Why did you choose this program?
I wanted to make the most out of my three-week semester break. I wanted to help. I started searching for short programs and I stumbled upon IVHQ. They were offering a Medical Program in Ho Chi Minh City (which is just a 2 hour airplane ride from the Philippines).
It was like two or three weeks before the start of the program, so it was pretty much a last-minute decision; but I decided to register, book my flight, and just went.
What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?
Leave all your fears, doubts, and expectations. Then go.
Those thoughts will just hinder you from going. Make the most out of your trip. Value every second of it. Meet people, eat with locals, develop a greater compassion in your heart.
You'll have a time to tour around; but during your time set for volunteering, give your all in it - because that's where you'll truly learn.
Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it and/or how did your views on the issue change?
It was uncertainty, doubts. "Will I be able to make friends?", "Will I be able to communicate with the locals properly?", "Will I be able to enjoy this trip?" - these questions struck me.
But all of it changed when I had my first conversation with a fellow volunteer. You won't really feel alone there, you'll feel that you have a family.
And during placement, it will be undeniably hard to communicate with the patients. But it took me only a few Vietnamese words and a lot of smiles & laughter to make them feel more comfortable.
At the end of the 2 weeks, I did have questions as well - "Will I be able to leave them?", "Will I be able to go home?" And you'll go back and realize, you do have another family; they're just miles away from you.