Staff Spotlight: Kirstie Weston

Marketing & Communications Associate


After growing up in a tiny town in the middle of England, Kirstie decided to study French and Spanish at University of Bristol to broaden her horizons. As part of this degree, she was able to complete two international internships. Kirstie interned abroad in Millau, France for half a year and Santiago, Chile for the remaining half. She interned at The Intern Group in Chile and loved it so much that she returned to work for them after graduating!

What is your favorite travel memory?

I went traveling in Colombia with some friends after my internship in Chile and we heard about a "mud volcano". Is it an actual volcano? Is there a mud eruption? How big is it? In desperate need to find the answers to our questions, we went to the infamous mud volcano.

We arrived and saw a hill no taller than 50 feet. It was a mud bath. After clambering down a slippery ladder into the pit of the mud volcano, we were mud-massaged by locals. We thought this was the funniest thing that could possibly happen, but then the mud masseurs moved onto the next volcano visitors and we were left in hysterics bobbing around uncontrollably in the mud.

We thought the fun was over once we made it out, but then we were dragged into a suspiciously muddy lake to be "washed down" (have a bowl of muddy water thrown over our heads repeatedly) by other locals.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

I'm definitely not the same person I was when I arrived at my internship here in February 2014. From the first day of my internship, I felt so lucky to have a hands-on role and to feel like a valued member of the team.

Since returning after my graduation, this sense of "belonging" has only grown. I've been given more and more responsibility and I've been offered the necessary support to go along with that.

I've learned things about different cultures that I could never have learned in the lecture hall (despite studying languages).

After a year and a half of working with this inspiring, global team, I'm a more well-rounded professional and a global citizen.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

There are so many success stories that make me extremely proud to work for The Intern Group. However, if I had to pick one, I'd have to go for Alex's.

Alex did an investment banking internship with ONEtoONE Corporate Finance in Madrid for two months. After finishing his internship as an M&A analyst, he returned to the U.S. to finish his Finance degree. Upon graduating he was hired to help ONEtoONE Corporate Finance expand into the United States and was their first full-time team member there!

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

This is a really tough one. Firstly because I have a soft spot for our Spanish speaking destinations as I studied Spanish. And secondly because I've spent time in London, Madrid, Medellín, and New York and and I'd happily go back to every single one of them (Medellín especially)!

If I had to make the impossible decision and choose, given that the program is all about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, I'd have to say Hong Kong or Shanghai because I've never been to Asia and would love to experience the culture shock. As part of our company culture, we're given the opportunity to work from one of the other global offices for one month of the year - our Asian destinations are high on my wanderlust list for next year.

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

The Intern Group goes the extra mile to make sure that our interns are fully integrated into their new city. We have an Experience Coordinator in every destination whose job is to make sure that each intern lives like a local.

They regularly organize social and cultural events to make sure that our interns are getting the most out of the experience. I am extremely proud to work for an organization that cares so much about every single intern's personal and professional development.