CIEE High School and Gap Year Study Abroad

CIEE Global Navigator

Why choose CIEE Global Navigator?

With CIEE Global Navigator High School programs, the possibilities are endless. As a U.S. high school student, you can study abroad from as little as three weeks in the summer to an entire semester or gap year. With more than 60 programs on five continents, you’re sure to find the perfect program to match your personal goals and interests.



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Yes, I recommend this program

Good food good support good activities, good time!

I went on this trip in summer session 1 summer 2024, before you read more, know that i got into this trip being HOMESCHOOLED, so for all the homeschoolers out there who don’t think the trip will let them go bc they are homeschooled, it is possible! I went!

My highlights over the 3 weeks spent in Seoul: the Namsan tower, the FOOOOOOD, the scenery and riding the subway, the shopping, and most of all, getting to meet Korean high schoolers and tour their school, AND spending the weekend with our Seoul Mates, Korean high school/early college students (plus some surprise visits!!)

My lowlights: there was a lot of drama that happened under my, and the Program Leaders radar until the last few days of the trip, and i wanted things to be cleared up, or talk with the other students that were apart if this drama but i feel the students that were involved and involved ME weren’t open to having a conversation without it turning into a interrupting contest.

Our PLs (program leaders) i loves them all! Brittney, Christina, and KT All were so fun and very easy to talk to, and then being easy to talk with made it easy to let them know if i needed anything. I feel like the PLs were especially great because i can tell they love their job and we’re excited about Korea with us teenagers, but also we’re able to put on the leader/teacher hat when needed.

Cost: it’s expensive.. but then again ALL study abroad programs cost something. I mean no offense to anyone when i say this but i think that scholarship and/or financial aid money should be awarded to, yes of course anyone who needs it, but equally to students who aren’t ethically part of the race your average persons would assume needs the money most. You get what I’m saying?
I went on a scholarship, but a very small scholarship AND fundraiser my butt off to get to Korea, coming from a more low income family. It’s possible! Only thing i wish i had done was to start saving WAY sooner

The flight: there’s a group chaperone flight or you can fly solo, if your scared to fly solo, don’t be, you know yourself best but, i took the chaperone flight bc i was scared to fly solo but i think i totally could have done it, the airport is actually way more do able then it seems especially if you can read the signs.

Doing what’s actually in the program name:
That being K-pop themed activities, we did that! I’m also really greatful for the amount of freedom students were given to explore and shop in the city. I did hear the the second session had a much much later curfew then the first session which i find really unfair…

What was your funniest moment?
When our Seoul mates surprised us at a Cafe and kept forgetting the dance and just laughing and smiling at each other, it was so cute and so funny
  • Awesome activities
  • Lots of freedom
  • Amazing program leaders
  • Very high price
  • Drama and students unwilling to resolve
  • Very very slow elevator and the beds didn’t have sheets
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer in Madrid, Spain

My summer in Madrid was quite a change from my normal summer routine. I lived right next to a well-known and very calm park. El Retiro was such an amazing park to spend hours in, I did indeed spend hours sitting on benches watching people and little cute dogs go by. I also got to explore the city with CIEE with friends, and by myself which I would have never done where I live in the USA. I also got to go out of the city and see towns with beautiful beaches or historical landmarks and castles. I got to try new foods that would never have crossed my path. And I got recipes for some dishes to make when I got back home. I got to experience the fun daytime of Madrid, and the amazing nightlife of the city. I had gone to Madrid in Session 1, at the start there was rain, hail, and fogginess in the city. However, by the end of the session, the weather's temperature would start going up. I would recommend going to Madrid in Session 1 if the heat may be a problem for some.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
One thing that I would like to have changed would have been to explore more of Madrid in the first few weeks of the program. I had gone out to explore Madrid when CIEE had activities, and I did explore a bit after. But I wish I had gone out much more, Madrid is such a large city with many landmarks, places, and restaurants to visit. I would recommend to go visit every place in the short time given, which I should have done in the first few weeks.
  • Making new friends
  • Trying new amazing foods
  • Getting to explore beautiful places (Parks)
  • Dealing with home sickness
  • Changing sleep schedule because of late dinners and sobremesa
  • Having to deal with occasional delays in transportation (Normally taking metro and bus in Madrid)
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Yes, I recommend this program

One of the best semesters you'll have in college

You will never have an opportunity like this in America. Traveling to other countries with different cultures, history, food, and experiences is something you'll never forget. You'll see fairytale-like places and eat food that you just can't get in the States. I went to Italy, Malta, France, Germany, Czechia, Hungary, and Austria. I didn't regret a single trip I went on, but at the end of the semester, you'll be out of money. It goes by very fast so try to do as much as possible while balancing school and travel. Lots of fun and have made memories that I will always remember.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Create an early travel plan with friends from back home, but leave the last two months open. You'll make lots of friends abroad and will want to plan trips with them, so wait to fill your entire schedule with trips. Also, create a budget and try to stick to it as much as possible because you will go through money a lot quicker than you anticipate.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Czech Republic Summer Abroad

Everyone says that college is the best four years of your life and thus far, this has been true for me, I knew that I did not want to leave my college campus for an entire semester, so I when I heard that I could study abroad during the summer, I knew this is what was meant for me. I truly have a hard time putting my experience into words because it was so amazing. I met people in my program that I know are going to be lifelong friends. The support I received throughout my entire program is something I was not expecting, but am so glad I had this support. The psychology that I took in Prague is now preparing for my course load this semester. I honestly can say that this program and this opportunity was absolutely the greatest thing I have ever taken in my life. On top of everything, how cool is it to come back to college and tell me that you studied abroad in Europe for five weeks... so cool!!!!!

