experiences like this with you.

LGBTQIA+ Support

Social, cultural, religious, political, and legal attitudes toward the LGBTQ+ community vary around the world. According to the Global Acceptance Index, average levels of acceptance for LGBTQ+ people around the world have been increasing since 1981. However, many countries where Dragons operates programs may have social discrimination or even laws against being LGBTQ+. We have safely supported LGBTQ+ students in all of our program areas, and provide specific cultural and geographic advice to help students stay safe on course.

In some cases, students may be advised not to speak about their sexual orientations and/or gender identities with local contacts (such as homestay families, ISP mentors, language teachers, and guest speakers) due to safety concerns. Likewise, transgender and non-binary students may have to choose to present outwardly as male or female in certain contexts during the program. In other cases, “coming out” to some or all host community members may be a safe choice.

Neurodivergent Support

For students with neuro-differences (such as dyslexia, ADHD, ASD, TS, and dyspraxia), it is important to be aware that neurodiversity is likely viewed differently abroad than at home. People might not be familiar with labels or terms that are very common where you come from. If you struggle with lots of external stimuli, you should be prepared that you will be in some environments that are louder and busier than what you are used to.

Accessibility Support

If you are a student with a physical disability, you might encounter challenges around accessibility than you have at home. Many of the places we travel at Dragons don’t have building codes or other regulations in place to support people with visual, hearing, or mobility impairments. You may need accommodations or support that you don’t usually require in your life at home.



Dragons defines responsible travel as travel that is culturally conscious, environmentally responsible, and focused on developing meaningful connections and mutual respect in the communities to which we travel. Over the course of Dragons 25+ year history, we have cultivated long-standing relationships with respected community leaders, academics, social entrepreneurs and professionals involved in environmental and cultural preservation. In the more than 20 countries in which Dragons has operated, we have steadfastly adhered to minimum impact travel, an accurate and informed understanding of place, and the realization of maximum benefit for the communities we visit.

Ethical Impact

Dragons believes that we need to shift the way we think of volunteer travel. Instead of focusing on “service work”—on the idea that short-term volunteers can contribute to communities abroad—we advocate a paradigm shift: we choose, instead, to focus on “learning service.”

Learning Service is a holistic experience that combines an intimate and authentic engagement with the local community, the study of effective development, and the contribution to an established community-driven project. It is the process of living, working alongside, and humbly absorbing the culture of those being served while coordinating closely with project managers to understand the trajectory of the project, from inception to completion and beyond. It is an acknowledgment that often it is the volunteer who stands to gain as much or more from the work. And it is a commitment to making contributions that create positive impacts in the communities coupled with the humility to always listen and learn first.

Program Highlights

  • Explore Andean cultural history and community-based development, the coca leaf, conservation issues, traditional Andean agriculture, the rise and fall of the Incan empire, and the colonial legacy in Peru.
  • Take on two high-altitude treks in the Peruvian Andes, including a five-day circular trek around the base of Mt. Ausangate.
  • Study Spanish with Dragons instructors and through daily cultural immersion, in addition to exposure to Quechua, the language of the Incas.
  • Engage in community-based service initiatives, likely focused on education and health in rural villages. Approximately 10 hours of service credit earned.
  • Participate in two rural homestays. Travel through the Peruvian Andes and Amazon by bus, truck, canoe, and foot. Explore dramatic settings through hiking, camping, and rural village stays.

Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 10 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Growth 4.7
  • Support 4.7
  • Fun 4.5
  • Housing 4.4
  • Safety 4.9
Showing 1 - 8 of 10 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

A transformative summer

My experience with wheretherebedragons was extremely transformative. Not only did it exponentially improve my Spanish speaking, but it challenged me to become a better version of myself. I was pushed both physically and emotionally during the trek, and emerged a stronger and more resilient human because of it. Being away from technology was particularly impactful, as it challenged me to refocus my priorities and reflect on my core values. My instructors were incredible, and I bonded closely with all of my peers. I would 100% recommend this trip for any young adult, not because it was “fun” or “easy”, but because it taught me more about different cultures, people, and myself.

