
International Humanity Foundation

Why choose International Humanity Foundation?

The International Humanity Foundation (IHF) is an international non-religious, non-political, and nonprofit organisation that provides education and safe Children's Homes to impoverished children in Indonesia, Kenya, and Thailand through our five (5) IHF Centers.

We function entirely through the efforts of volunteers, sponsors, donors, and an Executive Leadership team from all over the world.

Our Mission:
To educate impoverished children—activating their highest potential—and educate global citizens, through real life experiences, about the realities of impoverished communities, the value of other cultures, and the many responsibilities of running an international NGO.

Our Vision:
To develop global leaders with cross-cultural experiences, and respect for different cultures, from differing socioeconomic backgrounds, who are equipped to make decisions that serve and positively impact, promote, and protect the dignity and humanity of people everywhere.



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Yes, I recommend this program

My Work-study experience.

My name is Innocent Ochola Owuor and I chose to return to Kenya to volunteer with IHF. Initially, choosing how I would spend my summer break was a conundrum. However, one thing was certain, I had to spend some time in Kenya. The last time I had been back home was 3 years before. Working with IHF gave me a way to go back home and also contribute to a cause that was just. Currently, I am a sophomore in St. Lawrence University in Canton. The two years spent abroad made me feel disconnected from Kenya. Therefore choosing Nakuru as the center to apply to was an easy decision.
I arrived at the center in the darkness of the night. The bright blue houses, the smiles of the children and radiance of the sun were nowhere to be seen. However, the warm welcome was still there and it stayed all the way through my stay at the center. The center itself is not impressive but the individuals within it are; each with a unique personality that drives the center, spanning from the children to the staff. This diversity gives the center incredible character.
Spending the past few weeks at Nakuru has been a great insightful experience. I got to experience the joys and troubles of running a childcare nonprofit. I got to meet altruistic individuals who endure difficult conditions to make education possible for the children here. The continuous work ethic is inspiring. I have learned what it takes to selfless and to put one’s pride aside. I have learned that working with the disadvantaged is not about pity but about deference. It is about taking time to meet new personalities and appreciate them. What I’ll remember the most is not what I did but who I met as well as the stories and the jokes they told me. I came to appreciate that despite a person’s socioeconomic status they still possess interesting and pertinent stories to hear.
I encourage others to volunteer with IHF because you will encounter individuals and have an enlightening experience. You will learn that the lack of wealth or education does not make another person unapproachable. In fact, it will expand your perspicacity.
I enjoyed my stay with the children in Nakuru and I learned much more than I expected.

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Yes, I recommend this program

Great experience!

My name is Ina and I am a Work-Study Volunteer for IHF International Humanity Foundation in Bali. I’m a 19 year old high school graduate from Germany doing my gap year. I was sure to want to volunteer for a while during travelling and because of that searched for opportunities to do so. Luckily I saw one of the adverts of IHF and started to inform myself about this foundation. I liked the idea of being able to work with kids and to have some insight in the structure of the organization though doing international online tasks. IHF seemed as well to be a reliable place to go, which I thought was important, because I’ve never been to Southeast Asia before and wanted to be sure of where I’m going.
I teach four classes English twice a week and we have two special days weekly to do any craft with the kids to get them stay around and be connected to the center apart from going to lessons. You can see that this concept works, because there are always kids coming early to class just to draw something or play any game with us. You can see that they like it here.
I don’t regret coming here in any way and would recommend IHF to anybody willing to work and to make a difference though doing that.

What would you improve about this program?
The hiring process is a bit confusing, but don't get distracted by that. The experience you'll get is worth it.
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Yes, I recommend this program

First NGO experience

I had volunteered a little before, but never for an actual NGO. When looking for possibilities in Asia, I found IHF and was inspired by the work it does for children and the local communities. I needed NGO work experience for my future and IHF seemed like a good choice, so I applied and was placed at Medan. I work on my international online tasks in the morning and early afternoon, then in the evenings, I help teach English to some of the classes. The center here offers additional education to supplement the lacking school system. On Fridays, I lead the Special Activities class that allows the children to experience things outside of standard curriculums, such as arts and crafts or cultural exchange programs. The center also visits TEP students who don’t attend the evening classes, but who have sponsors to help them with daily living and their school costs. The children are full of energy and always smiling and the volunteers enjoy being with them. In my short time here as a Work-Study Volunteer, I’ve learnt a lot about how an NGO works with it’s staff and community and skills that will be useful in my future.

