Why did you decide to study abroad with ISA?
Abigail: I wrote emails to many study abroad programs but ISA got back to me the quickest and the most thoroughly. I find out about ISA through one of the pamphlets in my school atrium.
Describe an experience when ISA went above and beyond?
Abigail: I think ISA made my trip very special. The excursions were perfect and included so much. It was really amazing that we were able to go all the way to Berlin for a group trip. We also were taken to an awesome medieval town outside of Prague! Our housing was amazing - safe and comfortable - we were always surrounded by our friends and completely submerged into the Czech way of life.
How would you describe the benefits of your experience to prospective students?
Abigail: This experience has actually changed my life. I always thought I would work in a publishing company but now I have made plans to move to Prague and teach English as a foreign language. Someday I'd even like to get my Masters there! I still can’t believe the number of awesome friends I’ve made and the incredible experiences I’ve had there thanks to ISA.