What was your funniest moment?
Funniest moment was definitely playing random games with my friends on the treks!
  • Homestay/bonding with family
  • Summitting the trek
  • Exploring new foods
  • Sicknesses/parasites
  • No other cons!
  • No other cons!
109 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Peru: The Sacred Mountain

The dragons Peru program is truly inspiring. It provided me with a multi faceted experience in understanding and enjoying the astounding nature and intellectual depth of Peru. We first had an introduction period for everyone to get to know each other in a family resort near Urubamba. We had sessions on gender equality and ice breaking games, which effectively fostered a sense of unity in the group. As the only Chinese in the group, I felt included and cared by others. This create a huge contrast to my worries of being neglected by the group due to cultural differences. I actually felt being a part of the family with the dragons. After the intro session, we went on a three days trek and ended up in an hot spring resort. Though the journey was challenging physically and mentally, but it was worth it! The nature of Peru was unbelievable. From the plantations to the crystal clear river streams, it is the heaven for travelers and photographers. With a little break in a hostel in the town, we were sent to our homestay families. The experience was unforgettable. The family that I stayed with is the Gustavo family. We have formed strong relationships and had a great time together. During the home-stays, we as a group also had the opportunity to explore the town and explore the language of Spanish. Since, you guys won’t bother to read a whole long essay, I will summarize the story later in short. We explore the rich history of the Spanish style Cusco, stood at the peak of the Machu Picchu, and learned about the current political and economic climate in Lima. The this is a once a life time experience. Therefore, I must advocate for this program and everyone should go!

What was the most unfamiliar thing you ate?
Hahahaha I must say the most memorable dish in Peru was the guinea pig. I have never tried it before, and I think it is a distinctive dish in Peru. Overall, it taste pretty good. Actually, it tastes like chicken.
  • Development of intellectual curiosity
  • Stronger mindset
  • Benefited from the no electronic devices policy, which got me to immerse myself in the current moment.
  • Time wasn’t enough for each stage
  • Could investigate in more intellectual depth
  • Need more time!
122 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience

This experience was absolutely fantastic! The Spanish lessons were super helpful and informative, and the home stays we did were such a good way to become completely immersed in the culture. The Sacred Valley is a beautiful location and the outdoors and natural aspects of the landscape are mind blowing! All the instructors were fantastic and super helpful when we needed some extra support and advice. The program is not for the faint of heart though. It will definitely come with its trials! Would highly recommend this program to anyone.

  • Homestays
  • Mountains
  • Spanish Lessons
  • Altitude
  • Cold
345 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

An Amazing Dragons Adventure

This experience was one of the most unique experiences I've ever had. I had such an amazing time that I dont even think that if I went back, it would be the same. Regardless of which program suits you, you will, no doubt, receive amazing instructors and meet new people that you wont forget for the rest of you life. And where ever you choose to go, WTBD will make sure that you get the most unique experiences that place has to offer. On these programs, you get to look back into the history and understand why the ground you're standing on is the way it is today. When I went to MachuPicchu, I learned that this mountain we call "Big Mountain" in the local language, doesnt actually have a name. I highly recommend going on a program with WTBD, it will be an experience of a lifetime.

  • Community
  • Self Exploration
  • Food
347 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


HI! I did the Peru 6-week program with Where There Be Dragons in the summer of 2017, and I found it to be one of the best experiences of my life. I came back with increased knowledge about who I am, what the world is, and how the two fit together. I have noticed these changes every day in the way that I interact with my family, my friends, nature, my health, my patterns as a consumer, and anyone that I meet who is from another culture. I can not recommend this program highly enough.