What would you improve about this program?
More freedom to choose international online tasks when a Work-Study volunteer.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Work Study Experience

I am a rising senior at a college in New York, United States, who is nearly finishing her volunteering time for the International Humanity Foundation in Bali, Indonesia.
At school, I am studying politics, with an international focus so traveling experiences are a huge supplement to my education. I decided to volunteer for IHF to learn more about the running of NGOs, live in a different part of the world, and contribute my time to the betterment of others.
IHF is an international NGO that has education centers (Indonesia) and children homes (Thailand, Kenya) where people can volunteer and donate money towards improving the lives of young ones in need. The IHF Bali location hosts activities and supplemental English, math and computer classes for locals in the neighboring areas. As a volunteer, I am awarded the opportunity to help teach these classes and host activities to have fun with the kids.
It has been an enjoyable experience to interact with so many sweet kids. Everyone in the community is so friendly, as it is impossible to walk past someone without expecting a greeting. I have learned that, despite cultural difference, the Indonesian children are very much similar to ones back in my country. Indonesian kids love to dance, sing, play around, and learn from volunteers, such as myself, and others of IHF. Overall, I feel that I have learned a lot from the experience and appreciate the chance to have lived in such a nice community in Bali.

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Yes, I recommend this program

My first work and study experience

I have never been an volunteer abroad before coming to Bali. What amazes me is that everyone here is so friendly. Coming here has always been one of my dreams, but this time it surely is a whole new experience, being away from the busy street and noises, listening to the sound of the waves and going to sleep. Every morning wakes up with people's smiling faces. One thing that is for sure is that I am having the best time of my life right now.

What would you improve about this program?
I would recommend the centers could improve the volunteers' living conditions.


Displaying 1 - 3 of 3

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Grace Tamble

Grace Tamble is from Fresno, California and currently attends DePaul University in Chicago, IL where she studies international relations with a concentration in sustainable development. Grace enjoys reading good books, attempting to cook, cuddling with her kitten and, of course, traveling to new places.

Grace's classroom wall in Indonesia

Morning: Each morning at the IHF center in Medan was slightly different, however, usually I woke up around 9 AM. I volunteered during the Islamic holy month of Ramadhan, so I often awoke the the soothing prayers coming from the nearby mosque, which I really came to enjoy during my stay. After I awoke all the volunteers would have breakfast which usually consisted of tea, toast, peanut butter and some type of fruit.

After breakfast I would get ready for the day and do laundry if needed. Then I would begin preparing for that day’s lesson plans. Preparing lesson plans was a bit challenging when I first began volunteering but as time went on it was increasingly easier to come up with the day’s activities.

Afternoon: The afternoons mainly consisted of teaching English classes. Normally on Monday and Wednesday myself and another volunteer would teach three classes together: first grade, sixth grade, and junior high schoolers. On Tuesdays and Thursdays we taught the fourth grade class and the senior high schoolers. Each lesson lasted for one hour, and the time really goes by fast.

The lessons varied greatly from day to day. Most lessons began with a vocabulary review, then moved on to either grammar or conversation and finished with an educational game. The first grade class loved to sings lots of songs and make drawings. There was a lot of freedom when creating the lesson plans, so some times we got creative in our activities. One day the students practiced English language skits and then gave an impromptu performance at the end of the hour for all the staff. After teaching the lessons we would go to a nearby restaurant for lunch, normally fried chicken and rice.

Evening: Evenings were usually fairly quiet at the center. I was told that normally the classes are held during the evening hours, yet because of Ramadhan the schedule was shifted around. After teaching lessons during the afternoon I would take a small rest in my room, shower and have a snack. After cleaning up, the volunteers usually did independent work on their computers, such as the 25 postings that are required each week during your time volunteering, or work for your assigned campaign team. I was on the grant writing team so I spent some time researching potential grants and beginning the application process. This was also a great time to contact friends and family from home. Around 8 PM all the volunteers would walk down the street to have dinner at a restaurant. Dinner was usually nasi goreng (fried rice) or some type of noodle. Often we would see our students hanging out in the neighborhood and would chat with them during and after dinner. Then we would head back and go to sleep around 10 or 11 PM.

