Alumni Spotlight: Amy Wilde

Amy Wilde is from Norwich, England and is currently pursuing her Childhood Studies degree. She is 21 years old and works in a school 2 days a week to give herself some practical experience. She works on the weekend at a local pub and loves to socialize with all the characters who enter the doors. Her love for traveling has been ignited by her recent trip to Fiji.

What inspired you to volunteer with Projects Abroad in Fiji?

Amy Wilde

Amy: I was inspired to work in Fiji because I thought that for a first volunteering trip, what better place could there be than the other side of the world! Seeing a friend who had previously volunteered with Projects Abroad secured my decision that they were a professional company and I would be safe during my experience. I wanted to teach English in Fiji schools because I'm starting teacher training in the U.K. next year.

Tell me about one person you met.

Amy: I met a family of Fijians through talking to one of my teachers at school and getting an invite to have dinner with their family. This soon became a great friendship and I would regularly enjoy the chance to socialize at their house and spend my evenings playing games with them.

They were so welcoming and appreciative of any small gesture, such as the cakes I brought to their house. It was grounding to realize how happy some people can be who have so little in terms of material possessions.

Kids at school.

If you could go back and do something differently, what would it be

Amy: If I could do anything differently it would be to stay in Fiji longer! I wish my initial decision had been to go for two months. However I didn't know how I would feel being there away from home. I would recommend anyone planning to travel abroad to stay as long as is feasibly possible!

Ten years from now, what’s the one thing you think you’ll most remember from the trip?

Amy: I will remember how I felt the first day being out in front of the children without any plans and minimal resources. I have already grown so much as a result of the experience, and now feel like I can be a confident teacher.

How has this experience impacted your future? (Personally, professionally, etc)

Amy: It has impacted my future so much in the sense that it has helped me to gain a placement in a school and opened up my eyes about the world.