390 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Growth Experience in the Mountains

I loved this program. It introduced me to some of my best friends. It gave me an opportunity to speak a language I love. It allowed me to photograph beautiful landscapes. It gave me three amazing leaders from three different continents. It brought me out of my comfort zone on innumerable levels.
My experience was unique because of these components. I don't think you could gain these types of connections with people, places, and yourself through any other program. I never would have believed I could do something like this program, yet it was one of the most influential and memorable things I have done in my life. Therefore, I've realized you are only uncomfortable doing something until you learn to be comfortable instead.
I have been and lived around the world but this type of travel is very different. It was nothing like anything I've done before, and probably is unlike anything I will have the opportunity to do again. I would would love to relive it (but bring a warmer sleeping bag this time)! Thank you Dragons for such a unique opportunity.

383 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Peru Trip

This was a fantastic trip that has forever changed my perception of the world we live in and also changed my life. I will never forget the inumerable experiences I had in Peru that are really irreplaceable. Out group bonded so closely with each other and the new culture that we were experiencing that by the end of the course, it felt as though I had known everyone for years. I would defininetly recommend this course as it was great for expanding my horizons and perspective of the world.

What would you improve about this program?
I think a little more in-depth study of the region and the history and geography of the region would improve the course. A little more studying and lecturing in general would also improve this course.
373 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

More Than The Memories

My Peru experience was really amazing. I had so many experiences that I'd love to ramble on about forever, but I'll keep this review short. My best memories from Peru were reaching the top of a 16,000 foot pass and feel the life-giving wind rush by me, fishing for piranhas on the Amazon River and playing soccer at sunset with the indigenous Shipibo people in the hot and humid Amazon forest, organizing shopping lists and buying enough food for fifteen hungry trekkers for five days all while speaking Spanish, and experiencing the sunrise over one of the seven Wonders of the World: Machu Picchu. My Dragons experience in Peru gave me so many great experiences, but it also gave me so much more than the memories. It introduced me to some of the most authentic people in the world who didn't measure happiness by wealth and success, but by relationships with your family and community. It showed me how much I have yet to learn, both about the world around me and myself. It showed me large-scale issues of poverty, resource extraction, and civil rights. It also revealed to me how much that I, as a curious traveler and not an ignorant tourist, have to learn to make myself a more responsible global citizen.

As I walked over the hill that early morning in August, panting from the mile sprint up stairs I’d just completed, all I saw were misty clouds that populated the mountains. Slowly, sunrays began to peak over the mountains, and with their arrival the clouds seemed to disappear, revealing Machu Picchu. The image is stuck in my mind today.

My group visited Machu in our last week in Peru, culminating a trip in which we’d fished for piranhas on the Amazon River, played soccer under the sunset with the indigenous Shipibo people, and visited a hot springs resort in the cloud forest. We’d spent ten days trekking in the northern Andes where we crossed paths with two individuals and studied Spanish language and Peruvian culture in the Sacred Valley. However, as I look back on my Dragons experience, I think about the internal growth I experienced instead of my external experiences.

I remember the relationships I created with my fellow Dragons. I reflect on the lessons I learned as a guest in another land and attempt to emulate the kindness and hospitality I received in my daily life. I flashback to the views of the Andean mountains and the faces of joy, amazement, and appreciation of my group. But most importantly, I recall the discussions and moments that taught me what it means to be a global citizen and how small actions can keep alive the lessons I took from Peru and make the world around me a better place. Finally, Dragons gave me a community. A community of like-minded, curious, passionate, and courageous students and instructors who truly want to make an impact in this world. This is what I will take away the most from my Dragons experience.

What would you improve about this program?
My personal trip didn't consist of enough service work as I was hoping. However, every year the Dragons trips change and adapt. So it's very possible, and in fact likely, that your Dragons experience may consist of plenty of service work. I think that is one of the greatest things about Dragons, their ability to be flexible and adjust trips to not only current issues, but also student desires.
382 people found this review helpful.
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