
Linguistic Horizons LLC

Why choose Linguistic Horizons LLC?

Linguistic Horizons promotes language and cultural immersion through unique study abroad and customized internship programs. We provide authentic "off the beaten path" experiences. Choosing a less touristy destination provides a more authentic and immersive experience. Programs are available for all majors in a variety of destinations.


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Yes, I recommend this program

Incredible cultural immersion experience!

If you want to learn about Peruvian culture and improve your Spanish while working at a local organization that matches your interests, Linguistic Horizons is the program for you. In my interview with Nicole, the program director, she took into account my specific work interests when placing me in my internship. In Peru, I had the freedom to explore Urubamba (a wonderful town where we stayed) in my free time while feeling comfortable with the support of Nicole and other interns. Nicole also helped me schedule additional weekend excursions, giving me even more opportunities to explore the indigenous culture and incredible mountain scenery. I had the opportunity to stay with a host family, who were some of the nicest people I’ve met. I felt very comfortable throughout the entirety of my four weeks in the program and felt very well supported by Nicole, my host family, the other interns, and my co-workers with anything I needed. Some highlights of the program were the flexibility in organizing my internship to fit with my interests, the organization and efficient administration of LH, the lasting bonds I’ve created with all of the people I met, the opportunity to improve my Spanish at home and at work, and the unique immersion I experienced. I highly recommend choosing Linguistic Horizons if you are hoping to immerse yourself in a new culture, connect with locals, feel safe in a new country, speak Spanish, and learn about different lifestyles.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
To celebrate El Día de Los Profesores (The Day of the Teachers), my “sister”’s school had a big festival with traditional dances, which I attended. I learned all about the significance of dancing to Peruvian culture, and I got to meet so many new people, including her friends, parents, and teachers. I enjoyed seeing the costumes they wore and the style of dance they performed, as both are very different from what I see back at home. I also learned about common celebrations throughout the year, and how dance is a common theme among them, which is also highly different from what I am used to. I’m so glad I attended and had the flexibility to adjust my work schedule to do so!
  • I had the chance to independently and safely explore a new city.
  • I got to live with and learn from a host family (who I am still in contact with after returning home).
  • Nicole helped me arrange three extra excursions during my stay, allowing me to explore the incredible hikes in the area.
  • I didn’t stay longer
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Yes, I recommend this program

AMAZING! You need to do this amazing internship experience.

I went to Peru through Linguistics Horizon to work for a summer in a preschool for an educational internship. I can hands down say this was the most amazing and life changing summers of my life. Linguistics Horizons provides ample support in getting you connected with locals, placing you an internship, helping you find housing amongst peers of your age/ demographics, and ensuring you are happy and enjoying every moment of your experience! I can easily say this is the best program to do an internship abroad with.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I saw Macchu Picchu which is the most mind blowing experience. Through a guided tour I learned so much about the area and the inkas who once lived there. You will not believe how advanced they were centuries ago!
  • Immersive cultural experience
  • Educational and fun
  • Life changing in a positive way
  • Way too short
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best summer program ever!

I had a blast this summer thanks to Linguistic Horizons! A Coruña is a beautiful and safe beach city with delicious food and nice people. Nicole set up an interesting internship, a fantastic spanish class with only one other student which meant very hands-on teaching, and great social activities. I still stay in contact with the people I met at the language exchange event set up through linguistic horizons. I couldn’t have had a better time, thanks again nicole! I will also note that public transportation is easy to navigate and cheap.

  • Great location
  • Good spanish teachers
  • Great housing
  • Its a little rainy sometimes
  • Hard to go outside the city (though theres no real reason to)
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Yes, I recommend this program

Pre-Vet Internship and Spanish Course as a Native Spanish Speaker

I chose this program due to reading a positive review! So, here is my honest review!! I HIGHLY recommend Linguistic Horizons for your study abroad experience here is why...

This summer I participated in a pre-vet internship with A Chico Centro Quirúrgico, a Veterinary Clinic in La Coruña, organized by Linguistic Horizons. It was an incredible learning experience that allowed me to gain valuable insights into the field of veterinary medicine and improve my Spanish language skills.