  • The people
  • The support
  • The beautiful city
  • Time change
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Yes, I recommend this program

Summer Study in Mohammedia

I spent three weeks in Mohammedia on a Leadership and Service in Youth Development program, and it was amazing! Our group discussions looking into biases, saviorism, ethical volunteering and more were incredibly valuable to my experience in the culture. The food was really good, and scenery was surprising and beautiful. Working with the children during our service time taught me a lot about my own community and my outlook on many issues, as well as inspiring me to redirect my thoughts in more positive ways. I was glad to learn some Darija and be able to navigate some of the city, which definitely helped in the immersive experience. Being part of this program changed me in many ways, and I hope it changes more people than just me.

  • Beautiful scenery
  • Collectivist and communal culture
  • Good food
  • Foreigner treatment
  • Water quality
  • Group dynamics, occasionally


Displaying 1 - 9 of 28

Alumni Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with verified alumni.

Why did you choose this program?

I chose CIEE first and foremost because of their scholarship and financial aid help. As a low income Hispanic student traveling and studying abroad was a far fetched idea but CIEE’s tremendous generosity and help allowed me to experience Tokyo, Japan during my junior year of High School. Second after having read the program’s itinerary and comparing it with other programs I realized I felt that CIEE had exactly, if not more than what I was looking for and with CIEE I went to four different cities in Japan and learned a lot of the local culture, customs, food and language.

What did your program provider assist you with, and what did you have to organize on your own?

CIEE offered meet up points and airports, set us up with a language test before we left to check our level of understanding of the Japanese language and they had a lot of webinars and were on call the entire time. My mom was very paranoid about letting me go off with strangers to such a faraway country but CIEE was kind enough to keep her updated and called her frequently until they confirmed I was safely in their hands at the Narita airport. They provided us dorms, showers, buses, food, and great tour guides. As a full scholarship recipient there wasn’t much I had to organize on my own as everything was provided for.

What is one piece of advice you'd give to someone going on your program?

Please study the language beforehand, it’s a courtesy to the native people of the country as well as a courtesy to yourself because if you find yourself not knowing how to speak or communicate at least at the basic level it’s going to be difficult to navigate yourself sometimes.

Also one month goes by very quickly savor it as best as you can, I came in the program very shy and came out very confident but I feel like my shyness prevented me from fully getting to know more people and more of the city, let yourself be free mentally and you will enjoy the experience much more. I always tell my friends to not be shy with your fellow peers as you will be each other’s family for the time you are there and to trust yourself and your instincts, it’s all strange and overwhelming at first but you will adapt.

What does an average day/week look like as a participant of this program?

Busy but fun! Depending on the day but usually we have classes in the morning Mondays to Fridays and then after class you could either have free time and explore the city on your own or you will be put in groups and do prescheduled activities such as calligraphy, meditation, exploring parts of the cities. We also took a week off of Tokyo to visit Kyoto and Hiroshima, we did not have classes that week but we did get to explore many parts of the two cities both with the entire group and on our own. We also had three days visiting our designated host families.

Going into your experience abroad, what was your biggest fear, and how did you overcome it? How did your views on the issue change?

I was certainly nervous but my biggest fear would have to be if I was going to be well received by others in the program and if I was going to manage to get out of my shell. I realized I didn’t have anything to worry about because by the third day I was already having a blast with everyone. I realized people aren’t so difficult to get along with and that I should let go of the fear of being reserved and how others perceived me because when I did let go it became much easier to be myself and get along with others!

Staff Interviews

These are in-depth Q&A sessions with program leaders.

Michele Schreiner

Job Title
Program Observer
Michele Schreiner is a District World Languages Supervisor in a public school district in southern New Jersey.

What is your favorite travel memory?

Taking the group excursion to Greifswald, Germany as a wonderful opportunity for me. I was able to observe how the German Language program students and the Global Entrepreneurship students came together for one weekend.

We all traveled together by train to Greifswald, a quaint little picturesque town in the North on the Baltic Sea. We stayed at the Youth Hostel in town, which had a large open area for soccer and volleyball. It was great fun to watch the students get to know one another.

The architecture in Greifswald was beautiful and the students enjoyed the contrast between the big city life in Berlin and this adorable university town.

How have you changed/grown since working for your current company?

As a language lover, I needed an opportunity to become a language learner again. Going to Berlin provided the perfect opportunity for me to focus my language learning skills on learning German. While in Berlin, I sought out as many opportunities as I could to utilize German with the local people. I am grateful for having had this opportunity.

Additionally, I personally needed a good refresher on my metro-taking skills. Being in Berlin was the perfect remedy for this, as the city is enormous and one often must change trains 2-3 times in order to get to a destination.

If you could go on any program that your company offers, which one would you choose and why?

I would love to go to see the program in Valparaiso. As diverse as my school district is, there is little opportunity to meet people from Chile. I would love to see how different the Spanish language is in Chile and to see how their culture is.

The security in Berlin at the study center was quite impressive. I appreciated how hard the Program Leaders were working to keep all of their students safe. I think this type of experience is unique to CIEE.

The company hires American high school teachers who are accustomed to working with American teenagers.

The 4 Program leaders I had an opportunity to get to know worked very hard at putting together meaningful "Into the Community" programs for their students. They also impressed me with how quickly and how well they had already gotten to know the students in their charge.

What do you believe to be the biggest factor in being a successful company?

Personalization. I observed how well the Program Leaders worked with the German teachers in Berlin and how well they worked with the local CIEE employees in Berlin. All of these people working well together is what makes for a wonderful experience for the students, without their even realizing how many people are working behind the scenes to make it all happen.

Professional Associations

Gap Year Association Logo
Gap Year Association Logo
USA Gap Year Fairs Logo