  • Thailand
    • Hua Hin
    • Chiang Mai
120 hours
Training Type

Program Details

Teaching Practicum
Job Placement


Starting Price
What's Included
Accommodation Activities Airport Transfers Transportation Wifi
Aug 03, 2022
Nov 02, 2023
4 travelers are looking at this program

About Program

XploreAsia offers a one-month, internationally accredited TESOL / TEFL and Cultural
Immersion Program, a strong peer network, and job placement across Thailand. Based
in the beautiful beach resort town of Hua Hin, just three hours south of Bangkok, the
program includes a 120-hour internationally accredited TESOL / TEFL course
specifically geared to teaching English in Thailand. Students receive comprehensive
training from teaching professionals, gain valuable teaching experience through a two
day teaching practicum in a Thai school, and learn about Thai culture through an
in-depth and exciting week of cultural excursions, Thai language lessons, and
classroom lectures by experts in Thai culture, politics and society. The XploreAsia
TESOL / TEFL and placement program ensures students make a smooth transition into
living and teaching in Thailand. Our network of thousands of students in Thailand also
ensures you always have a supportive and nearby network of likeminded teachers.

Video and Photos

Program Highlights

  • Gain a qualification to allow you teach and travel the world
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the theories, concepts and principles of teaching English as a second language
  • Immersion in Thai culture through many active-learning cultural excursions, such as Thai cooking, Muay Thai, volunteering in a stray animal rescue organization, dharma talk and meditation with a Thai monk, and self-empowerment workshops
  • Enjoy 24/7 in-country support throughout the stay
  • Earn an internationally recognized 120 hour TESOL certificate accredited by Accreditat

Program Reviews

4.94 Rating
based on 47 reviews
  • 5 rating 93.62%
  • 4 rating 6.38%
  • 3 rating 0%
  • 2 rating 0%
  • 1 rating 0%
  • Benefits 4.85
  • Support 4.9
  • Fun 3.45
  • Facilities 4.2
  • Safety 4.95
  • Instruction 4.75
  • Support 4.85
  • Value 4.75
  • Academic Rigor 4
  • Job Assistance 4.85
Showing 1 - 8 of 47 reviews
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Yes, I recommend this program


My experience was cool, new country and culture, great team and new knowledge. Great support from the company, team and organization.it is a new opportunity to expand yourself in a new environment and to share with others about your vision and your knowledgesIt was also a unique experience for me, as I had no idea how children learn a foreign language, and thanks to this program I now have an idea and experience in this. It's also a good experience to look at your adaptation and look for ideas to solve different situations.
Thank you☀️

  • You can develop yourself amf your skills in teaching
  • You can travel
  • You can meet awesome people
  • You need to manage yourself
  • May be you will feel a homesick
  • Unfamiliar environment it is always challenging
42 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program


Great overall experience. I’ve heard of many companies offering similar onboarding services for Asian countries. XA in my opinion and comparison experience to one other service, stands out in that it is easy to feel that all the staff here want you to succeed. It’s a subtle difference in this world when any service provider is focused on numbers versus quality of experience. XA fits squarely in the latter.
500 word character demand, request, compulsion ……………………..………….yaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Schedule changes
  • Dedicated staff
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Schedule changes
40 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

XporeAsia - TESOL - Thailand

During my time in Hua Hin taking my TESOL course with XploreAsia, there was a lot to process and keep up with. I was learning new things, acclimating to a new climate, adjusting to a new culture and language, and all the little things that you don't realize you'll have to go through when arriving.

But here's what you should know if you are considering this program: they are serious about helping you bloom here and helping you become an amazing teacher. They care for you and offer you help for every step. And when you're in an emergency or just have a question, there are multiple people in the program who you can contact. They are always happy to help in any way they can so that you have a better experience. But, this program is going to stretch you and help you build new skill sets. You're going to have to do things you really don't want to do. You're going to be put in situations where you don't know where you're going or how to get there. You're going to have to confront your what-ifs and anxieties. You will face culture shock and homesickness.

You're also going to discover what an amazing person you are and how much you can grow. You're going to try new things and find out things about yourself you'd never know. You'll become friends with people who are completely different from you, and you'll find yourself closer to them you'd ever guess. You're gonna go to them when all you want to do is go home, and they'll commiserate, buy you food and then dunk you in the ocean. You'll laugh and tell yourself you can do this. And when you meet your students you'll remember why you decided to go on this crazy adventure. You're gonna think there's no way you can do something, and then do it and find you're really good at it. Or maybe really bad, but you liked it so much you want to do it again and again until you're better at it. You'll also find doing something by yourself isn't so bad, and reaching out for help isn't as scary as you thought. You'll find trying to learn the language is frustrating, even if you've already learned one or two - and then you'll have a Thai try to teach you and it ends with both of you laughing at your horrible pronunciation. And then you'll try again.

