CIEE Global Navigator

Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

amazing experience

Overall this was a very memorable experience and I would recommend it to anyone looking to further their knowledge of film making and video production. we learned a lot about the history of film and lots of different techniques that were helpful to improve my skills. <i loved my host family they were so nice and helpful and they helped me to learn a lot more Spanish and improve my language skills. I felt safe for the entire trip except for moments where there was disorganization that made me feel slightly confused but in the end, everything ended up being okay. I enjoyed the excursions and cultural activities and I felt like I had an experience that I will remember for a long time.

What would you improve about this program?
changing the time of class to during siesta or during a part of siesta would be nice since having free time during siesta and on sundays when nothing is open doesnt really make sense. we were sometimes very bored during free time when we could be exploring the city we were at home since nothing was open. also there should be more organization because there were a few miscommunications that led to some students being offput by the program, not including myself.
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Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE Global Discovery

This program overall was life changing. It allowed me to have more independce away from my family. I enjoyed the Digital Film Making & Documentary class and what was tought throughout. My overall favourite part would be how I connected with my host family. I really enjoyed when they took me out to enjoy a concert. The things i did not enjoy was the placement for free time. It was during seista so nothing was open while our other free time was during the night with not enough time between dinner and curfew.I also did not enjoy the major focus on the Language & Culture program over us in Global Discovery.

What would you improve about this program?
The program can be improved by allowing more free time after the cultural activites in the morning as well as maybe extending the curfew a few more hours. The program could also have a better way of focusing on the both programs. For Global Discovery as a class it would help if the class was divided into skill levels in spainish or at least have a level of requirement.
Response from CIEE Global Navigator

Thank you Noryan for your feedback. We are glad we could be part of your journey! Seville is quite unique as we have to schedule classes and activities around the "siesta"! We hope you took advantage of that afternoon break to relax and enjoy quality time with your host family, like most Sevillanos!

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Yes, I recommend this program

CIEE Sevilla

Over all this trip was very fun and I am glad I decided to travel here and participate in this program. I personally took some issue with the lack of organization throughout the trip and found it rather irritating, but that did not completley take away from the personal growth I feel like I acheived while I was here. I also did not have a perfect home stay experience because my host mother was rather difficult and breaking some rules, but I know that the majority my friends loved their host parents and family members. It would have been much much better if we were given more free time durring more convienent parts of the day so that we could explore and learn more about the place we chose to visit on our own.

What would you improve about this program?
More organization, funding, free time, and care in picking host famalies.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Olivia`s Review

I loved this trip. I made 13 new friends and made so many memories. My host family was amzing and treated me and my housemate just like their own kids. Going on weekend trips was one of the best parts, we saw so many amzing things and got to relax. My favorite memory was taking our trip to granada, my friends and i really got immersed in the culture by eating native food and going to the authenthic shops there. I loved being in Sevilla and i definietly want to travel more.

What would you improve about this program?
The times should be more accustomed to the students. Also other programs shouldnt be given more attention than others
Response from CIEE Global Navigator

Thank you Olivia for your feedback. We are so glad to hear you enjoyed your time in Seville. We do our best to adapt the program schedule to the local context, so we hope you took full advantage of your "siestas"!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Filmmaking Summer Abroad Session One

I had an amazing time! The program overall was very fun overall and I learned a lot about film. There were some minor setbacks and times of frustration, but nothing major. I would recommend this program! One problem we faced was not having access to editing software or equipment, this made creating the videos we set out to make very difficult.

What would you improve about this program?
Giving us editing equipment or access to it!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Christiaan Pearson

Overall, this program has been a great experience. The people, the curiculum, the places, and the process was pretty simple and fun. Future participants should have a better understanding about the first few days they arrive to better prepare during travel. The staff did a great job with keeping up with us before we left the united states and after. I loved almost every second of this trip and the parts I didnt love were a result of my close minded and laziness.

What would you improve about this program?
The pre-departure program "Canvas" was hard to use and seems useless. Some of the parts were hard to navigate and the assignments seemed useless now that I am here. I don´t remember any of it because I have not needed the information that was included in the course. The only parts I do remember were about the social medias, culture shock, and adjusting to Spanish culture. These were the sections of canvas that we needed to read not write. Those were the only helpful sections throughout this program. The only input I would add is a few of the participants were bringing other participants down because of their close minded attitude and it hindered my ability to fully enjoy every activity and destination. It went on for far too long before a leader or staff member addressed the negative attitudes that were being presented.
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Yes, I recommend this program

My Expirience in Seville

Ciee has a great class going on in Seville that I was lucky to be apart of. I never felt like I was unsafe or left out and I really liked that. My host family was a great family and the staff here did a great job of helping our expirience, they rarely messed up. Overall I am happy that I went on this trip. We had great weekend trips to different cities and I felt like my expierience benefitted greatly from that. Also my class was fun and interesting and helped me to learn more about filmaking.

What would you improve about this program?
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Yes, I recommend this program


I really enjoyed meeting new people and making friends. The staff is really supportive and nice. I would for sure recommend this program to those who are trying to experience something new and fun. one thing I would change is the organization of the activities because throughout the days some of the times changed and it was no fun having to rush to a meeting point really far from our house. This experience really helped me see the cultures in a different view and particiapting in it first had. this was an overall life changing experience that I will never forget.

What would you improve about this program?
One thing I would change is the organization of the activities because throughout the days some of the times changed and it was no fun having to rush to a meeting point really far from our house.
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Yes, I recommend this program

10 1/2 Months in Germany

Although my time in Germany is not quite finished, I have already experienced so much. From meeting my host family after orientation in Frankfurt, going to my Gymnasium in Germany on the first day, learning how to navigate public transportation, going on vacation with my host family (Borkum in October and London in May), sharing American Thanksgiving with them, meeting up with other exchange students in Wiesbaden and Cologne, spending the holidays surrounded by German traditions (like Plätzchen backen and Weihnachtsmärkte), ringing in the new year in another country, saying goodbye to semester students, going to a castle light festival with a friend, going on a mini European road trip through the Netherlands, Germany, and Austria with my family when they visited me in April, and getting to explore Prague for the first time with forty other exchange students, my year has been packed with tons of new experiences. Due in large part to my host family, I have always felt comfortable and safe in Germany. Being immersed in the German language and culture for this last year has benefitted me in many ways. I know that when I get back to the U.S. I will miss Germany like crazy. Participating in this program through CIEE has taught me so many important things and I know that these memories will stay with me my entire life. It's a good thing that pictures and memories don't take up much space in suitcases, otherwise I'd have to spend even more money than I already have buying souvenirs and gifts this year to send them back to the States!

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Yes, I recommend this program

Unforgettable Experience!

I am currently studying abroad with the CIEE highschool spring semester program in Valparaiso, Chile. I have been living with a wonderful host mom, sister and brother who have welcomed me into their home and lives.
The CIEE in country staff have really made this experience better than I could've imagined. Maria Paz is my go to person for any problem, doubt or question and is always happy to hear our endless stories and how things are going. The CIEE office is always open and all of the staff here have helped us with so many things. From extra Spanish classes, to debit cards not working, to help studying for tests, to finding sports teams outside of school to participate in, to individual check-ins they really care about the students here and work hard to make our experience unforgettable.
I've already learned a lot in the three months I've been here. My Spanish has improved and I feel a lot more confident speaking now. I've been forced into new situations and in turn have learned how to handle new things and the importance of communication. Through meeting people from a different culture, I've also learned a lot about myself and my own culture.
I can confidently say that this has been the best experience in my life, and I highly recommend this program to anyone thinking about studying abroad!