This was my first time traveling abroad and arriving somewhere not knowing anyone. I made so many new friends, quickly learned how to get around the city, and felt safe the whole time. Nicole is so friendly and sweet and definitely helped the whole experience go smoothly. She has organized an incredible program that even when she had an emergency and had to leave the country, the program continued to flow smoothly! I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in a study abroad opportunity. My host family was so sweet and hospitable. They became my family and support system while abroad and were attentive to anything I needed!

I wasn't sure if the Spanish course would be challenging, but it was the first time I'd taken a Spanish course that taught me something new in almost every class. The conversational style of the course was so valuable, that I genuinely looked forward to my Spanish classes as well as our field trips. This was the first time I ever did a presentation in Spanish too, which was really exciting!

During my internship, I had the chance to observe various aspects of veterinary practice, including diagnosis, laboratory work, ultrasounds, surgical preparation, and more. These experiences were not typically a part of my job back home, making the internship even more valuable. I was pleasantly surprised by the level of involvement I had during my internship. I learned how to intubate, assisted with a dental cleaning, and even had the opportunity to assist in the operating room for surgery. This hands-on experience allowed me to apply my knowledge and skills in a real-world setting. Thanks to my personal passion and go-getter personality, I was able to get the most out of this experience.

This internship not only deepened my passion for veterinary medicine but also instilled in me the importance of being able to confidently and accurately practice medicine in Spanish. As I continue to learn more about veterinary medicine, I am committed to also learning it in Spanish, thanks to the invaluable experience provided by Linguistic Horizons.

I am unbelievably grateful to Linguistic Horizons for organizing such a wonderful program. I hope to have another similar experience in the future, and I highly recommend Linguistic Horizons to anyone seeking a unique and enriching study abroad opportunity.

  • Safe and small city
  • Beautiful beaches but also a city with a rich history
  • Kind, honest, and friendly staff and teachers
  • Windy and sometimes cold (70's)
  • Slight challenge eating out if you are vegetarian/vegan but there definitely are options and you can always cook at home.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Best Summer Program Ever!!!

I had such a blast this summer in A Coruña thanks to Linguistic Horizons! They provided safe and comfortable housing right in the heart of the city with a lovely host family, an amazing internship opportunity with a local business, and fantastic spanish classes! Not only do i feel that my spanish improved immensely, but i was able to grow as a person and experience a world of opportunities i wouldn’t have ever known about if it wasn’t for Nicole. She was so helpful with any question or concern<3

  • Beautiful City by the beach
  • Full immersion with very few english speakers
  • Great support network
  • May be out of some people’s price range


Displaying 1 - 4 of 4

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I had previously participated in a semester-long homestay program through my university, and I was interested in participating in a similar experience again. However, I couldn't spend another semester away, so I decided to look into summer programs. Linguistic Horizons was the first program that I found, and any other program I found afterward paled in comparison. There wasn't much money that I would be paying that seemed excessive.

Nicole promised to find housing with speakers of Spanish, find an accredited internship in a Spanish-speaking environment, as well as a conversation course. I was definitely skeptical at first to pay someone to find an internship for me, but in the end, it definitely was worth it; I had to put little to no legwork into finding and applying to a ton of internships like one normally would have to do, a process exacerbated by not being in the country itself and by being in a foreign language.

Nicole was extremely receptive and communicative during every step of the process.

What did your program provider (or university) assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

Nicole found housing, an internship, and classes. She provided information about flights, but I found my own transportation to and from Coruna (I was already in Spain before the program). She also provides insurance during the month, and she can arrange to extend the insurance if you are staying beyond the program. There was no food program, but that was not a problem because all living arrangements come with shared kitchens. I decided to cook most days, but I know others who went out to eat often (something easier and cheaper to do in Spain than in, say, the USA).