Grace teaching in Indonesia

Highlights: The highlight of my time at the IHF center was one of the last days I was there. The center put on a celebration for the end of Ramadhan and invited all the students to the center for a break-fast in the evening. All day was spent preparing special foods and drinks for the occasion and I loved being a part of the festivities. When the students arrived for the celebration, everyone sat in a circle and shared the meal together.

It was really special to be a part of this tradition and I felt like I was truly a part of the IHF community. Another favorite time was during one of the weekends when we were able to travel outside of the center a bit, to the nearby area of Lake Toba. Lake Toba is definitely a must-see if traveling to Sumatra.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Emelie Svensson

Job Title
Staff Member - Bali

Tell us a little about yourself, IHF and your role at the company.

My name is Emelie, I am 28 years old and from Scandinavia. I have been a volunteer with IHF in Bali for four months now, and I am glad to be able to say that I still have several more months to come. After attending graduate school I wanted to have new experiences and see the world before I would be ready to settle down and start a career at home and so I looked for volunteer opportunities and later traveled to Bali.

IHF Bali Center is an education center, where we provide free English, math and computer classes for children from the surrounding areas, but the center is so much more than just a place for classes. The centers role in the local community is quite important as this is an open and safe space where children, parents and volunteers from different faiths and backgrounds can all meet and exchange experiences.

Children come here to play when they don’t have classes, and they ask for help with homework and studying for exams, and they come here to read our books too. Parents help out in class, or just sit around and talk and at times they have helped me with translations and even teaching me how to cook Indonesian food!

Our volunteers can teach, interact with the children, pick up some language, learn about the local culture, how a NGO works and most importantly have fun while helping underprivileged children improve their prospects.

In my role with IHF I have not only committed to educating the centers students, I am also overseeing the running of this center together with another volunteer. This includes managing local staff, registering new students, budgeting and assisting our volunteers. I am also working online to perform administrative tasks for the organization on a universal scale. These tasks involve assisting volunteers in making travel arrangements and coordinating these, editing the foundations newsletter and editing our curriculums and many other things too. All in all, this leaves me pretty busy, but also very motivated.

The best part of being here is getting to interact with the children. Playing with the children can be so much fun! Teaching is really challenging, and it allows me to grow too. At times we arrange special workshops on anything from personal hygiene to painting coconuts, and being able to transfer some of my knowledge to these children feels great. Before I arrived at the IHF Bali center I had already been volunteering with another NGO on the island for six months, and so I had already adapted to and learnt about the local culture. I started studying bahasa Indonesian when I first arrived in Bali and since I am communicating with locals on a daily basis I am now proficient in bahasa Indonesia.

I have also been lucky enough to experience the local culture in a way that most foreign visitors are not able to, and that has been eye-opening. I would say that I am probably learning just as much as the children are – if not more, and my new language skills are just one example of that.

I was lucky to be able to be eased in to the work here the way I was, but anyone with a fair amount of determination would be able to learn the ropes here. New volunteers are given a lot of support through detailed documents outlining the work to be done, from our online teams and from other volunteers on location. IHF also careful to task volunteers with assignments based on their preferences and experiences – as well as on our current needs, so even though we are all volunteers running the organization we largely have the right person in place for the right task.

Another great thing is that this organization is very open, and we, the volunteers manage everything together as one team online. This means I can see how every part of the organization operates, not only does this invoke a lot of confidence in the organization, but it also provides insights for me that are invaluable in a future career. In my position at IHF I have been able to do things that I would not normally be able to do in any other given job.

For example I have been organizing a fundraising event which requires a lot of coordinating, reaching out to local business as well as creating promotional materials, and as I have never done anything similar before it has been a demanding but exciting experience. Being given a lot responsibility and having to do things I have never done before can at times be slightly intimidating, but as all volunteers with IHF are in the same position we help and support each other, making the work easier, and also more fun.

Before I embarked on this journey I actually didn’t have a lot of expectations, I was just looking to help in any way I can and learn as much as possible while doing it. IHF has proven to be a great match for me as I truly have been able to learn, while helping children in an important and significant way.