Multiple Locations +3
  • Panama
  • Costa Rica
  • Mexico
Subject Areas
Education Global Studies

Program Details

Program Type
Direct Enrollment


Starting Price
Price Details
Include: Meals, onboard programs, onboard accommodation (shared occupancy) port programs, transportation during port programs, tips, and port charges
Does not include: airfare to and from program, travel insurance, visa expenses if necessary, and misc personal expenses
Passport must be valid through February 28, 2021
Participants are responsible for obtaining visas if necessary per nationality
Achieving the SDGs requires mobilization of young people through entrepreneurship, volunteering, research, education and other endeavors. Scholarships (program fee and travel expenses) will be provided under the “Youth for the SDGs” theme. Below are application criteria's. Further details will be provided.
Mar 09, 2021
Aug 14, 2024
2 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

Youth for the SDGs programs average two weeks in length and visit three to five countries and focus on SDGs related to climate and, development.

Activities include:
- Presentations by guest educators from the countries visited as well as Peace Boat staff.
- Special workshops for Youth for the SDGs program participants focusing on media engagement, networking, advocacy, policy, and other key skill sets necessary for their work.
- Each participant gives presentations and workshops to the onboard community about the issues each faces in their respective communities and countries, and their work to address the issues.
- Cultural activities and integration in the larger onboard community.

Expected outcomes for participants is to gain a better understanding of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and deepen understanding of sustainable development and the various stakeholders involved, including government agencies, IGOs and NGO.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • SDG Study Program and “Youth for SDGs” Scholarship

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Program Reviews

5.00 Rating
based on 4 reviews
  • 5 rating 100%
  • 4 rating 0%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Academics 4
  • Support 4.75
  • Fun 4.75
  • Housing 4.75
  • Safety 5
Showing 1 - 4 of 4 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program

Amazing learning and cultural immersion program

I was with Peace Boat during the global voyages 114th and 116th in 2023 and 2024, sailing through the Panama Canal to Guatemala and Mexico. And then, from Punta Arenas in Chile to Ushuaia and Buenos Aires in Argentina, through the Strait of Magellan.

During this programs, I learned about marine conservation, indigenous communities, different ways of living and also opened the door for a lot of opportunities that without this program couldn't be done.
I highly recommend it for young professionals!

25 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

Latin America - Summer 2017

The Latin American voyage from Panama to El Salvador in the summer of 2017 was an incredible experience for me. The program helped me gain an understanding of several cultures very different from my own. We had the opportunity to eat the local cuisine, explore the area, and interact with the people while learning about the efforts of these regions to achieve the United Nation’s 17 sustainable development goals. Getting to see and speak to the people was what I found most meaningful. You get the opportunity to hear their stories as they impart their wisdom to you. It can be rather eye-opening at times to talk to people my age who have a very different life. This program gives you the chance to get to talk and get to know some of the locals. It was a great opportunity and all the participants were wonderful people to spend time with as well.

135 people found this review helpful.
Yes, I recommend this program

5 reasons why I loved Peace Boat

1) I travelled with a purpose: discovering places, meeting new people from different backgrounds, in places that just being tourist would not happen.

2) In this world, every world fits: our travel was in Latin America, but onboard you meet many different cultures from many different countries.

3) My "country" doesn't define me: I had my culture, but after meeting other places on Peace Boat, I took and learned other people's great characteristic and make it mine, to be able to build my own personality, you also discover that onboard we are all seeking the same "peace and understanding"

4) You have fun in an academical programme: this programme is supported by an academical background, which after having so much fun you realise that it looks great on your CV.


122 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Valuable Experience, Expanded Perspective

Overall, I had a very meaningful experience with Peace Boat during the Peace Education and the SDGs in Latin America. I was very glad that the group got to see both the municipal and the traditional sides of the places we visited. The overnight stay we had with the Embera indigenous community of Panama was absolutely amazing, very rich culture and very kind, genuinely joyful people. Life on the boat also offered many opportunities to see various lectures and attend programs, though I wish our stay on the boat was more longer and more immersive, though I do understand we had a tight and very full itinerary. Hope you consider Peace Boat!

132 people found this review helpful.

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