Program Reviews

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Yes, I recommend this program

Spending an Academic Year Abroad 2022-23

API was an amazing group to go abroad with- the resident directors were amazing, helpful and accommodating, willing to help plan extra travel, get textbooks, and just be someone to talk to. They made sure I felt safe and well cared for. The trips that were included in the package were amazing with pre-planned tours around if that is what you wanted to do, or you could split and go your own way. The education aspect was also top notch and I enjoyed the classes that were provided as I am pursuing an art education major and art history minor. The school that they have paired with provides many different activities that you can do while there in and around the immediate Florence area all for free. The school also provides additional trips that you have to pay extra for but are well worth it. API is amazing and well worth going with as they have such a good safety net and resident directors that care for you and make sure that you are looked after, which you wouldn't get if you went directly through the school. Housing was in a great area and they bring you in a week early so that way you can get acclimated and figure your way around- they also do some activities with you like tours and cooking lessons, which is included in the cost, that help you feel more at home.

What was your funniest moment?
Instead of traveling during break, I decided to go on a museum crawl of as many museums as I could fit into my schedule. During this, I climbed the dome of Santa Maria del Fiore- 464 steps! Behind me was a couple who were majorly afraid of heights, so I started to talk to them about the history of the dome and it's significance as it was a topic that I had just learned about in one of my several art history classes. I ended up gathering a group of people who listened to my story once we were at the top and they didn't know much about the dome. It also helped that I gave free tours at Santa Maria Novella, which helped me brush up on my group speaking skills
  • I learned a lot and traveled to many places in and around Florence as well as Italy itself
  • I got to see a lot of art through the many museums that Florence contains
  • I gained a better sense of surety of myself and my abilities as well as independence and self sufficiency
  • Lots of walking- if you are not prepared or able bodied and can't spend a lot on cabs, it can be killer. Each semester I walked 350 miles. When it rains, the cobblestone gets slick, so make sure to wear grippy boots
  • It can get very busy and crowded, you have to dodge a lot of people and be wary of scammers and pickpocketers.
  • The heating crisis is big here so you should bring a winter coat and thermals in order to stay warm. If you have to study or do work, go to a library as they will be heated- my hands froze solid in my apartment, so much so I couldn't move them.
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No, I don't recommend this program

Unsafe and traumatizing

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I hope it will save at least one person from future, unforgivable damage. I went to the API program in London this past Spring and it was everything but safe and fun. I was in a co-ed flat with two guys and three girls. I ended up being raped by one of the guys. When I opened up to the program to let them know that I felt unsafe and traumatized, they didn’t care about what was best for me, a victim of rape, they only cared about what was best for their program. The only thing they did right was move him out of my flat, which was a given anyways. Other than that they said and did things that have haunted me everyday since. They moved him to another flat in the complex with a shared gym, lobby, and laundry room. Since we were living in the same complex I feared everyday that I would see him. I never wanted to leave my room and when I did do simple things, such as, laundry, I had to always have someone to accompany me. Things that they said were “we have to think about his mental health too, he’s very distraught from this.” This was devastating as they were acknowledging his “mental damage” for getting caught, but not mine of having my life ruined. I’m not trying to be dramatic when I say that. I get sharp flashbacks everyday of the situation to the point that I can’t function and uncontrollably cry. This happened 5 months ago and it will be something that will stick with me for my whole entire life. Their lack of empathy and action towards the situation was repulsing. They covered all of their bases to make sure that they weren’t legally in the wrong, but they were. They kept him in the program and verbally invalidated my experience so much that I questioned the goodness of the world. I was supposed to have a positive life changing experience as I was abroad. However, I can only say that my experience was negatively life changing. They said so many invalidating responses to me that I have tried to block them out of my mind as they were so damaging to my mental health. Every now and then their statements will creep back in and I will regress from my mental progress. I never went to the police because I thought “if this program doesn’t believe me because of the lack of evidence then why would the police?” I want people to be aware that their code of conduct does not line up with their actions. I suggest that if you want to feel safe, find another program, or at the very least, do not agree to a co-ed dorm.