This program is equipping you to learn how to fall. Which sounds weird. But here's the thing. You're going to fall. It's inevitable. Gravity and new experiences are unforgiving like that. So, yes. You will probably hit the ground. Maybe eat some dirt on the way down and have some scraped knees and palms. But with this program, you'll know how to fall so it's not so bad, not quite as scary, and you know exactly how you're going to get back up. And you'll know how to do it regardless how many or how few times it happens. If you don't know how to fall and you don't know how to rise, trying something new becomes a lot harder.

It's going to be uncomfortable. It's also going to be a hundred percent worth it.

So if you are considering this program, give it a go. You might just discover how much of a brave and amazing person you really are.

  • They're encouraging at every step.
  • They try to help you in any way they can so you can succeed.
  • It's a great way to push your limits if you need a little help and courage to do it.
  • Due to time difference, sometimes you are on your own prior to the start of the course to figuring things out. I had a 12 hr time difference when preparing to leave my home country, and that sometimes caused some problems for me.
  • You have to deal with government stuff and paperwork. It's going to be a pain. It will always be a hassle. There's also no way around it and they help you with every step.
  • Sometimes timelines are cramped. It's a lot of rush-rush-wait prior to starting. So it's okay during the wait times and then you have something you need to get done ASAP. That can be stressful.
45 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Great support from Xploreasia

From start to finish, I never felt alone, I felt supported and valued. The tefl course was challenging enough to keep me motivated and I feel it prepared me for life as an English teacher in Thailand. The staff at Xploreasia were very professional and helpful and also fun! I really like the orientation week as we got to do lots of fun activities that also taught us about the culture and history of Thailand - such as the Thai cooking class, visit to the temple. Although covid was always a threat looming over us, we were able to make the most of our visits and excursions. All in all, great experience! Highly recommend to anyone who is thinking about doing the program. It was a perfect way to meet people as well!

96 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

Explore Asia and Yourself

It has been four years and 2 months since I left my hometown of West Chester, PA, boarded a plane at Philadelphia International Airport, and traveled 23 hours from Boston to Dubai and then to Bangkok. I traveled to Thailand to teach, and I intended to stay for only six months. Instead, I stayed an entire year, and was tempted to remain there even longer in my tiny town in the Northwest corner of the country. In Thailand, I explored myself, I explored people, and I explored a culture that was, at times, bewilderingly different from my own. It was, simply put, one of the best years of my life, and XploreAsia put me in position to experience it.

Upon landing in Bangkok, I was shepherded, along with a group of my fellow travelers, to a small corner of that living city, to a tiny hotel on a tiny street with an incomprehensible name. Since our rooms wouldn't be ready for another hour or so, a group of us dropped our bags in the lobby and headed out into the surrounding streets and the sweltering heat. To a pasty American from the Northeast, it was initially intolerable. By the end of my year there, I grew to love the warmth and the near constant sweating.

That was our first adventure. The next would come later that night while, teaming up with many of the same people, we launched into the Bangkok night on Tuk-Tuks, frantic little buggies which careened through the labyrinthine streets of Bangkok and the Tetris-like traffic. After a night on the infamous Khaosan Road, it was time for much needed rest. The next day, we would begin our two hour journey to Hua-Hin, the site of our TESOL course.

Being a coastal town on the Gulf of Thailand and an attractor to farang tourists and Thais alike, Hua Hin was the perfect landing zone for a group of foreigners finding themselves thrust into the streets of a place that was very different from home. Upon arrival, we were taken to our accommodations. Some of our 70+ group stayed in a series of little cottages closer to the beach, while others of us stayed in a hotel a little outside of town called Glory Place. I was in the latter, fortunate to have a pool and a small gym all on the hotel grounds. Outside our walls, a little village laid host to a favorite restaurant of mine, a little shop where I would drink and eat with the locals, and a beautiful temple atop a nearby hill, perfect for viewing the sunset.

That month in country, from April 1st to the 29th, was a whirlwind. I met countless wonderful people, both Thai and of the Western world, and learned how to teach English as a foreign language with a small group of my peers. The coursework was substantial, but not overly challenging. Our greatest hurdle was submitting ourselves to the vulnerability needed to teach in front of our peers and hear their feedback. By the course's end, this environment forged a strong bond between us all. For many of us, this bond would last throughout our year in country, as well as the years since we have returned home.

