What is your favorite travel memory?
My favorite travel memory is still as a student studying in Kenya. I stayed with a local family in a homestay in a rural area near Lake Victoria. It was a big culture shock, but it provided me with experiences I never would have had as a tourist and sparked my passion for international, ethical travel.
Which destination is most underrated? Conversely, which is most overrated?
The most underrated destination I've been to lately is probably Mozambique. I stayed near Massinga Town, which is still fairly undeveloped. The beaches were beautiful and the locals were very friendly. The most overrated place I've been to lately is probably Los Angeles, California. It was so expensive and crowded.
What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?
Having a dedicated, passionate, staff team who believe in the mission of the company!
How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?
I have been with GVI for 4 years and it has been such an amazing experience. Working for GVI is hands-on and requires a lot of flexibility from staff. Everyone pitches in when needed which has allowed me to gain skills outside of my job description.
What unique qualities does your company possess?
GVI has such a passionate and dedicated staff team. We are scattered all over the globe but regularly check in with one another to hear about the amazing things GVI is achieving through the help of volunteers, interns and students.
Describe a time when you felt especially proud to be part of your current team
During a Team Meeting we had our Program Manager, Molly, call in from Laos. During her update she told us about our new, Women's Empowerment Program, and how the volunteers were helping to teach English to young girls who had been rescued from sex trafficking. I felt so proud of our staff and volunteers who were helping to make a difference.
What is the best story you've heard from a return student?
The best story I heard was from a volunteer who spent 4 weeks on our Costa Rica Wildlife Expedition. He was home for 2 days before applying to return as an intern. On his application he wrote "...last month was the best I've ever had...."