Response from API

Dear Student - It is terrible when anyone has a traumatizing experience, and you have our most sincere compassion and empathy. As we would with any similar situation, we took this claim very seriously and acted promptly to initiate our Emergency Action Plan for this type of incident. This includes, among other things, providing immediate separation between the two individuals, assisting with post-trauma medical care and mental health support, providing the option to involve the local police, and conducting a full and comprehensive investigation by our Student Success Team. We understand the long-term impact an incident such as this can have, and if there is anything we can do to support you further at this time, please reach out to us at carolyn.lutes@apiabroad.com.

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Yes, I recommend this program

BEST Year of My Life!

I was lucky enough to spend my entire 2018-2019 academic year with API in Florence! I spent months digging through different study abroad programs and providers on GO Overseas' website trying to find the right program for me, and ultimately API was the winner.

I know one of the hardest parts when choosing a study abroad program as a student, is finding the right courses to satisfy your home university's requirements. API and LdM have a great system in place and not once was I worried about not getting into a course I needed or maintaining the right amount of credits. API truly stood out among the other providers because they offered such a wide range of courses that would satisfy both my major (psychology) and minor (studio arts).

The API ladies do a fantastic job on the local tours and I really enjoyed having the small weekend trips available to just API students.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you are worried about being able to satisfy your home university's requirements, I encourage you to explore this program. When I was in your shoes, there were very few programs elsewhere that had enough courses available to satisfy an entire year's worth of study.
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Yes, I recommend this program

I felt at home instantly - even if couldn't grasp the language as quickly!

I first chose Granada with API because it was all-inclusive and was less expensive than other programs. However, I never felt like my experience was missing anything, and friends who studied abroad elsewhere, but who visited Granada, always said they wished they had studied abroad there instead. They could see how happy I was! API brought us on excursions around the city (dancing flamenco in a cave!), to other Spanish cities (exploring the sunny Mediterranean coast of San Jose), and to Paris, France (museums and macarons - need I say more?). API encouraged me to take my classes in Spanish with other non-native speakers from around the world, and even though I was nervous those classes greatly increased my fluency. It was also easier to practice speaking Spanish with locals in Granada because English was not as prevalent there as in bigger cities. Living in a homestay also helped, especially when my señora would invite her extended family over for Sunday lunch. She was the BEST cook (#PaellaLife) who always took my dietary restrictions into account. For picky eaters worried about having to try new food, my señora introduced new things later on in the semester but that first week she provided things that were very familiar to me like spaghetti, yogurt, apple juice, etc. until she knew what I liked. Another perk of Granada being a small college town was that the cost of a night out was so cheap, which was convenient because there were always so many things to do! Getting dinner and drinks at a tapas bar meant only paying for the drinks because the tapas were free (yes really!) Plus, everything was so walkable you never needed a car or public transit unless you were going to the airport. I still dream of my time in Granada and am happy to say that in the years since I returned to the U.S., API has continued to provide support, resources and networking opportunities to keep me feeling connected to the international community!

What was the most nerve-racking moment and how did you overcome it?
Pick-pocketing is common in Spain, but it is easy to avoid if you make sure to keep your wallet in your front pocket or to wear a cross body bag. Despite the fact that I was told to never carry my purse in my hand, one day I did and a thief grabbed it and ran off before I could even blink. It definitely shook me emotionally but after speaking to Spaniards they all acted like it wasn't a big deal. While I was irritated at first, I realized that despite this being a common occurrence, it is completely avoidable if you simply carry your belongings properly. Also, I don't know of any thieves ever touching, threatening or harming the victims like they might in the U.S.. Very often victims don’t even know it happened until they reach for their phone or wallet later. Honestly, I felt safer there than in many U.S. cities!
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Yes, I recommend this program

API Study Abroad in Wellington, New Zealand

New Zealand is a spectacular country! Getting the opportunity to explore was made easy through the support of API. They helped handle logistics such as setting up classes and housing, and had on site support to help when miscellaneous challenges popped up. It made it easier to adapt and feel at home in New Zealand having the support of API. It also allowed me to focus on forming relationships, traveling, and explore all this country has to offer! This program is excellent! Would recommend to anyone looking for an adventure, outdoors enthusiasts, food lovers, and people who enjoy beautiful nature and being surrounded by good hearted people.