Nicole also provides 2 or 3 out-of-city experiences. When I was there, she had trips to Porto, Las Islas Cies, Santiago, Madrid, and Barcelona. There was also a day where she took us to a beach near A Coruna where you could sign up for surfing classes or hang out on the beach.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Try to stay away from the English speakers, try to immerse yourself more with the Spanish speakers, if you're going there to learn Spanish. Although it's difficult because many hours are spent in the classroom weekly, and it's instinct to want to stick with people you already know, I really encourage you to step out of that comfort zone and interact with native speakers. This might mean going out to get a drink with your housemates, going to a bar by yourself and talking to anyone you can (making sure that at least someone knows where you're gonna be! be safe about it), or leaving the city on weekends to get a $20 Airbnb a bus ride or train ride away.

There are also car sharing apps like BlaBlaCar, allowing you to get a car ride from usually a native Spanish speaker to a nearby city. I've seen rides going from the west coast to the east coast for about $20 (much cheaper than a train or bus, and much more comfortable!).

Talk to native speakers and take advantage of the freedom you have. Find cheap ways to travel around the country and meet new people -- they are there, you just have to look a little.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

During the week, I had my internship from about 9 am to 3 pm. I would go home, cook something for dinner, and then head to class. After class, I would spend some time on the beach, walk around, or find cute stores to visit.

During my free time, I would look into places that I could visit on the weekend, Airbnbs to stay at, and things to do near those Airbnbs. On Sunday, nearly everything everywhere is closed, so I would usually do my food shopping on Friday if I was traveling somewhere for the weekend, or Saturday.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

Initially, I was nervous that I would stay in my room all day and never go out. But Nicole provided enough activities, in the beginning, to really acclimate everyone to the city, and she provided us with ideas on what to do. Having the internship and classes start immediately also got me out of the house pretty often.

Keeping up the inertia allowed me to look up places to go during the weekends and actually go to those places as planned. Everything in Spain is new to a new traveler, so everything is interesting to see. And in Spain, everything is so old -- there's a ton of history and all of it's beautiful.

What was the most memorable experience on your trip?

During the first week, my friends from home had stayed with me in A Coruna. We walked across the entire coast of the beach and found caves, cliffs, walkways along the cliff faces. We spent the whole day walking across the coast and didn't get bored, and it was one of my favorite days in Coruna.

Take advantage of the beach days; in Coruna, the weather is unpredictable.

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Erika Quintana Barreto

Job Title
Peru Coordinator
Erika is originally from Lima, Peru. She has experience in educational project management. She has also managed, developed and worked in publicity for social, cultural and artistic activities for children, youth and adults. Previously, Erika was an Advertising Executive Producer with 14 years of experience in advertising agencies. Since 2018, she has assisted with coordinating the Linguistic Horizons Latin America programs.
Erika Quintana Barreto

What is your favorite travel memory?

One of my most memorable travel experiences was when I went to Australia. I enjoyed simply exploring and getting lost in the streets of Sydney! Sydney is so big and different from my city! In general, I love remembering the times I've gone to new places and allowed myself to get lost and discover new and different things.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

Since I started working with Linguistic Horizons, I have had the opportunity to meet a variety of new people from different countries. Meeting new people from different cultures is always enriching. When the people I meet are also excited to learn more about my culture, it becomes an even more enriching opportunity for mutual growth through intercultural exchange.

What is the best story you've heard from a return student?

At this moment, I don't have a specific story to tell. Nonetheless, I can say that I am very happy every time I hear something about the experience of each of the participants. The students often leave us feedback either through reviews or notes they've written to us directly. These anecdotes are fulfilling for me.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

Since I already know everything about our programs here in Peru, I would choose one of the programs in Spain. I have not yet been to Spain, so for me, it would be an opportunity to experience a new country and a different culture. I think the summer program in Spain would be an interesting one to attend!

What makes your company unique? When were you especially proud of your team?

I think that what makes Linguistic Horizons special as an organization is a detailed preparation and responsible development of each program activity. We believe that these experiences should be personalized, taking into account at all times the needs and interests of each of the participants. This way, each person has a unique and customized experience to remember when they return home.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

There are many factors that go into being a successful company. Perhaps one of the most important is the proper preparation of personalized programs. Additionally, the cohesion between the different people responsible for the development of the activities is crucial. And also, internally speaking, a good team that is friends rather than just coworkers is very important.

Professional Associations

The Forum on Education Abroad Logo
Institute of International Education Logo