In that month there was partying, of course, but there was adventure to and exploration of some truly remarkable places. We took a day trip to Phraya Nakhon Cave, a day hike up and into a sheer cliff on a scenic coastline of white sands and shimmering, turquoise ocean. Inside the cliff, in a world-sized cave with an opening in its ceiling and sunlight pouring through, a small altar to an ancient temple. Add to this trips to the local mall, an elephant sanctuary, an island populated with monkeys and an abandoned Buddhist monastery, and a pineapple farm, the price of taking the course in country is worth its cost. Without a doubt, spending that first month soaking in the sights and sounds of Thailand proved indispensable.

By the end of April, the XploreAsia staff had set us up with a school and accommodation somewhere in the country. They did their best to accommodate our desires and wants, and you would do well to limit your expectations. As one of the XploreAsia staff members related to us within the first week, "you may not get the experience that you want, but you will get the experience that you need."

Being a reasonably open minded person, I was able to get both. In the first few days of May, I arrived in Tak, my quaint little town in the Northwest of Thailand, settled in a valley surrounded by hills and nestled alongside a river. There I would live a life that, years later, appears to be that of someone else's: a novel, quiet, and remarkable life marked by adventure and simplicity.

My journey after that is long and too much to relay to you here. But what I can tell you is that XploreAsia, and subsequently Thailand and my experience there-in, was a means to profound personal growth. Without my experience with XploreAsia, I would not have been armed with the tools necessary to navigate that beautiful and befuddling Eastern world, and more importantly, the perspective and sense to navigate my own here at home.

So, go ahead. Explore Asia. Explore yourself.

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
Limit your expectations. No, you probably won't live by the beach and hang out with Leonardo Dicaprio and a fun group of surfers. But you will find that beach, and you will hang out with the most incredible people, even in your little, no name town in the middle of nowhere.
127 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

First class top dog second to none experience

Due to extensive experience of bad luck with many courses affiliated to different fields of interest i was very weary when first enrolling on this program back in April 2018. However the company has completely changed my way of thinking. based on an astonishing customer service approach.
Not only was I welcomed warmly on day one, and supported the entire duration of my course.....The company has gone beyond expectation assisting me further, a year on from training,
swift response to emails. good explanation in times of delay. very approachable warm and friendly..........
The course itself was very thorough. every key component explained in depth. the instructors want you to pass....I am dyslexic though passed with ease due to the kind and supportive nature of trainees. Never be afraid to ask questions ( i am a bit shy in that department)
I had a million questions regarding visas etc. the team are experts on everything...very knowledgeable and explain things thoroughly....
In a nutshell 150 value for money

If you did this all over again, what's one thing you would change?
With great respect............I hate to end on a negative e though felt there were some hidden costs needed prior notification....e,g I had to goi to bangkok for a CRB.......then there was a month in rears for accommodation and then the visa run.....though on the contrary not worth moaning about as had fantastic training and now a great future helping children....i love kids

Jacko the crazy south African is fantastically funny and an amazing warm heart teacher....from experience in teaching.....we need people like him though be warned youll be in pain laughing
120 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

XploreAsia Truly Embraces Adventure and Changes Lives

XploreAsia was one of the best experiences of my life. From the first minutes at the airport to the moment you go off to your placement, the staff is there to help with all needs. The cultural course and TESOL training are world-class, and the family atmosphere is very welcoming to all participants. I went through the course in April and it was amazing to be part of the Thai New Year.
Moving to a new country can be difficult but having the support of a good company, like XploreAsia, is crucial to a smooth transition.
The best parts for me were the adventures, learning the culture and language, adapting to a different environment, and making lifelong friends. The experience changed my life and it was the impetus to get my Master's degree in education and continue to work abroad.

If you want to have top notch guidance on the absolute adventure of a lifetime, contact XploreAsia.

What was your funniest moment?
My funniest moment was when I got dressed in traditional Thai clothing (with makeup) and did a choreographed dance routine in front of 200 people at the school director's retirement party. Practicing for it beforehand was funny too.
129 people found this review helpful.
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Yes, I recommend this program

XploreAsia Marketing Internship

I actually participated in the marketing internship at XploreAsia instead of the TESOL course. This experience allowed me to understand the back end of the company and all of the different programs to teach abroad. I learned a lot about each of the different countries that they place teachers in and the difference between each culture. This was the perfect opportunity to develop my marketing skills in an international setting. I wrote five blog posts to help potential teachers understand what XploreAsia offers. I also created instagram highlight stories for each program to feature teachers and aspects of the program. As far as the logistics of the program goes I didn’t have any trouble with the application process or the visa. The staff was always super friendly and helpful and answered any questions I might have. I’ve travelled before but I found it quite easy to adjust into my new routine working in Thailand. Overall, I had the best experience!

What is your advice to future travelers on this program?
For the internship specifically, keep in mind that you’ll still be working 8:30-5:30 M-F so it’s not all play. Come in with some great ideas and projects so that the work week will fly by and you can travel on the weekends!
129 people found this review helpful.

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