What was the most surprising thing you saw or did?
I had never heard of canyoning before New Zealand. We were on a trip in Queenstown and it was recommended to us so we went for it. We put on wetsuits and helmets and were ziplining, cliff jumping, rope climbing, and slashing around through canyons. This was a thrill and such a unique experience!
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Yes, I recommend this program

Thank you API & Company - Amazing!

I had not only a spectacular experience Abroad at the San José-based Universidad Veritas in Costa Rica thanks to the phenomenal Fall 2018 Language and Culture program created by API, but also an unforgettable one. Grew myself personally, taught me lessons, and gave me some amazing times I will cherish forever. Highly recommend the organization Academic Programs International (API), not just this program / studying abroad in Costa Rica via API! Studying abroad is the best thing I have done thus far, by far!

What would you improve about this program?
Not anything significant off of the top of my head. 5 stars.
Photo taken in front of a waterfall while on a trip through the Scottish Highlands
Yes, I recommend this program

Peak of my College Career!

I completely feel in love with Stirling and Scotland during the three months I was there! I spent the entire fall semester at the University of Stirling in Stirling Scotland. The campus itself is stunning. There is a castle and a loch in the middle of campus and hills behind it and so much open green space, it feels like it's in the middle of nowhere. Except its really not. The historic city of Stirling is just a fifteen minute bus ride away and Edinburgh and Glasgow are about an hour away by train! Plus, it is considered "the gateway to the highlands" so getting to highlands is also super easy.
Stirling has so much history, between the castle and the Wallace Monument there's so much to learn and you get to walk through all the places it happened, which is incredible! Through API we received Historic Scotland Cards that allowed us to get into so many historic sites all over Scotland for free (so go ahead visit the castle like six times!).
Academically, it was very different than what I was used to. First, they only take three modules (classes) a semester and classes are taught in two sections. Every week there is large lectures and then smaller seminar classes for each class. I took one class that I needed for my major and two free electives. For my two electives, I took a Scottish History Class and a British literature class. I highly recommend taking classes from a Scottish perspective they were so interesting and I feel like learned so much more about Scotland! The professors were so helpful and well informed. The academic buildings are very confusing and take a bit to figure out, but don't worry because you will not be the only who gets turned around!
The University of Stirling gives international students the option to live off campus but API had us select a specific on campus housing option. I lived with six other girls, from all over the world, in a cute little flat on the edge of campus. We each had our own room, and the common area had a full kitchen and living room. I loved living in that flat and with those girls who quickly became my friends!
One of the best parts about this API program was the excursions. We had a wonderful R.D. who showed us around Stirling, helping us figure where to buy groceries and how to use the bus. She also took us on trips to Glasgow and Edinburgh, but my favorite was the trip to Oban and Mull. It was a three day trip through the highlands to the western Coast and out to these incredibly beautiful islands. It was wet and windy the whole time, but what else do you expect from Scotland!
Studying abroad was always something I wanted to do and I do not think I could have found a better place and program for my semester abroad. Like I said before, I feel in love with the country and I am already planing to go back. API was extremely helpful throughout the whole process, and provided us with so many opportunities and resources throughout the semester. I made some incredible memories, met wonderful people and truly had the time of my life!

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I would try to visit more the surrounding towns. The public transport system is so easy to use and there is so much history in that area of Scotland that almost every town has a story, but I did not explore that many of them. I was much more focused on seeing some the bigger attractions, like the cities and highlands.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Awesome program

I studied abroad with API during the fall 2009 semester and my experience still positively impacts my life 10 years later! I loved all the things that were included in the program, such as the excursions and cultural events, and I felt truly supported by the API staff both in the US and abroad. While in London, API gave me the opportunity to grow more independent and confident and I developed a love of travel. I am still great friends with many people I met while abroad. I highly recommend every student study abroad!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Take every opportunity you have to explore London! There is so much to see and do and a lot of it is free! Check out museums, explore the thousands of parks, go to a lunchtime concert at St. Martin-in-the-Fields—all for free! Get out and walk around or use the Tube to explore all the unique areas around London.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Granada: My Home Away from Home

Throughout the beginning of university, I contemplated the idea of studying abroad. After my first year of college, I decided to take a leap of faith and complete an application to study abroad in Spain. I want to be a bilingual teacher and studying abroad provided the opportunity to improve my Spanish proficiency. I also strive to advocate for equality and cultural diversity, which studying abroad enabled me to learn more about. I chose to study abroad in Spain since it is located in Europe, providing me a chance to travel to other countries as well. However, my favorite part about Spain (specifically Granada) was either the culture or the connections that I made. Granada embraced diversity and acceptance of others, regardless of their background. The people that I met in Granada were selfless, kind, and willing to help me reach my full potential. There were many important lessons that I learned while abroad. However, the self-discovery that I embarked on during my time abroad made my experience truly unforgettable. The transformation that I saw in myself made the experience extraordinary. The growth, lessons, and memories gained abroad made my experience in foreign countries so much more meaningful for me. Additionally, the people that I met and lessons that I learned truly made my experience abroad life-changing in the best of ways. I am still in touch with friends as well as my host mother. I still implement the lessons that I made into my daily life as a way to remember how much I have grown since the moment I left America for the first time. The people that I met and lessons that I learned truly made my experience abroad life-changing in the best of ways. I have also continued taking Spanish classes in order to stay proficient in the language. Being abroad inspired me to consider teaching English abroad after I graduate. For these reasons, I feel that my time abroad has influenced my life more than I ever expected.

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
I wish that I immersed myself more in the Spanish culture. Traveling throughout Spain as well as interacting with more of the people in my community would have provided me with additional knowledge about the country as well as create more genuine connections. I also wish that I allowed myself to fully leave my comfort zone. As humans, we often stay confided in the environments and situations that provide us with a sense of safety and comfort. However, leaving one's comfort zone is such a life-changing experience, especially when it occurs abroad. As someone who often reflects on my international experiences thus far, I really recommend doing the things you fear most in order to truly grow during your time abroad.
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Yes, I recommend this program

A Sweet as Experience!

If you're looking for a high adventure and culturally immersive experience, API's study abroad program at the University of Otago is for you! I studied at the University of Otago in Spring 2017. This is an experience that I will always cherish and talk about forever!

I lived in a university-operated flat with undeniably diverse and charming flatmates. Our house consisted of 5 international students and a Kiwi host who showed us around our host city and taught us about Maori culture. One thing that I love about my flat was that it was only about a five-minute walk to campus and about a ten-minute walk to the grocery store. Additionally, my flatmates made my experience living in Dunedin the best because of all the fun experiences we shared together such as going to the beach, flat dinners, studying, and road trips!

Academically, I took courses related to my major at home. Some of the courses I took were Adventure Education, Maori Society, Management, and Language. My Maori society class was very informative about the Maori culture. Additionally, this course had guest speakers which gave introspective lectures about the Maori culture.

I began my semester abroad with an orientation in Rotorua. API hosted this event which welcomed and oriented us to our host country. This was a fun and adventurous experience with activities such as ziplining among the treetops, luging, experiencing a Haka dance, and touring active geothermal sites in Rotorua. The API excursions were high adventure and culturally immersive. My favorite excursions include touring Speights brewery, jet boating, and visiting the Albatross sanctuary.

On a normal weekly basis, my week consisted of studying and attending lectures from Monday- Thursday and going on an adventure on weekends with my flatmates, girls from my API program, and friends I've made. Some of these adventures include backpacking, visiting Queenstown, camping, and lots of hiking.

My API resident coordinator was always there when I needed her. She was a local and knew all the local hotspots and was my number resource for anything. She arranged a taxi for me when I arrived at the airport when the university's pick up service left without me. She then met me at my flat shortly after I arrived to make sure I arrived safely. My first night in Dunedin consisted of getting to know my flatmates, eating dinner with my API group, and unpacking!

I'm absolutely happy with my experience at the University of Otago and I am glad that I chose API' s study abroad program. I know that I can always call Dunedin and the University of Otago a place to call home!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
If you can, try to attend during the Spring semester which is the beginning of the school year in New Zealand. You don't want to miss O-week which is orientation week at the University of Otago. There are university-sponsored concerts and special events. I got to see New Zealand's popular band Six60 play at the Forsyth Barr Stadium.